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1、告知友人新址函May 10, 2005Dear Cindy,How have you been lately? Sorry I havent written in such a long time. In the future, Ill make an effort to write you more often.I will be moving to Houston next week to take a job in a law office there. My new address will be 1324 Park St. I am almost finished packing a

2、nd hopefully the move itself will go smoothly.Though Houston is several hours drive from San Antonio, its a lot closer than Phoenix. I hope that Ill occasionally be able to visit you or vice versa. Write me and let me know how youre doing.Sincerely,Albert Coleman亲爱的辛蒂:你近来好吗?抱歉我这么久以来都没有写信给你。未来,我会尽全力更

3、常写信给你。下个星期我将搬到休斯敦去,并在那里的一家法律事务所上班。我的新地址是公园街1324号。我几乎已完成打包了,希望搬家很顺利。虽然从圣安东尼奥开车到休斯敦要好几个小时,但是那比凤凰城近太多了。希望我有时候能去看你,反之也希望你能来看我。请写封信给我让我知道你近来如何吧。艾伯特柯尔曼敬上2005年5月10日字词解说:1. in the future今后例:In the future, we will assign this kind of task to Robert.(今后,我们将把这种工作指派罗勃特来做。)2.effort 努力make an effort to V尽某人最大努力=s

4、pare no effort to V=try as hard as one can to V=try/do all one can to V=try/do ones utmost to V=try/do ones best to V例:Simon made an effort to prevent his wife from finding out what happened.(西蒙竭尽所能防止他太太发现端倪。)3.move 搬家,迁居move to+地方名词搬到例:Stacy moved to Hong Kong last year.(史塔西去年搬到香港。)4. Houston 休斯敦(美

5、国德州东南部的一个港都及工业城)5. finished 做完的be finished-l-V-ing=have finished+V-ing例:I am finished writing the letter.=I have finished writing the letter.(这封信我写完了。)6. pack pk vi.包装,打包例:Well leave as soon as you have finished packing.(一旦你打包好了,我们就出发。)7. hopefully haupfaly ad.作为希望;但愿例:Hopefully I can finish the work by ten.=I hope I can finish the work by ten.(我希望在十点能完成这工作。)8. smoothly (事情)顺利地2


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