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1、山西省忻州二中2018-2019学年高一英语上学期11月月考试题一.单选题(每题2分,共30分)1.- What is the _of graduate students going to university in your school?-About 98 percent.A. numberB. size C. percentage D. amount2. Today the students in the countryside should have easy_computers to keep up withthe modern times.A way ofB way toC. ac

2、cess ofD. access to3. Xinjiang is not only nationally known _its fruit, especially its seedless grapes, butis also known _a tourist attraction.A. as: asB. for: forC. for. AsD. as: for4. My father _his little store rapidly into a big department store in the past ten years.A has developedB developedC

3、is developingD. develops5. Computer-buyers are very happy because the price of computers has_a lot since lastmonth.A gone downB. brought up C. gone up D. brought down6.- What a beautiful picture!-Its years _I painted a picture as beautiful as thisone.A. thatB. sinceC before D when7. You must get a g

4、ood night sleep first, _much work you have to do. A. although B. no matterC however D. whatever8.- Why dont you buy the necklace since you like it so much?-I_, but I dont have the moneyA. would B will C should D may9. _our earth, or else it will be no longer for us to live on.A Protected B To protec

5、t C protecting D. Protect10. They have _signs in some places to remind(提醒)the visitors not to step on the grass。A put on B put upCput down D put out11._,people are beginning to realize how serious the situation is. A .Fortunate B. FortunatelyC .Being fortunate D. Being fortunately12. This is the thi

6、rd time I_ Hong Kong. The second time I_ here was on Christmas Daylast year. A have visited; came B have visited; have come C visit; came D visited; had come13. The dog was approaching_ the garden when she ran out.A. to B. towards C. for D./14. _students are required to take part in the boat raceA.

7、Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong youngC. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese15. _of the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and_ of them are men teachers.A.The number; the small number B A number; a small numberC.The number; a small number D A number; the smal

8、l number二 单词拼写:(每题3分,共30分)1. The internet is one of the biggest _(来源)of information in the world. 2. It is said that kites were originally made for _(军事)use in our country. 3. We are owners of the house, so I personally think they shouldnt get into our house without _(允许). 4. Im sorry to tell you th

9、at we are unable to give you a _ (明确)date of the meeting for the time being. 5. The average _(百分比)of women village officials is now higher than 16% all over China. 6 The internet is _(可用)through both computers and mobile phones. 7. As students, we must _(集中)our attention on our lessons. 8. There are

10、 many _(优点)in making computers as small as one can. 9. According to the latest _(统计), the mainland has become the largest export market for Taiwan. 10. Children should be encouraged to be _(独立)thinkers. 三.阅读理解(每题4分,共40分)【A】Lao Yang was born in a small town. He liked reading when he studied at school

11、. He thought the writers were respected(尊敬) and could get a lot of money. He wrote a lot of stories and posted them to the editorial departments (编辑部) but didnt receive any answers.Now he works in a factory. Hes busy at work. When hes free, he always reads something. He always remembers he hoped to

12、be a writer when he was young. One day, Xiao Ping, his ten-year-old daughter, came back. She looked worried and didnt eat anything. She said Miss GAO, her Chinese teacher, told them to write a solicit article(征文) My Father that evening. But she did not know what to write.Thats easy, said Lao Yang. L

13、et me help you.Then he sat down to write the solicit article at once. He easily finished it on time. He was sure Miss GAO would like it. But one afternoon he asked his daughter if the article had been chosen to post to the editorial department.My teacher said your article digressed from the subject(

14、离题), said the girl.I dont think so, Lao Yang shouted angrily. I described(描写) just my father!1. Lao Yang wrote a lot of stories because _.A. he likes readingB. he learned much at schoolC. he wanted to be a writerD. he wanted to help others2. Lao Yang posted the stories to the editorial departments,

15、_.A. and he got a lot of money B. and he became a famous manC. and he was respectedD. but he failed3. As _, Lao Yang decided to help his daughter.A. he was a writerB. he was freeC. he wanted to realize his ideal(理想)D. he wanted to make his daughter happy4. Lao Yang hoped _.A. his article could surprise the teacherB. his article could be chosenC. the children could like his articleD. everyone could soon know him5.



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