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1、2013届高三一轮英语课时作业 Module 6 Old and New(外研版必修3陕西专用).单项填空1You wont go to Kathys wedding party,will you?Yes,_invited.Aeven ifBifCunless Das2How_did you_cleaning your classroom that afternoon?Aoften;cost Bmuch;playClong;spend Dsoon;take3Why are you so late?Bad luck.A car accident happened not far outside

2、the town,and so we were_on the way.Astopped BkeptCheld up Dprevented4He was born and_up in this town,_he left at the age of 16.Agrew;where Bgrew;whichCbrought;where Dbrought;which5Dim lights and soft music are supposed to _a romantic atmosphere.Aproduce BtakeClook Dappear6The project under_in the ci

3、ty will be completed at the end of this month.Acontrol BconstructionCdiscussion Drepair7Lizs painful story_us with a clear example of the dangers of drug abuse.Aprovides BsetsCaffords Dcharges8What do you think of the speech?The speaker said _nothing worth listening to.Anearly BhardlyCscarcely Dalmo

4、st9_twice a year,whether it is a car or a bus or a truck,is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.AExamining BExaminedCHaving been examined DBeing examined10Recently some Chinese experts_that another law on wildlife protection_as soon as possible.Asuggested;must be passedBhave suggested;

5、be passedChave suggested;passDsuggested;would be passed11_the term is finished,Im going to rest a few days and then take a trip.ANow that BEven ifCAs if DSo that12I would have come earlier,but I_that you were waiting for me.Ahadnt known Bdidnt knowCwould have known Dhavent known13Nowadays the power

6、of the wind is being _ to generate electricity.Aharnessed BmadeCproduced Dexploited14Youd better get up early.The early train is _to leave at five in the morning.Apossible BprobableClikely Dperhaps15We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so lets have _one this month.Athe other BsomeCanoth

7、er Dother.句子翻译16他当医生的愿望实现了。(come true)_17听到这个消息,她再也忍不住放声大哭。(hold back)_18这栋建筑是19世纪80年代所建。(date)_19我要求你把我的名字从你的名单里去掉。(remove)_20More importantly,with the popularity of electronic cards,less paper is used for making paper cards,which is an effective way for environmental protection._.完形填空Communicating

8、 clearlyto your boss,coworkers,friends,children,and spouse (配偶)is a critical part of your success and your _21_ to improve the conditions you live and work in.Many people think that good communication is born,not _22_,and that some people are just _23_ good speakers and motivators.They think the res

9、t of us are just _24_ to sit on the sidelines.Communication is a habit.And being a habit it can be _25_ and mastered.It is _26_ an important habit,in fact,that it _27_ its own step,its own place _28_ the path to success.Its also a little different._29_ the other good habits you are trying to _30_,th

10、is one is not just about selfdirected control and inner focus._31_ is interaction outside yourself,with other people,and about the _32_ to judge a situation so that you _33_ the right thing at the right time.Life is about the _34_ with other people: those above us (our boss),those _35_ us (our colle

11、agues,friends),and those who look up to us (our employees and children)The _36_ of communication is about how to make _37_ with each of these groups so that they can help you achieve your _38_,and you,in turn,can help them achieve theirs.For even though you are on the road to selfimprovement,its not

12、 a _39_ you are taking in a vacuum (真空)If you cant communicate with people,you have dramatically _40_your chances for success.21.A.ability BpartCdesire Dintention22A.formed BbuiltCproduced Dmade23A.clearly BnaturallyCobviously Dsimply24A.supposed BdevotedCdelighted Ddecided25.A.affected B createdCdesigned Dlearned26A.but BjustCsuch Dso27A.deserves BdeclaresCstates Dproves28A.along BforCwith Don29A.Unlike BLikeCAs DDespite30A.maintain BtrainCnourish Ddevelop31A.Success BCommunicationCHabit DLife



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