牛津译林版英语7B Unit4单元测试卷含答案(PDF版)

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1、1 第四单元测试卷 姓名 班级 得分 第 I 卷 选择题 共60分 一 听力 共20分 第一部分 听对话回答问题 计10分 本部分共有10道小题 每小题你将听到一段对话 每段对话听两遍 在听每段对话前 你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目 听完后 你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案 在听到 嘀 的信号后 进入下一小题 1 Where are the speakers going for the class trip next Sunday A B C 2 What can be seen to the north of the Panda House A B C 3 Which sign ar

2、e the speakers talking about A B C 4 What is the man looking for A B C 5 Which of the following is true A The speakers are going to the zoo tomorrow B The zoo was much smaller before C The speakers want to help clean up the zoo tomorrow 6 What will the speakers do this afternoon A They will go fishi

3、ng B They will go shopping C They will go skating 7 What does the woman want to do A Get a taxi B Take the underground C Go across the street 8 How will the speakers travel to Suzhou A By bike B By bus C By train 2 9 Where is Sunshine Restaurant A It s at the end of the street B It s on the left of

4、the park C It s on the right of the park 10 Who does the woman want to meet A One of the man s friends B The man s parents C The man s cousin 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题 计10分 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文 各听两遍 听每段对话或短文前 你将有时间阅读相关 小题 每小题5秒钟 听完后 每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案 听一段对话 回答第11 12小题 答题完毕 请等待 嘀 的信号 进入第一篇短文 11 What is the man

5、 looking for A Jinling Hotel B The train station C The underground station 12 Where is the underground station A It s next to the train station B It s next to the shopping mall C It s next to Jinling Hotel 听第一篇短文 回答第13 15小题 请根据短文内容 选择正确答案 完成信息记表 答 题完毕 请等待 嘀 的信号 进入下一篇短文 How to get to Nick s home Why

6、Lily will come to Nick s houseLily will come to Nick s home 13 How to find Dragon Garden Take the No 14 bus and get off in front of Star Shopping Mall The flat that Nick lives inOn the 15 floor of Building 13 13 A to have a chat B to study C to have a party 14 A 25 B 35 C 45 15 A eighth B tenth C tw

7、elfth 听第二篇短文 回答第16 20小题 16 What is the speaker going to do on Sunday A He is going to have a picnic B He is going to go hiking C He is going to have a football match 17 Where is the speaker going to do that A On the top of a hill B By a lake C Near a river 18 How long does it take to go from the riv

8、er to the hill A Fifteen minutes B Ten minutes C Five minutes 19 What is on the other side of the hill A A lake B A football field C A river 20 When will the activity begin on Sunday A 8 00 a m B 9 00 a m C 10 00 a m 3 二 单项选择 共15分 每小题1分 21 Who is that woman on TV pop singer I often listen to her son

9、gs A A B An C The D 22 Dave doesn t like playing volleyball but he likes playing piano A the the B the C the D 23 Speak slowly Mr Wang I can t you A follow B hear C listen D see 24 Excuse me can you tell me the station A the way B to the way C the way to D the way to get 25 Excuse me haven t you lea

10、rned the new law Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt Sorry We won t do that again A food B traffic C medicine D education 26 We are happy you a birthday party for our friend Nancy A inviting for B to invite for C inviting to D to invite to 27 This chair is a bit high Can your dog jump it Of co

11、urse I m sure he can A through B along C over D above 28 There are lots of trees on side of the road A both B all C each D other 29 the help of the computer information can every corner of the world quickly A With arrive B With reach C Under arrive D Under reach 30 Both Hangzhou and Shanghai are the

12、 east of China Shanghai lies the north east of Hangzhou A in to B to in C in in D to on 31 Could you buy me today s Yangtze Evening for me when you walk the newspaper stand A along B across C past D into 32 Please don t stand near the pandas They can be sometimes A friendly B lovely C dangerous D qu

13、iet 33 Do I have to wash my clothes I m afraid you You should learn to do something by yourself A need B have to C can t D can 34 which is the nearest way to Hill Building A Sorry B Hello C Excuse me D Thank you 35 I will meet you at 16 00 at the school gate Don t be late OK A You re welcome B It so

14、unds interesting C That s right D See you then 4 三 完形填空 共10分 每小题1分 In Nanjing there are many 36 going around the city and they cost only 1 or 2 yuan for each ride So many people like to 37 a bus to school or to work When an old man gets on the bus do you always 38 your seat to him Some people on the

15、 bus don t like to help the old people They just close their 39 listening to music or pretending 假装 to be asleep without looking at the old people Some turn their faces to look 40 the windows When the bus driver keeps asking them to help the old people they won t listen to him or her However we shou

16、ld 41 each other 42 we may need others help one day To be a helpful person you can let the old people get on the bus 43 you you can give your seat to them and you can also give your seat to a woman 44 a child Then all the people will live a 45 life 36 A undergrounds B buses C bikes D cars 37 A ride B take C drive D go 38 A give B bring C let D borrow 39 A mouths B eyes C doors D windows 40 A at B for C out of D into 41 A help B ask C smile D kind 42 A so B because C and D but 43 A before B behin


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