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1、高二英语M5U3 Revision期中复习讲义- M5U3IWord transformation词性 词义 词形变化1词形变化21. anxiety_ _ _(a.)2. intention _ _ _ (v.)3. legal _ _ _(ad.) _ (op.)4. transform _ _5. crime _ _ _ (a.)6. original _ _ _ (ad.)_ (n.)7. judgement _ _ _(v.)8. conduct _ _ _ (n.)9. majority _ _ _ (a.)10. summary_ _ _(v.)11. consideration

2、 _ _(v.)12. hunger_ _ _ (a.)13. nutrition _ _ _(a.)14. reliable_ _ _(v.)15. accurate_ _ _ (n.)16. frighten_ _ _(a.)17. agriculture _ _ _(a.)18. profit _ _ _(a.)19. permit _ _ _(n.)II. Useful phrases1.point at /to / out 2. toy with ones feelings 3.即将做某事,离。不远 4.以。为目的或意图旨在做。 _7.属于某人自己的 单独的_ 8.领养别人的孩子采纳

3、某人的意见_ 9.努力推进 10.成功做某事(3)11. as a consequence _as a consequence of 12. 在我看来(note)在我看来(point of view) _持有。观点 _以幽默的语气 _13.对。不负责任14.put everything in place 15.关于(regard) 16.仿效某人17.进行一项调查18.大多数的。占大多数 _19. 总之 (3)_/_/_19.认真考虑20. 吓得要死21. 本质上;在自然界22. 从。中受益23. 请求许可 未经许可24. 对。谨慎25.同意,赞成(favor) _请某人帮忙 _ 帮某人一个忙

4、 _26. 供出售 _27. 确切的说 _28. Heavy snow promises a good harvest. _29. 取得突破 _30. 证实某人死亡 _31. 自然资源 _IIISentence Translation1.He had never felt more like talking to anyone. ( 否定词加比较级,相当于表达最高级含义)我们班没有人比杰克更用功。2.I will _(考虑) that I would visit her when free. (it 形式宾语)3.他指责那个年轻人玩弄他女儿的感情。( accuse of / toy with)

5、4.He is on the way to becoming a famous singer.5.这样不得人心的政策是很难推行下去的。(用 push ahead with)6.他用幽默的语气结束了他对员工们的演讲。(on a note)IV.Multiple Choice1.While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made _ discovery which completely changed _ mans understanding of color.A. a; / B. a; the C. /; t

6、he D. the; a2. As is known to all, the first bridge _ across the Hangpu River, the Songpu Bridge River, needs repairing.A. to build B. built C. having been built D. being built3. Recently, to maintain national balance, the Chinese government has _ a policy of encouraging college graduates to take po

7、sitions in rural areas.A. adapted B. admired C.adopted D. admitted4. - The news upset many people that CPI climbed to 6.1 percent in November.- Well, it was the first time that the CPI _ above 6 percent this year.A. was B. had been C. has been D. is5. The South Pole is a key area which influences gl

8、obal climate and _ any damage to it will cause global change.A. instantly B. constantly C. consequently D. frequently6. An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.A. does B. did C. has to D. had to7. The statement said five people died at the scene in this accident, while 15 others, their tea

9、cher included, were _ dead by the afternoon.A. convinced B. described C. submitted D. confirmed8. The factory _ 20,000 bicycles a month.A. turns into B. turns up C. turns in D. turns out9. The company has made _ effort to develop technology in _ hope of seizing chances on the market.A. an;/B. /;the C. an;the D. /;/10. -Why did you leave him as he was? - But what _ otherwise? He never listens to me.A. could I do B. should I do C. could I have done D. must I have done11. - How shall I take the medicine?- Two pills a time, with bo



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