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1、Unit 1 First ContactWORD CHECK (I)marketing Managerperson in charge of the marketing departmentcomputer Manager person in charge of the computer departmentto be over to be here on a visit from another countryhost person who invites or receives gueststhese partsthis area1. LISTENING (I)You are going

2、to hear a number of people introducing themselves. Some of the introductions involve two people, some involve three. As you listen, number these conversations in the order you hear them.A Hello, Im Nice to meet you, My names.B Hello, let me introduce myself. My names. Pleased to meet you, Im.C I don

3、t know anyone here. Youll have to introduce me. Of course. Roger, this is. Nice to meet you.D How do you do? My names Nice to meet you. Mines.E I havent met your Managing director yet. Oh, Im sorry. Doctor Mannheim, this is Very nice to meet you.F Let me introduce you two. Maxine, this is Francis. N

4、ice to meet you.G Could you introduce me to the Marketing Manager? Of course, Philip, Let me introduce you to .Nice to meet you 2. READ AND LEARNWORD CHECK (II) Plc Public Limited Company. A company whose shares you can buy on the Stock Exchangeannualevery year, yearlysoftwareprograms for a computer

5、 systemdevelopmentplanning new productsPersonnel departmentsection of a company which deals with staff welfare, records,training and recruitmentcolleaguefellow worker in a company or professionAccounts Department section of a company which deals with money paid or receivedmarket researchexamination

6、of the possible demand for a product before it is put on the marketPersonal Assistantsecretary who provides special help to a manager or directorFinance section of a company which controls a companys moneyProduction Departmentsection of a company which deals with the making of the companys productsf

7、ashion designerperson who plans new styles in clothes 1. LISTENING(II)Manders Plc are having their annual party. Listen to the dialogues overheard at the party. Match up the peoples names with their type of work. The first one has been done for you.2. READ AND LEARNNamesType of work1. Peter2. John3.

8、 Susan4. Mike5. Sarah6. Mr fields7. Martin8. Jean9. Jeans husbanda. Productionb. Personal Assistantc. Software developmentd. Market researche. Fashion designf. Personnelg. Accountsh. Salesi. Finance3. PRESENTATIONWe use a variety of prepositions to indicate work relationships.e.g. I work for Manders

9、(they are my employers)I work at Manders (the place)I work with Manders (a sense of collaboration)Im in computers (general type of work)Im on the market research side (general type of work)Im in the Sales Department (specific place of work)4. PRACTICEGroup work1. Introduce yourself to the others.2.

10、Introduce the other two to each other.3. Ask to be introduced.4. Tell your job and place of work.Unit 2 Company Organization-Presenting the CompanyWORD CHECK (I)organizationalshowing the way a company is organizedstructureorganizationManaging Director Director who is in charge of a whole companyexec

11、utivesPeople who put decisions into actionpersonnelstafftrainingteaching employees how to do somethingrationalisationmaking more efficientregionpart of a country / an areato splitto dividematrix (basis)organized according to two sets of criteria, e.g. geographical and functionalsectionpart of a comp

12、anysubsidiarycompany which is owned by a parent companyaffiliatecompany wholly or partly owned by another company1. LISTENING (I)Listen to the presentation about Rossomon Plc., complete the organization chart below.2. READ AND LEARN3. PRESENTATION This section demonstrates some of the language used

13、to describe an organization in terms of: l Hierarchy l Responsibilities/functionsl Titles l Affiliates l Structure Hierarchy The company is headed by the MD. The Sales Director reports to the MD. The Sales Director is under the MD. The sales Director is accountable to the MD. The Sales Director is s

14、upported by a sales team. The Sales Director is assisted by an Assistant Sales Manager. Responsibilities/functions The finance Department is responsible for accounting. The R&D (Research and Development) Department takes care of new product development. The Administration Manager is in charge of per

15、sonnel. Titles Below are the main managerial titles with the US equivalents in brackets: Chairman (President) Managing Director (chief Executive Officer/Senior Vice- President) Finance Director (Vice-President-Finance) Sales Manager (Sales Director)Note: The Directors and Chairman of a company usually sit on the Board of Directors (Executive Board)AffiliatesX is the Parent company. A, B and C are subs


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