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1、2015届高考英语二轮专题训练精华:主题匹配(2)主题匹配A.Get involved in some organizations.B.College only lasts four(five,six) years.C.You never know what your classmates may become.D.It will help build up self-confidence.E.It is important for you to keep good grades.F.Time management can be a useful skill in college.How to

2、 succeed in collegeLife in college is completely different from life in high school.Succeeding in college is not tough.But no longer are you that big fish in a small pond.You are the little fish in a big pond.No longer does everybody know who you are,or even care who you are.So how do you get your n

3、ame out?The following will help you make a lasting impression on your campus.1. Dont join too much,but be different in what you become involved with.Through involving yourself,you will make a ton of new friends with your interests,you will have a lot of fun,and you will learn a lot about yourself an

4、d what you can do.2. Whether you can have scholarships or financial aid depends on having good grades.Some organizations that you will want to get involved with will only allow people with certain GPA(各科成绩的平均积分点)to apply for.Plus,many larger companies will not even consider your resume if you do not

5、 have at least a 2.5 or higher,depending on your major.Yes,studying gets boring.But if you want to succeed,you must spend time studying.3. At most universities,you pick your own schedule,so its not the same thing every day.You need a good way to keep up with that.Schedule in study time!If you schedu

6、le it in,it is easier to do,and becomes more effective.Also,be sure to include birthdays of your classmates,friends and professors!It speaks a lot of you if you remember to send them a card or an email wishing them a nice day.It will make you look ten times better,and put you at the top of your clas

7、s.It may also help your grade at the end of the semester!4. One of them may be the first woman president or the inventor of time travel.Be friendly to these people.Spend hours talking to them.Get to know them,and let them get to know you.The people you get to know will follow you the rest of your li

8、fe.You will see your high school friends in many years,but your college friends will be the ones that come to your wedding,visit you on your birthday,and hang out with you often.Take them out to restaurants or coffeehouses.Go on road trips or adventures.Build relationships as you build your college

9、memories.5. And you are only a freshman(一年级新生)once.Do everything you can.Remember this:Youll never regret the things you did,but you will regret the things you didnt do.There is nothing stopping you.You can go as far as you want,and do anything you choose.So do it!Dont be afraid,or nervous,or embarr

10、assed.You only live once,so live!答案:15 AEFCB主题匹配A.Bring only what you need.B.Have a good journey.C.Stay healthy.D.Plan carefully.E.Be observant.F.Be careful of who to tell.How to stay safe on a cruise shipIn order to make the most out of your trip on a cruise ship,safety should be your main concern.

11、When you do that,everything will just fall into place.The following are just some of the simplest yet the most important tips one can use to avoid the worst vacation you never dreamed of.1. When you decide to take on a cruise,you need to take everything in consideration.You have to make sure about t

12、he company that operates the ship.Knowing a little about their history coupled with several feedbacks from customers will truly help you decide so much easier.Call the company and inquire about their regulations such as a report summary of the ships sanitation(卫生设备),maintenance,food handling,quality

13、 of water,disease and pest control.2. Once you have selected the best cruise ship and have already made all the arrangements,never announce it to the whole world.You can tell it to the people closest to you but never broadcast it on the Internet especially on social networking sites.Do not be over e

14、nthusiastic about it on cruise ship forums and websites.You do not want persons with criminal intent to know when your house is going to be empty.They surely will have a holiday emptying your house.3. Your valuable things should safely stay at home.You are on vacation to relax and to get back to the

15、 basics of life.Dont forget your medications,vitamins,sunscreen,extra bottled water,enough cash,toiletries,and the rest of the things that you necessarily need to bring with you.It would help a lot if you set them down on a piece of paper or save them in your mobile phone or PDAs.4. Once you step ou

16、t of your home and go to the outside world,you should always be acutely aware of your surroundings.Take note of the ships structure and design.You dont have to be an architect to locate where the exits and entrances are.Just take a mental note of everything that you come in contact with including the guests and the crew.Never trust anybody.Remember you are on a cruis


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