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1、寒假专题 掌握倒装的条件、区别全部倒装与局部倒装倒装句的用法:1. 疑问句。(局部倒装)如:Will you please give me a hand? Are you a teacher? Which one do you like better? Where do you come from?2. so, neither/nor,no more引起的倒装。(局部倒装)如:He can swim. So can I. He cant swim. Neither/Nor can I. He often goes to school late. So does she. He never ea

2、ts meat. Neither/Nor does she. I was very angry, so was I. I wasnt doing my homework at that time. Neither/Nor was he. She doesnt care much about sweets, no more do I.3. 全部倒装A:一些表示地点的副词或介词词组开头的时候,要用到倒装。(there,here,now,then,prep. + n.,in,out,down,up,back,over,away,off等)如:Out rushed Tom. Here comes th

3、e bus. There goes the bell. There are some people in the room. The door opened and in rushed a stranger. Under the tree sat a boy.注意:在此种倒装中,如果主语是代词(如:he, she it, they, we, you, I等),那么此句就不倒装。如:Out he rushed. There he goes. Here you are. Here it is.4. 全部倒装B:引用话语时,说话人在内容之后,用倒装。 如:“Thank you!” said Jim.

4、 “I must study hard.” thought Tom. “You must stop talking!” shouted the teacher. 5. 局部倒装A:一些表示否定或半否定意义的副词开头的时候,要用到倒装。这些副词主要有:not, never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely, little, notuntil, nowhere, by no means, in no way等;以及often, always, once, many a time, now and again, every other day, every two

5、days等;方式状语thus。 如:Never did he think about others. Hardly could he understand what the teacher said. Seldom/Scarcely/Rarely has she gone abroad. Little does he know about computer. Nowhere does he come from. Not until I got home did he finish his homework. Not until I called him did he get up. By no

6、 means/In no way should you do it. Often does he get to school late. Always does she speak highly of her father. Many times has he been there. Every two days does he come here. Thus was he cheated.6. 局部倒装B:no soonerthan, hardlywhen, sothat和not onlybut also中的倒装,当so和not only提前的时候,这两个词所在的句子用倒装。 如:No so

7、oner had I got to the station than the train pulled away. Hardly had I left the room when she began to cry.So late did he get up that he could not get to school on time. (原句为He got up so late that he could not get to school on time.) So excited is she that she cant help crying.(原句为She is so exited t

8、hat she cant help crying.) Not only did he give him some money but also he helped him with his crops.(原句为He not only gave him some money but also helped him with his crops.)7. 局部倒装C:以only开头的句子,并强调句子中状语时,要用到倒装。 如:Only at that time did I know that I was wrong. Only in his room can he have a rest. Only

9、 in this way could he work out the problem. Only this morning did he hear the bad news.8. 局部倒装D:as当“虽然”讲时,要用倒装。 如:Tall as he is, he cant reach the branch. Young teacher as he is, he teaches well. Do as he would, he was a little unwilling. 【典型例题】例1 _ she come to see me.A. Often B. Never C. Always doe

10、s D. Only(答案为C,表示频率或否定及only副词提前用局部倒装)例2 _ reading stories, but also she could even write some.A. Not she only enjoyed B. Not only she enjoyed C. Not only did she enjoy D. Not she did only enjoy(答案为C,not onlybut also提前,用倒装)例3 _ that she couldnt say a word. A. Such sad she was B. So sad was she C. Suc

11、h sad was she D. So sadly she was(答案为B,sothat句式中so提前,so所在的句中用倒装)例4 Here _ a letter and some apples _ you.A. are, to B. is, for C. are, for D. is, to(答案为B,here be同there be句式一样存在就近原则)例5 Look! _.A. Here comes the bus B. Here the bus comes C. The bus comes there D. Here does the bus come(答案为A,地点副词提前用全部倒

12、装)例6 On the table _ a book and two pens.A. there are B. there is C. are there D. is there(答案为D,地点状语提前用倒装)例7 In _ a tall man while I was reading a book in the library.A. did come B. come C. came D. comes(答案为C,同上)例8 At the end of the street _ a very tall building.A. standing B. stands C. does stand D.

13、 stand(答案为B,同上)例9 _ he got home _ the good news.A. Only when, he knew B. Only after, he knew C. Not until, did he know D. Not until, he knew(答案为C,notuntil及only提前的句式中,主句要用倒装)例10 Hardly _ catch what the teacher said.A. he can B. he could C. can he D. could he(答案为D,否定副词提前用倒装,时态一致)例11 Little _ about him

14、.A. we know B. we do know C. do we know D. know we(答案为C,同上)例12 He cant talk in a cinema, nor _.A. you can eat B. you cant eat C. can you eat D. eat you can(答案为C,nor/neither表示“也不”倒装)例13 No longer _ run.A. I can B. can I C. I D. do I(答案为B,否定意义的词或词组提前用倒装)例14 Only by this means _ you _ some hope of getting there on time.A. might, have B. and, have C. or, have D. , have(答案为A,only提前强调方式状语引起的倒装)例15 _ he managed to make himsel



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