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1、江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习学案:M5U1 Getting along with others单词(二)学习目标:1. 掌握学案中词组、句子及用法2. 学习在语法中运用单词重点词汇9.get along相处;进展(回归课本P1)What do you think the proverbs tell us about friendship and getting along with others?你觉得这些谚语在友谊和与他人交往方面给我们一些什么样的启示呢?归纳拓展get through(to sb.)(用电话)接通,打通,联系上;到达(某人处)get through to sb.使某

2、人理解,使某人接受(所讲的话)get through(sth.)顺利通过(考试等);用完,耗尽;处理,完成,做完get over解决,克服,控制;从(疾病、震惊等)中恢复常态get sth.over to sb.向某人讲清某事;让某人明白某事get about走动,到处跑;消息传来get back回来;恢复;取回 get into进入;陷入;被录取get off从下来 get rid of摆脱,除掉get out of出去,离开 get up起床;站起来get round/around传开;绕开困难;传播get into the habit of.染上习惯get together聚会;碰头ge

3、t down to sth.开始做某事;开始认真注意(或对待)某事Im getting along well with a boy in my class.我跟班上的一位男同学一直相处得很好。Hi,Bob,how are you getting along with your spoken report?嗨,鲍勃,你的口头报告准备得怎么样了?I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt get through.我试着往她办公室打电话但就是打不通。Id love to.But Im just getting over the flu.我很乐意去,但我的流感还在

4、恢复中。Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.公共交通为人们游览北京提供了低价位的出行方式。Were expecting more business as word gets around.随着消息传开,我们预期会有更多的业务。Isnt it time you got down to marking the papers?不是到了你开始批改试卷的时间了吗?(1)Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do.Lets_it.Akeep u

5、p withBdo away with Cget down to Dlook forward to(2)After that,he knew he could_any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.Aget away with Bget on with Cget through Dget across(3)He thought he would be able to_cheating in the exam!What a fool!He deserves the punishment.Atake the

6、place of Blook forward to Cbring about Dget away with(4)I dont think that your lecture_the audience,for they appeared quite puzzled.Agot across to Bgot close to Cgot away with Dgot along with10.in trouble有麻烦,处于困难中(回归课本P3)A friendship in trouble. 处于困境中的友谊。Do you easily lose heart when you are in trou

7、ble?身处困境时,你会很容易灰心丧气吗?He took the trouble to gather the materials for us.他不辞辛苦地为我们收集材料。(朗文P2209)I just told him the truthI didnt mean to get you into trouble.我只是把实情给他讲了我不是故意要给你惹麻烦的。(1)没有一件事要比帮助陷入困境的人带给他更大的快乐。Nothing gives him more pleasure than helping someone_ _. (2)你不必麻烦去做那些复杂的实验。You neednt_ _ _ _t

8、hose complicated experiments. (3)孩子们在深雪中行走有点困难。The children_ _ _in the deep snow.11.keep ones word信守诺言(回归课本P2)I was so angry that I went straight to Hannah and told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt keep her word.我非常生气,于是径直走到汉娜跟前告诉她我们将不再是朋友因为她不守诺言。归纳拓展break ones word食言,失

9、信,不守诺言word by word一字不差地,逐字地eat ones words收回前言,道歉认错;食言have a word with sb.与某人谈话have words with sb.与某人发生口角get in a word插话in other wordsthat is(to say)换句话说,也就是说in a/one wordin short/to be short简言之;总之word came that.有消息传来说【注意】word“诺言,保证”,多用作单数,其前往往有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰;word“消息,信息”,用作不可数名词,其前不加冠词。Busy as he w

10、as,he kept his word. 虽然很忙,他还是信守了诺言。In a word,good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.总之,认真倾听确实能使我们拉近彼此的距离。In other words,there are not many people in the world like me.换句话说,世界上像我这样的人并不多见。He told me all you said,word for word.他把你的话逐字逐句地告诉了我。I was very angry and had words with

11、him over money.我很生气,和他就钱的事吵了起来。Where is Peter?I want to have a word with him.彼得在哪里?我想跟他说句话。 (1)小心点,杰克经常不履行他的诺言。Be careful.Jack often_ _ _.(2)你可以相信我,我会信守诺言的。You can trust me to_ _ _.(3)你去开会之前,我们能说句话吗?Could we_ _ _ _ _ _before you go to the meeting?(4)总而言之,我不信任他。_ _/_ _,I dont trust him.(5)家里传来消息要我回去。

12、_ _ _I was wanted at home.(6)Mr.Jackson often depends on others._,he doesnt do things by himself.AIn a wordBIn one word CIn other words DIn no word12.discourage sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事(回归课本P11)Mum discourages me from chatting online.妈妈不让我上网聊天。同义短语还有以下几种表达方式:prevent sb. from doing sth.stop sb. from

13、 doing sth.ban sb. from doing sth.keep sb. from doing sth.prohibit sb. from doing sth.Schools discourage youngsters from being involved in gangs.学校劝阻青少年不要加入帮派。Theyve put barriers up to stop people (from)getting through.他们筑起了街垒,阻止人们通行。Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre.机动车辆

14、禁止在市中心行驶。(1)艰难的形势并没有阻挡她追求她的梦想。The severe situation did not_ _ _ _her dream. (2)你不能阻止我吃我想吃的东西。You cant_ _ _ _whatever I want. (3)她已经被禁止开车达六个月之久。She_ _ _ _ _for six months.(4)(2011年华师附中检测题) His parents made every effort to_him from going abroad,for they thought it unnecessary.AencourageBdiscourage Cenforce Ddisagree句型解析1【教材原句】I was so upset that I felt like crying.(P2)我当时觉得太难过了,甚至都想哭出来了。【句法分析】so.



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