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1、天津市静海区第一中学2019-2020学年高二英语12月学生学业能力调研试题考生注意:本试卷分第卷(选择题)、第卷(非选择题)和第卷(听力)三部分,满分150分。知 识 技 能学习能力总分内容语言知识语篇能力听力理解学法150分分数41分64分20分25分第I卷 (选择题)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节; 满分41分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分;学法题共2小题,每小题2分,共4分;满分19分)(基础题)1. Im going to Appleby tomorrow. _! Im going up there, too. A. Go ahead B. Good luck

2、C. What a coincidence D. Cheer up2. If you are _ a food or drink, you can remove it from your diet. A. cautious about B. allergic to C. satisfied with D. associated with3. I didnt mean _anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help _it. A. to eat; to try B. eating; trying C .eating;

3、to try D. to eat; trying4. Susan has _ more than 5,000 dollars in the last three months, with which she can buy new bicycles for those poor children. A. accelerated B. accompanied C. accumulated D. acknowledged5. How do you know Jimmy will come out first in the final exam? _.He is always working har

4、d and he is very clever. A. You are right B. Its my guess C. No wonder D. No offence6. _ teens are using the Internet for both social and intellectual development, they are also facing significant challenges on how to manage their relationships online. A. UnlessB. While C. Once D. Until7. We tend to

5、 have a better memory for things that excite our senses or _our emotions than for straight facts. A. find out B. appeal to C. put down D. come across8. In China, Chinese chess and table tennis are very popular among teenagers, many of _ have been playing them since they were very young. A. who B. th

6、em C. theirsD. whom 9. He was faced with the severe financial _ of caring for his wife and five children. A. status B. burden C. target D. absence10. _ the ups and downs in my life, I eventually realized what life was all about. A. ExperiencedB. Having experienced C. To experienceD. Experiencing 易混易

7、错【学法题1】:请写出第10题的考点。 11. I have watered all the plants in the garden. Thanks, Tony, but you _ then. Its reported that there will be a storm tonight. A. couldnt have watered B. neednt have watered C. could waterD. neednt water 12. Toms wife was saved in the earthquake and he was so grateful that he de

8、cided to help some poor children _.13. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and _ this creates further problems. A. in turn B. in brief C. in return D. in all易混易错【学法题2】:请写出上述12、13 小题中4个短语动词的意义。 14. John didnt come along, _ making it necessary for us to get someon

9、e else to replace him. A. anyhow B. however C. thusD. besides15. A large amount of solar energy_ electrical energy since amounts of advance equipment _introduced. A. was converted into; were B. were converted into; was C. have been converted into; was D. has been converted into; were第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每

10、小题1分,共20分;学法题每小题2分,共4分;满分24分)(中等题) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将其涂黑。Zuriel Oduwole is a girl filmmaker who has made several films with her newest one called Follow the Ball for Education. All her 16 focused on Africa and girls education and rights.Zuriel got her 17 in filmmaking

11、after entering the National History Day Contest. The requirements of the contest were to do research on a 18 topic. Zuriel 19 to do a documentary. She traveled to 20 former head of Ghana, as her documentary focused on the Ghana Revolution. The film was released in 2012.For Zuriel, the most 21 thing

12、she learned from the experience was a(n) 22 to create more films. This has taken her all around the world and given her 23 to exciting stories and people, and Zuriel is very busy. Balancing schoolwork with these events can sometimes be a(n) 24 .Although her films were at the beginning about 10 minut

13、es long and her last two documentaries were about 55 minutes long, the time it took to 25 the documentaries was much longer than that. Take Follow the Ball for Education for example. Zuriel had spent the last three years 26 on it. But obviously, all her hard work has 27 . Zuriel is 28 the worlds you

14、ngest filmmaker. But for Zuiel, one of the biggest 29 is knowing that she is making a difference.She also launched the Twitter hashtagFollow the Ball for Education, which focused on Zuriel taking a soccer ball across three continents to gain more attention to girls 30 . To girls who are facing hardships in their countries, Zuriel 31 them “to fight, speak, and dig in”. Besides making films, Zuriel has 32 students how to make films in fiv



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