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1、介绍克赖斯特彻奇Gabrielle来自新西兰的克莱斯特彻奇,那是怎样一个地方,听他介绍一下吧。Todd: So, Hello!Gabrielle: Hi! Todd: Can you say your name please?Gabrielle: Gabrielle: Todd: Gabrielle. Now, Gabrielle you talked to us last year. Gabrielle:Thats right!Todd: And you said that youre from Christchurch?Gabrielle: Uh-huh, from Christchurc

2、h in New Zealand. Todd: OK, can you talk about your city?Gabrielle: Absolutely! Absolutely! Well, Christchurch I guess compared to Japan is pretty small, but for New Zealand its quite a big city. I think its a great place. Yeah, weve got the beach, the mountains, yeah so city center and nature, real

3、ly close. Todd: Sounds nice! How many people live in Christchurch?Gabrielle: Oh, thats a good question. Gosh! Were certainly not up to a million! I guess about 600,000 people. Todd: Wow, thats it! Just 6!Gabrielle: Thats it. Big city in New Zealand! Todd: Wow! So theres three big cities in New Zeala

4、nd!Gabrielle: Thats right! Thats right! Were probably the second or third biggest city. Todd: Uh, whats the transportation like?Gabrielle: Well, I use my bike usually or a car. We certainly dont have the trains like Tokyo, but theres a bus system. Its not too bad, but most Kiwis have cars. Yeah, mor

5、e convenient. Todd: OK, now can I ask you about costs?Gabrielle: Sure! Sure! Todd: OK, and you can say Japanese yen prices.Gabrielle: Yeah! Yeah! Todd: How much is an apartment? A one bedroom apartment, downtown?Gabrielle: Well, to be honest we dont have that style. Weve got plenty of space so we us

6、ually rent a house which has three bedrooms and a garden, for example, and much cheaper, much, much cheaper. Im just trying to convert. Todd: Three bedrooms and a garden!Gabrielle: Yeah! And often we go flatting which means we share the house with maybe a couple of friends, probably pay about, I was

7、 paying $80 a week for my room so, oh, sorry my conversion rate is not working too quickly at the moment. Todd: Thats really cheap though!Gabrielle: Its incredibly cheap. Yeah, much, much cheaper! Much bigger! Todd: Wow! sounds like a nice place! OK, how much is, New Zealand prices OK, how much is a

8、 loaf of bread?Gabrielle: A loaf of bread! To get the good bread, probably about $2.50 a loaf, yeah, so, maybe about, oh sorry, my conversions not working, Ive been in Tokyo for too long! Todd: How about a movie ticket?Gabrielle: A movie ticket would be about $13, so its much cheaper than here. Yeah

9、, definitely! Todd: And bus fare!Gabrielle: Bus fare, a dollar fifty, two dollars for one way. Todd: How about if youre going to buy your friend a sweater, a nice sweater, how much would that cost?Gabrielle: Well, I like the good outdoor brand sweaters so I would probably say about $50 but an everyd

10、ay sweater you could get about $15 New Zealand. Yeah. Todd: OK, Wow! Sounds like a great place. Oh, and last one, the weather, when is the best time of year to visit?Gabrielle: Oh, summer, definitely. Todd: So thats December?Gabrielle: Yeah, so were going into summer now so December to February, but

11、 we have four seasons in one day, so you can count on all weather even within summer. Yeah! Yeah! Todd: Do you have a really bad month to go, where the weather is not nice?Gabrielle: Yeah, usually June, July, it probably rains the most, but we still get gorgeous sunny days in the winter so, yeah theres not really any bad time. Todd: Oh, sounds nice! Thanks Gabrielle!Gabrielle: No, problem!


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