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1、Module 5 Unit 2 The environmentDictation 1 Welcome -Reading (P22-25) I Phrases1. 走往常的程序进行辩论 follow our usual schedule for debates2. 展开自由讨论 open the floor for discussion 3. 导致留下更少量的鱼让我们食result in a smaller number of fish left for us to eat4. 需要更多的土地生存 need more land to live on5. 减少产量 cut back on prod

2、uction6. 变成一个大问题 turn into a big problem7. 考虑回收废物 think about recycling our waste8. 关心目前的情况 be concerned about the present situation9. 逃避某人的责任 hide from ones responsibility10. 给他们更多的认可 give them more credit11. 为未来几代人拯救环境 save the environment for future generations12. 生产大量的货品 produce a large quantity

3、 of goods13. 把大量的污染物排入环境pump a lot of pollution into the environment14. 用光了原材料 use up the raw materials15. 克服这些挑战 overcome all the challenges II. Fill the blanks according to the passage of Reading.Lin Shuiqing says that factories produce large numbers of harmful chemicals, which go into the (1)atmo

4、sphere and (2)flow into water, making people sick and killing river and sea life. Much sea life is being destroyed by fishing boats. The worlds population has grown by six times (3)what it was in 1800. We should cut back on(4) production, recycle our waste, and teach people environmentally friendly

5、ways of living. Qian Liwei says a healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time. The people (5)operating these factories are deeply (6)concerned about the environment. He doesnt agree to cut back on the amount of things because then jobs will be lost. He does agree that we

6、should produce more things from (7)recycled materials rather than (8) raw materials and we should pass more better laws to preserve the environment. He also finds many people (9)_willing_to pay slightly higher prices for environmentally friendly things. Besides, factories which pollute the environme

7、nt should have to pay higher(10) taxes. IIIFinish the sentences according to the Notes (P63-64).1. 总统随后讲话并回答了记者的提问。The president then took the floor and answered the journalists questions.2. 令我感到惊讶的是,那小女孩笑起来和她母亲像她那么大时一模一样。To my surprise, the young girl laughs the same way that/in which her mother di

8、d at her age.3. 你喜欢杰克和我们一起住吗?Do you like the idea of Jack living with us?4. 大多数医生认为吸烟有害健康。个子高。Most doctors hold the idea that smoking is harmful to peoples health.5. 虽然很多篮球运动员很高,但在NBA成功并不一定要Though many basketball players are tall, one does not have to be tall to succeed in NBA.Module 5 Unit 2 The en

9、vironmentDictation 2 Word power -Project (P26-39) I Phrases1. 在国内外引起关注 raise concern both in China and abroad 2. 依赖长江取水 rely on the Yangtze River for water3. 大范围的鱼类和野生动物 the wide range of fish and wildlife 4. 教育人们保护这河流的重要性 educate people on the importance of protecting this great river5. 阻止非法捕猎动物 st

10、op the illegal hunting of animals6. 将野生动物的数量置于危险中 put the wild animal population in danger7. 一个水土保持项目 a water and soil conservation project 8. 用树或草来代替他们的庄稼 replace their crops with trees or grass 9. 白鳍豚自然保护区 nature reserves for white-flag dolphins 10. 中国政府和人民的努力 the efforts of the Chinese government

11、 and people11. 有很长的路要走have a long way to go12. 吸收/释放二氧化碳 absorb/let off carbon dioxide 13. 被排放到大气层 be put into the atmosphere14. 找到一种满足感 find a sense of satisfaction15. 尽你的职责来帮助解决问题 do your part to solve the problemII. Fill the blanks according to the passage of ProjectProtecting the Yangtze RiverTh

12、e health of the Yangtze River has (1) raised concern both in China and abroad. Organizations and projects have been set up to deal with the problem. A water and soil (2)conservation project resulted in farmers replacing their crops with trees or grass. Another special government project includes nat

13、ure reserves for white-flag dolphins, one of the (3)rarest animals in the world. We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems (4)in regard to the Yangtze River. But with people realizing their responsibility, the situation is improving. The efforts of the Chinese government and people wi

14、ll be (5)appreciated for years to come.Climate change and a low-carbon lifeThere is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years. Gases such as carbon dioxide are to (6) blame. Many human activities let off carbon gases. Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their (7)engines, a

15、nd electrical power (8) plants burn fuels to produce electricity. Therefore, the more petrol and electricity we (9) consume, the more carbon we are letting off. What we can do is to walk or use a bicycle, use as little energy as possible and plant trees which (10) absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.IIIFinish the sentences according to the Notes (P63-65). 1. 原材料的缺



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