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1、高考英语听力强化冲刺题Test16(3)http:/www.DearEDU.com听力理解( )13. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Interviewer and interviewee. C. Employer and interviewee.( )14. How soon will the man get out? A. In seven months. B. In three months. C. In four months.( )15. Why does the

2、man stay in the mine? A. There are various equipments in the mine. B. Living underground is funny. C. He feels less troublesome there.( )16. What does the man do for fun? A. Reading books. B. Talking with others. C. Visiting his sister. 听第9段材料,回答第17至18题。( )17. Whats wrong with Mr Smith? A. He took h

3、is wifes advice. B. He insisted on getting up. C. He fell down the stairs.( )18. What is the doctors instruction? A. Take his temperature. B. Give him some medicine first. C. Wait until he comes. 听第10段材料,回答第19至20题。( )19. What has happened to Tim? A. He has been fired. B. He has died. C. He has found

4、 another job.( )20. What does the speaker want to say? A. It will be difficult to replace Tim. B. Tim made a lot of money for the company. C. He is happy Tim is leaving.听力原文及答案 听第8段材料,回答第13至16题。 W: Mountain Bob, how old are you? M: Im 69. W: How long have you been living down in the mine? M: For thr

5、ee months now. W: And how much longer are you going to stay? M: Im going to stay another four months. W: Why are you doing this? M: Because its easy. W: Easy? Why? M: Ive been working in mines all my life. Living underground for seven months will be easy. W: What do you do for fun? M: I have lots of

6、 books. Ive been doing a lot of reading. W: I see you have a TV. M: Yes, and I have a radio and a telephone. Im always busy. W: What will be the first thing you do when you get out? M: Oh, Ill go visit my sister down in Denver. 听第9段材料,回答第17至18题。 W: Is that you, Dr. Marsh? My husband just had an acci

7、dent. Could you come as soon as possible? M: What happened? W: He fell down the stairs and hurt himself. On top of that, hes got a bad cold. I told him to stay in bed this morning, but he insisted on getting up. I wish he had taken my advice. Then this wouldnt have happened. M: Do you think hes brok

8、en any bones? W: No, I dont think so. He thinks hes sprained his wrist. M: You mention he had a bad cold. Have you taken his temperature? W: Hes about one degree above normal. He complains of a headache and his nose is running. M: All right, Mrs Smith. Give him a couple of aspirins and keep him warm

9、. Ill be over to see him in about an hour. W: Thank you, doctor. Well be waiting for you. 听第10段材料,回答第19至20题。 And so Id like to say that its going to be difficult for us to do without Tim. He has always put so much of himself into his work and has taken care of so many of our problems that I dont know how well be able to make up for his loss. But we all wish him every success in his new job and were sure it will turn out to be a good move for him. And now a toast to Tim and his future!参考答案13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. A用心 爱心 专心 115号编辑 2


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