江西兴国第三中学高三英语一轮复习 随堂演练16.doc

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1、兴国三中高三英语随堂演练(十六)一、单词拼写1. There are some connections between his words and(举止).2. The expert was (直言的)and he said that he was against the new project.3. There is an (争论) about whether we should support the new party.4. You need some kind of (娱乐) and its worthwhile if you want to work better.5. His fa

2、ther is a very (考虑周到的) man and he is also very modest.6. Teaching is a (有价值的) job.7. I (观看)him entering the bank with a gun.8. The hospital has to treat (紧急事件)such as car accidents.9. Three thousand (观众) crowded in the concert hall.10. Today, I (打算) to finish reading this book.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. I felt

3、 a great sense of (achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.2. A good student must (connection) what he reads with what he sees around him.3. The (organize) of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.4. I like her attitude very much, and the (behave) of the other students show

4、s that they like her, too.5. She (observation) a man breaking into the bank and she reported it to the police at once.6. After a long time of discussion they accepted the agreement without (argue).7. Rough seas caused much (sick) among the passengers.8. Books offered an excellent (entertain) for idl

5、e hours.9. It is (consider) of you to call on me from time to time.10. I think it would be a (kind) to tell him the bad news straight away.三、单句语法填空1. His father died in the disaster, leaving his family (suffer) a lot.2. She observed the chimps (wander) in the forest.3. She devoted her life to (do) r

6、esearch on wild animals and plants.4. Either he or I (be) to blame for this broken cup.5. Each boy and girl in my class (be) present at the meeting yesterday.6. It was years of hard work made her famous.7. made me annoyed was that she let out my secret.8. He is second none in physics.9. She was perm

7、itted (enter) the garden.10. Free sickness, she lives a happy life.四、课文浓缩语法填空Jane Goodall studied chimps in their own environment. She lived in the forest so 1 she could observe the chimps and recorde their daily 2 (behave). She woke up in the morning and went back to the place 3 she left the family

8、 4 (sleep) in a tree the night before. She waited in the shade of the trees while the family began to wake up and moved 5 . She spent her years 6 (observe) the chimps and tried to make people aware that it is wrong to use chimps for 7(entertain) and advertisements. She helped to set 8 special places where chimps could live 9 (safe) in the wild. What she did inspired others 10 (achieve) their goals. 3


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