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1、浙江省平阳县昆阳镇第三中学高二英语 美文赏读2 新人教版The Bermuda or Devils Triangle, an imaginary area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States, is a complete mystery.百慕大或者魔鬼三角洲,这个位于美国东南部大西洋沿岸的虚构之处,完全是个迷。Many strange disappearances have taken place in this particular area.在这个特定的区域发生了很多离奇的失踪案件。In the

2、past 100 years, the Bermuda Triangle has been know to have claimed over 1,000 lives.在过去的100年中,百慕大三角据说被夺走了1000条生命。It has stimulated the imagination of many writers and those who think beyond physical Earth.它已经激起许多作家和那些想超出物质地球的人的想象。Many explanations have been offered to account for all the mysterious

3、happenings during the many thousands of years.几千年来,对于所有神秘事件的原因都有很多种解释。This area has a high degree of electromagnetic energy and is often thought of as a portal or wormhole to somewhere off planet Earth.这个区域电磁能巨大,时常被想到作为一个入口旋涡或离开行星地球到达某地的虫洞。Many people believe that the Bermuda Triangle houses the fam

4、ous lost city of Atlantis in 3D Earth.许多人相信百慕大三角洲把3D地球中著名的消失了的亚特兰提斯城市遮住了。No evidence has been brought forth to prove this theory, but many claim to have felt the powers of the lost city.没有证据可以证明这个理论, 但是许多人声称感觉到消失的城市力量。There have been theories about aliens using the portals to visit the planet.已有的许多使

5、用入口拜访行星的理论都大相径庭。Several books suggested that the disappearances were due to an intelligent, technologically advanced race living in space or under the sea.有几本书表明城市失踪是由于一个智能的、技术先进的在空间和海底的种族生活造成的。Some believed that the lost planes and ships have been transported into some kind of Black Hole.一些人认为失踪的飞机

6、和船只被运送到一种黑洞中。This is, I would strongly suggest, simply not true.这时,我会强烈地提出,这完全是不真实的。On a few rare occasions, ships that had been reported as having missing have actually returned.在一些罕见的情况下,据报道失踪的飞机事实上已经返回。The crew members have all appeared to be insane, telling wild stories.所有的乘务人员似乎都疯了,说着离奇的故事。It i

7、s similar to someone who receives a big shock to the brain.似乎他们的大脑都受到猛烈的冲击。 Bermuda TriangleDevils Triangle 百慕大三角区魔鬼三角洲 (下)But in the eyes of many UFO fans, government officials were trying to hide information on extraterrestrial UFOs for fear of mass panic.但是在许多UFO迷们看来,政府官员试图遮掩公众对天外来客的UFO的恐惧感。The U

8、FO craze continued throughout the latter decades of the twentieth century.不明飞行物的热潮在二十世纪后期持续了几十年。Numbers of sightings increased steadily, and, as of the late 1990s, almost half of Americans believed that UFOs were in fact extraterrestrial spaceships.目击UFO的次数稳步增加,20实际九十年代后期,几乎一半的美国人相信不明飞行物是外星飞船。The fo

9、rm of the UFO myth changed shape somewhat in the 1980s and 1990s, as individuals began to claim that, not only had they seen UFOs, but that they had actually been on board the spacecraft, as aliens had abducted them and performed experiments on them before returning them to Earth.有关UFO的神话描述在二十世纪八十和九

10、十年代有所改变,人们开始声称他们不仅看到了不明飞行物,事实上还被带上了飞船,因为外星人绑架了他们,并对他们做了实验,之后才回到地球。One abducted eighteen-year-old claimed to have had sex with an E.T.一个十八岁声称自己被绑架的人说和外星人发生了性关系。Scholars believe that the UFO myth contains religious-like elements that do much to explain its massive appeal, In believing the existence of

11、 superhuman being, by expecting travel to a better planet, and by creating a fellow community, the UFO myth embodies much of popular religious belief.学者认为不明飞行物神话包含用来解释巨大吸引力的宗教元素。相信超人的存在,期望去一个更好的星球旅行,并且创建一个大众社区,这些赋予UFO神话很多流行的宗教信仰。Meanwhile, the UFO myth, with its government conspiracy speculations, i

12、ndicates publics distrust of the government.与此同时,政府对于UFO神话的有意图猜测,使得公众对政府产生不信任。Periods of high numbers of UFO sightings, have corresponded to a number of crises in government faith, among them the Vietnam War and Watergate.UFO目击事件高发期,连同越南战争和水门事件,政府部门产生了严重的信任危机。But, as scholar Curtis Peebles has noted, We watch the skies seeking meaning. In the end, what we find is ourselves.但是,正如柯蒂斯皮伯斯所指出的,“我们观察天空寻求它的意义。最终,我们找到了自己。” 2



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