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1、 2020年哈尔滨市高三学年复课调研考试英语学科参考答案 15 ACCAB 6 10 BCCBA 1115 BACBA 1620 CACBC 21-23ADA 24-27BCDB 28-31ABAD 32-35DBCA 36-40 CFAED41-60 ABCDA BADBD CBCAD DCABC答案:61. dating 62. traditionally 63. eighth 64. have included 65. and 66. in 67. brightest68. the 69. who/that 70. hometowns改错:1. as改成with2. a改成the3. h

2、ad改成have4. Therefore改成However5. effective改成effectively6. their 改为our7. should后面加 not8. looking改成look9. phone改成phones10. what if去掉what范文:Dear Sir/Madam,Im Li Hua, a high school student from China. Im writing to see if it is possible for you to do me a favor.Im planning to study in the UK after gradua

3、tion in September for two years. Im a science student and Id like to major in science, such as computer science or engineering. Could you tell me how to write a self-recommendation letter and what aspects should be included in it. Whats more, are there any matters which need special attention?Thank you for your time and kindness. I would appreciate it if you could reply soon.Sincerely yours,Li Hua



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