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1、Module2 Unit5 RhythmPeriod 1 Lets Dance(文本研读课)Learning aims 学习目标1. To leaan some words,such as generation,skip,unique, noble.2.To complete the gaps using topic, and reference clues, such as time.4. To talk about different kinds of dancesDiffidult and key points 重难点To complete the gaps according to t

2、he guidance.To analyse some sentence structures.Learning proceduresPre-class 课前自主学习Step1. Learning the words. (可先参考词汇表,再根据中文和发音提示写出单词及其词性)Chinese meaning(中文)Pronunciation(发音)Part of speech(词性)Spelling(拼写)普通的,平常的:d nriadj.独特的,唯一的ju:ni:k代,一代denrein贵族的,高贵的nbladj.移民的,移居的;imigrnt挑,蹦skipvi.类型,种类taipn.舞厅b:

3、lrumn.Step2. Background knowledge (types of dances) (B级,学法指导:学习本文我们需要了解有关的背景知识,其关键词有:芭蕾,舞龙,舞狮,秧歌,华尔兹,探戈,恰恰、摇滚。我们可以通过internet, 图示资料,问询音乐老师或参看课本P100等方法来获取有关知识。)_In Class课上合作探究Step3. Reading (A级)1. Fast reading1). What is the text about?It is an introduction of_.2. Careful reading (Exercise 3 课本 P28)Pu

4、t the sentences below in the correct gaps in the text. Use the strategies to help you.3. Reading for detailsRead the text again and then fill in the table. Also pay attention to the sentences that the writer uses to describe kinds of dances.BalletFolk DancePopular DanceOrigin(起源)began in _during the

5、 n_ centuryfrom _from _Features(特色)tells a story with _ but no _ styles of dancing, _ dances taught from one _ to anotherpopular for a _ time, _ to learn, danced in _Examples1._2._3._1._2._3._4._5._1._2._3._4._5._6._7._Step4. Difficulties (C级,理解以下句子的含义)1. China is famous for many different types of

6、folk dances, including the dragon dance and the lion dance, which are performed during the Spring Festival._2. They are dressed in beautiful costumes, skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums._3. In the 1960s, people danced without touching their partner._Step5. Talkingan interview (B级)Wo

7、rk in pairs and interview an expert(专家) on dances. One is the interviewer, while the other is the interviewee.( The following questions may help you. )1. When does it date back to?2. Where does it come from?3. What is the feature(特色)?4. Can you tell me some famous examples of this dance? You can als

8、o use the key words below:begin in , during the 15th century, come from, from ordinary people, tells a story with ,but no , group dances, traditional styles , from one generation to another, be popular , for a short time, in couplesAfter Class 课后作业1.完成课本Exercise4 Page 29。2.英语周报第15期B3版“篇章解读”。Reflecti

9、on(反思总结)1. 看音标后,我 (能 /基本能/不能) 写出该单词来。今后的对策是:_2. 让句子回归原文位置时我用的策略是:_Period 2 Language Points(语言知识课)Learning aims 学习目标To learn and remember some useful words, phrases and sentences about dance.Diffidult and key points 重难点1.To arouse the interest in learning English and put new knowledge into practice.L

10、earning proceduresPre-class 课前自主学习Step1. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (A级) 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。1) Grandfathers, fathers and sons belong to three different g_.2) The book describes the way of life of the _(普通的)people of Mexico.3) That building is _(唯一的)because all the others

11、 like it were destroyed.4) He _(跳过)the dull part of the book to read the exciting part.Step2. Learning about the words. (B级) (根据单词写出单词的不同词性、形式和意思,如有不懂,可自己查字典)ChinesePronunciationspellingPart of speech派生词mgrntn.riktn.rspnsbln.pmtn.(写出以下动词的过去式、过去分词和现在分词)v过去式过去分词现在分词skipStep3. Find the phrases in the text.1.西方文化 _ 2.用音乐和舞蹈讲故事_3.睡美人_ 4.天鹅湖_5.白毛女_ 6.普通百姓_7.代代相传_ 8.舞狮_9.各个年龄的人们_ 10.穿着_


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