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1、(备战2014)高中英语 第一季 口语对话一天一练81素材迷你对话:A:Where is John? I cant find him anywhere.约翰在哪里?我怎么哪儿都找不到他。B:Havent you heard that he is in prison?你还没听说他进监狱了吗?A:What? Beg your pardon.什么?再说一遍。B:John is in prison now. He wascopped outstealing.约翰现在在监狱里。他偷东西的时候被逮住了。A:I just cannt believe my ears!我简直不敢相信。地道表达:cop out小

2、编讲解:cop out是美国的一条俚语,常用来表示一下意思:一是退出,回避;二是变卦,失信;三是放弃,妥协;四是避重就轻地认罪;五是以牵连他人为目的向警方招供;六指被逮住。支持范例:Eg. You cant cop out of your responsibility to your children.你不能逃避对你的孩子们应尽的义务。Eg. You cant cop out of your responsibility to the project.你不能逃避对这项工程应负的责任。Eg. I dont want to cop out of answering your question.我不

3、愿对你的问题避而不答。Eg. He can cop out for only five to ten years.他会因服罪而被从宽判处5至10年徒刑。Eg. Dont try to cop out by telling me youre too busy!别想跟我推脱说你太忙。Eg. Youve got to do it, do not try to cop out of it by telling me youre too busy!这件事你一定得做,不要推诿说你忙不过来。Eg. He has copped up because of selling drugs.他因贩卖毒品而被逮住。Eg

4、. She was cpped up when cheating in the exam.她考试作弊时被逮住。词海拾贝:1.in prison:蹲监狱,坐牢Eg. He spoke without reserve of his time in prison.他毫无保留地述说了他在监狱中的事.Eg. If you defy the(aw,you may find yourself in prison.如果你不服从法律,你就可能会坐牢。Eg. Her pledge to remain faithful to him was his anchor when he was in prison.她对他忠

5、贞不渝的保证是他服刑期间的精神支柱。Eg. After 10 years in prison, he was given his freedom.他坐了10年监狱以後又得到了自由.2.beg ones pardon:再说一遍Eg. He said, with studied politeness,I beg your pardon, madam, this is your seat.他故作礼貌地说道:“请原谅,小姐,这是您的位置。”Eg. I beg your pardon I didnt hear what you said.请再说一遍-我没听见你刚才说的话.Eg. I beg your p

6、ardon, I was too plain.请原谅,我太过于直率了。3.cannt believe ones ears:简直不敢相信Eg. She could hardly believe her ears.她简直不能相信自己的耳朵。Eg. The old man could not believe his ears and went back home without a word.老农夫不敢相信自己所听见的,也一言不发地回到家中。Eg. I really couldnt believe my ears when they brought me your name.当他们通报你的名子时,我真的不相信自己和耳朵呢。Eg. I could hardly believe my ears; it seemed such an insane answer to give.我几乎以为自己听错了呢;这种回答简直是驴唇不对马嘴。2



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