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1、高一英语上学期第一册期中复习人教版【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容期中考前复习(一)重点词汇复习1. 重点动词及相应词组的归纳总结:comecare comparefollowlookraise strike(struck, struck/stricken)各种词义总结,可参考复习U4内容讲解。2. 区别总结:except/except for/besides(1)用于肯定句时:except意为“除之外(不再有)”besides意为“除之外(还有)”例:We all passed the exam except Tom.We all passed the exam besides Tom.exce

2、pt for: 表示“除了(因为)”之意,表示除去整体中的一部分,它所叙述的事实或细节部分用来修正句子的主要意思。例:Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.注意:当except用于句首时,后面往往要加上“for”。例:Everything is in good order except this.=Except for this, everything is in good order.except后可接副词、介词短语、从句等。例:He has always been in high spirits except

3、 recently.The window is never opened except in summer.He has always been busy except when it is Sunday.(2)用于否定句时:besides 和except可相互替换。例:No other students passed the difficult exam except /besides Tom.(3)besides还可以作副词:意为“而且,还有”。例:I dont want to go; besides, I am too tired.3. while用法小结。while可引导时间状语从句,

4、但从句中的动词必须是持续性的,侧重主句动作和从句动作相对比。Please dont talk so loud while others are working.比较:When the film ended, the people went back.可引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然”,相当于although。While I admit that the problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved.作为并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示两者的对比。He likes pop music, while I am fond of

5、 folk music.4. 区别:live/alive/living/lively/lovelylive:adj. “活着的”,只充当前置定语,修饰动植物。a live fish; a live snakealive:表语形容词,在句中充当表语或补语。如作定语,则后置。意为“活的,有生气的”。The fish is still alive.After the traffic accident, the driver was found alive.In this way we can keep our culture alive.He is the greatest poet alive.l

6、iving:adj. “活着的,有生命的”。既指人也指物,充当定语,表语均可。We should protect all living things on the earth.No man living could do better.living languages:现行的语言He is still living.lively: adj. 意为“活泼的,愉快的,快活的”或“生动的,真实的”。He can make his classes interesting and lively.Shes as lively as a rabbit.lovely: adj. 意为“美丽的,可爱的”或“令人

7、愉快的”。lovely weather:好天气a lovely girl:可爱的女孩We had a lovely holiday.5. 某些必须加doing(动名词形式)作宾语的动词总结:consider(考虑);suggest(建议);miss(错过);cant help(忍不住);imagine; practise; mind; enjoy; finish等。另外:allow, advise, permit, forbid后也要跟doing 作宾语;但要跟不定式的复合结构,即:allow /advise /permit /forbid有些词既可加“doing”作宾语,也可加“to do”

8、作宾语,但意义却有所不同,如:trymeanforgetstop6. 某些短语的设题方式小结:以“have difficulty in doing sth.”和“as well as”为例:Do you know the difficulty he had the work?A. finishedB. to finishC. finishD. finishingWho do you know the boss had the job?A. doneB. to doC. doD. doingTom, as well as his parents going on a holiday.A. are

9、B. isC. who areD. who isMary cant speak English her friends, but her written work is perfect.A. as well asB. as often asC. so much asD. as good as7. 与不定冠词搭配时的语序:He is such a clever boy that we all like him.=He is so clever a boy that we all like him.She is as beautiful a girl as her elder sister.Mat

10、hematics is as important a subject as physics.8. go wrong系动词用法小结:系动词可分为完全系动词(其后只能跟表语,如be, seem)和半系动词(两个身份:系动词和实义动词)。系动词的特点:不能用被动语态除去变化的系动词外,其它系动词不用进行时。分类总结:稳定状态He is clever.The boy is in my office.I am a teacher.总结:此类句子由be作系动词,表语是说明主语的稳定情况,性质等。状态的变化The people here will become rich.Its getting dark a

11、fter 5 in winter.The milk went sour.The boy fell asleep.总结:此类句子由表示变化的系动词引出表示状态,情况,性质的表语,有时涉及结果。被感觉的状态That sounds interesting.The park looks beautiful.The dishes smell delicious.The cake tastes good.Cotton feels soft.总结:此类句子中的系动词均涉及感官,但主语不是感觉主体,而是被感觉的事物。感觉到的状态The boy feels sorry.They feel satisfied w

12、ith the work.总结:此类句子由系动词feel引出表示某种心理状态或身体状态的词语。主语是感觉的主体。保持与继续的状态Tom keeps silent.In the fridge the fruit will stay fresh for a few days.The old man continues very healthy.“好像,似乎”类The man seems worried about his health.The man seems to be worried about his health.It seems that the man is worried abou

13、t his health.总结:seem后可直接跟表语;也可加to do或to be;也可用于“It seems that”句式。He appeared tired and sleepy.It appeared (to be) a true story.9. 某些情态动词+have done形式小结:You should have come to the conference yesterday. What was the reason for your absence?You shouldnt have told her the truth.It must have rained last

14、night, for the road was quite muddy.He cannot have forgotten it.Can he have gone to his aunts?Its too late. I think he may have gone to bed.He may not have finished the work.(二)重点句式复习1. so /neither /nor引导的倒装句I told you not to forget the appointment. .A. So you didB. So I do notC. So did youD. So do IMy room gets very cold at night. .A. So is mineB. So mine isC. So does mineD. So mine doesI would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! .A. Nor am IB. Neither would IC. Same with meD. So do IIts burning hot today, isnt it?Yes. yesterday.A. So was itB. So it


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