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1、高三英语Module 4 The Languages of the World (II) 外研社【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Module 4 The Languages of the World (II)二. 教学目标:本模块介绍世界十大语言和世界上一些语言濒临灭绝的状况,引入了与此相关的词汇和短语。要求学生了解上述内容并掌握相关词汇,培养相关语言技能。重点句型归纳:1. Apart from the UK and the USA,there are native English speakers in a great number of countries of the world,in

2、cluding Australia,South Africa,Canada,New Zealand and many islands in the Caribbean Sea. 除了英国和美国外,世界上还有很多国家把英语作为母语,包括澳大利亚、南非、加拿大、新西兰以及加勒比海的很多岛国。a great number of许多注意区别the number of (的数目)与a number of(许多)A number of students will go to college this year. 今年有很多学生将上大学。The number of students in our class

3、 is 65. 我们班有65个学生。2. It is predicted that the population of India could one day overtake the population of China,but the importance of English in India would prevent Hindustani from becoming the most spoken language of the world. 据预测,将来印度的人口将超过中国,但英语在印度的重要性使得印度斯坦语无法成为世界上讲得最多的语言。It is predicted that

4、据预测 people predict that 类似的说法还有It is said/ reported/believed that 据说,据报道,据认为prevent sb. /sth. from doing/being done 阻止某人干阻止某事被干His illness prevented him from attending the party. 他的病使得他无法参加那场晚会。3. Furthermore,because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Muslims in other countries speak i

5、t as well. 而且,由于古兰经是用阿拉伯语写的,其他国家数以百万计的穆斯林也讲阿拉伯语。as well 也;又He is a teacher,and a party member as well. 他是教师,也是党员。He knows English,and he knows German as well. 他懂英语,也懂德语。4. About 900 years ago,Portuguese was only spoken in Portugal,which was then under the control of its neighboring country,Spain. 大约

6、900年前,只有葡萄牙境内的人讲葡萄牙语,那时葡萄牙在邻国西班牙的统治之下。under the control of 受的管理;在的控制下The city is under the control of the enemy. 那座城市现在处于敌人的控制之下。5. In addition to being spoken in France,it is spoken in many other countries,including Belgium,Switzerland,Canada,the African nations of Rwanda and Cameroon,and some isla

7、nds in the Caribbean Sea. 除法国外,还有其他很多国家讲法语,包括比利时、瑞士、加拿大、非洲国家卢旺达和喀麦隆,以及加勒比海的几个岛屿。in addition(to)除以外,此外In addition to these arrangements,extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. 除了这些安排以外,另增救护车值班至午夜。There is,in addition,one further point to make. 此外,还有一点要说。6. If this trend continues,the world o

8、f the future could be dominated by no more than 10 languages. 如果这种趋势继续下去,未来的世界将最多仅有十种语言。no more than=only“仅仅”“只”There is room for no more than three cars. 这地方只能停放三辆车。7. No matter how many adults used the language,if it isnt passed to the next generation,it cannot survive. 不管有多少成年人讲这种语言,如果不能传给下一代,它是不

9、可能存活的。no matter how= however “不管多么”“无论到什么程度”(与形容词或副词连用)No matter how carefully I explained,she still didnt understand. 无论我解释得多么仔细,她还是没弄懂。She has the window open,no matter how cold it is outside. 不管外面多冷,她都开着窗户。8. UNESCO(the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization says that lan

10、guages need at least 100,000 speakers to pass from generation to generation. 根据UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)的说法至少有10万人讲的语言才能够代代相传。from generation to generation一代代地These are stories passed down from generation to generation. 这是些世代相传的故事。9. Each year brings, a new dangerIn 2003,a virus called So Big-F may have infe

11、cted one in 17 of all e-mails around world within 48 hours of its creation. 每年都会带来新的危险。2003年,一种被叫做So Big-F的病毒在被制造出后的48个小时内,全世界电子邮件中每17封邮件内就有一封受了这种病毒的感染。each year作主语,用了拟人的手法,使句子生动,类似的还有:History saw what the great man did. 历史目睹了那位伟人的事迹。语法知识专攻:1. but(1)conj(并列连词)但是,可是,而I would like to go,but I cant. 我想

12、去,但是不能去。而不,若不,除非(相当于unless表示惟一的条件)Nothing will do but I must leave. 除非我离开,没有别的办法。然而,尽管如此Id asked everybody but only two people come. 每个人我都请了却只来了两个人。表示歉意时说Im sorry but I cant stay any longer. 很抱歉,我不能再呆下去了。引出下文,表示吃惊、生气或不同意But thats not possible!但那是不可能的!(2)prep. 除之外(except;apart from)Weve had nothing b

13、ut trouble with this car. 我们这辆车净出毛病。The problem is anything but easy. 这个问题一点也不简单。Everyone was there but him. 除他之外,大家都在。I came last but one in the race. 我赛跑得了倒数第二名。Last night I did nothing but watch TV. 昨晚我除了看电视什么也没干。注意:but前有实义动词do, but后不定式省去to(3)adv. 只有,仅仅(only)I dont think well manage it,still,we c

14、an but try. 我想我们应付不了这事。但不妨试试。He left but an hour ago. 他一小时前才离去。(4)noun. 借口,推辞“Lets have no buts,” he said firmly “You are coming”. “别找借口了。”他坚定地说,“你得来。”2. get/got(1)vt. (宾语)得到,获得;挣到;买到get a good harvest获得大丰收He gets about40,000 a year. 他一年挣4万元左右。This room gets very little sunshine. 这个房间几乎照不进阳光。Where d

15、id you get that skirt?你在哪儿买的那条裙子?(同fetch)(间宾直宾)弄来,搞来,取来Get me a cup of tea. 给我拿杯茶。I have to go and get my mother from the airport. 我得去机场接我的母亲。(n. /prop. to do)请,叫,说服Be sure and get Mr. White to come. 一定要把怀特先生请(或叫)来。n. /pron. 过去分词,弄得,使得某事完成(自己也可能参与)She got a new coat made. 她定做了一件新大衣。n. /pron. adj. get everything ready把一切准备好+n. /pron. +v. ing 使处在某种状态中,相当于keep sb. /sth. doingI cant get the car going. 我无法使这车子跑起来。注意:have got= have(多用于口语)have got to dohave to do.



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