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1、太原市太原市 2016 2017 学年第二学期高一年级期末考试学年第二学期高一年级期末考试 英语试卷英语试卷 第一卷 共第一卷 共 70 分 分 第一部分第一部分 听力理解听力理解 略 略 第二部分第二部分 英语知识运用英语知识运用 共两节 满分 共两节 满分 25 分 分 第一节第一节 单项填空单项填空 共 共 10 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 满分分 满分 10 分 分 从从 A B C D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 答案写在答题卡上 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 答案写在答题卡上 16 Where can I meet you at 7 30 I in

2、the gym then A am working out B will be working out C had worked out D have been working out 17 Do in case of fire and find the safe way out A keep cool B keeping cool C not stay calm D staying calm 18 I ll sleep with the window open it s really cold A if B when C unless D because 19 busy you are yo

3、u should do some reading every day A Whatever B However C Whichever D Whenever 20 He said that the painting in a day A would finish B will finish C will be finished D would be finished 21 The bus the heavy snow and we had to walk the rest of the way A stuck in B stuck to C was stuck to D was stuck i

4、n 第三部分第三部分 阅读理解阅读理解 共两节 满分 30 分 第一节 共 10 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 20 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C D 中 选出最佳选项 答案写在答题卡上 注意注意 C 篇分篇分 A B 两种题型 两种题型 A 易 种题型为客观题 易 种题型为客观题 B 难 种题型为主观题 难 种题型为主观题 A The following are about modern wonders of the world floods caused by the Yangtze have become memories of the past 41 Which o

5、f the following took the longest time to build A The Red sea B The English Channel C The Chunnel D The Three Gorges Dam 42 What do we know about the effects the Three Gorges Dam has on China A It helps to protect the historical sites B It saves time for ships to travel upstream C It reduces the numb

6、er of flood victims D It powers an area of 632 square kilometers 参考答案与解析参考答案与解析 41 D 细节题 A 项 The Red sea 没有提到建造时间 排除 B 项 The English Channel 没有提到建 造时间 排除 C 项 The Chunnel 文章中没出现 排除 D 项 The Three Gorges Dam 有建造时间 正确 42 C 细节题 由原文 and the terrible floods caused by the Yangtze have become memories of the

7、 past 得出答案 D She wasn t able to describe her findings clearly 参考答案与解析参考答案与解析 43 B 细节题 根据关键词 qinghao 定位到文章第四段首句 Years of research all came down to one type of herb named qinghao 数年来的研究发现了一种名为青蒿的药草 Years of research 与 researching for years 形成同义替换 44 A 猜词题 画线单词所在句意思为 动物研究表明这个药物在猴子和老鼠身上有效 所以屠自愿 成为第一个人类受

8、试者 根据前后句因果关系可猜出词义 45 C 推断题 由原文中的 Before 2011 Tu Youyou had been described as almost completely forgotten by people 可推测出屠呦呦不在乎名利 Ask them details in their stories and look for facts that seem to disagree with each other But do not let them know you know Just let them dig themselves deeper into a hole

9、 Watch for changes in confidence and speaking styles Liars will often change their speaking styles when they are questioned For example when they feel in control they may be very talkative But if they feel they are losing control they may not talk much at all 以下是以下是 A 种题型种题型 46 What is the best titl

10、e of this passage A How to Catch a Liar B Airport Security Improved C CCE Method Never Fails D Lie with Body Language 47 Which of the following methods is most likely to help you catch a liar A Ask the person if he is telling the truth B Surprise the person by raising your voice C Focus on the perso

11、n s body language D Notice changes in the person s confidence 48 Why should you ask open ended questions in order to catch a liar A Because they are easy to answer B Because they are harder to lie about C Because they are off the topic D Because they change your talking style 49 Who does the word th

12、em refer to in the fourth paragraph A Security officers B Real passengers C Study volunteers D English researchers 50 Which of the following is NOT true about the CCE method A It aims to smoke out liars through conversations B It works better than simply reading body languages C It focuses on what s

13、omeone says and how he says it D It has been widely used by parents and police officers 参考答案参考答案 A A 题型题型 46 50 ADBCD 答案解析 答案解析 46 A 本题为最佳标题题 考查文章主旨 文章第一段以 抓住说谎的人最好的方式是什么 这一 问句开头 下文也全部在介绍如何抓住说谎的人 所以应该选择 A 选项 47 D 题目问的是下面哪种方法更可能帮助你抓住说谎的人 属多细节题 A 选项意思为问他问题如 果他说的是真话 文章说的是怎样抓住说谎的人 与文章不符 B 选项定位到文章 Surpri

14、se them 部 分 文章并未提到通过提高声音来使他们惊讶 C 选项文章第四段最后一句说的是使用说话方法的人 比使用关注肢体语言的人有 20 倍的可能抓住说谎的人 故排除 D 选项在文章最后一段提及 所以为 正确选项 48 B 根据题目定位到文章 Use open ended questions 部分 A C D 选项均未提及 49 C 猜词题 一些安检员用对话方式来提问 他们 他们 指代的就是上句提到的研究志愿者 50 D 判断对错题 也属多细节题 D 根据文章第二段 观察人们的肢体语言才是父母和警察广泛使 用的方法 CCE 并未被父母和警察广泛使用 以下是 以下是 B 种题型 种题型 4

15、6 Where did the experiment take place 47 What is the name of the talking method that catches liars 48 Why should you ask surprising questions while trying to catch a liar 49 How much better is the talking method than reading body language 50 How does the liar behave when he feels in control 参考答案参考答案

16、 B B 题型题型 46 At an airport 细节题 根据题目定位到文章第三段 Their study took place at an airport 47 It is called Controlled Cognitive Engagement or CCE for short 根据题目定位到文章第 五段 Here are four ways of catching a liar 48 Because This will make it harder for them to keep lying 根据题目定位到文章 Surprise them 部分 49 The officers using the talking method were 20 times more likely to catch the liars 根据题目定位到文章第四段最后一句 50 They may be very talkative 根据题目定位到文章最后一段 第二节第二节 共 5 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 10 分 根据短文内容 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 答案写在答题卡上 H


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