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1、1 2017 2018 学年高二年级第 9 次月考英语试题 第 I 卷 第一部分 听力 共两节 满分 30 分 做题时 先将答案标在试卷上 录音内容结束后 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂 到答题卡上 第一节 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题 每段对话仅读一遍 1 Where are the speakers A In a hotel B At school C In a hospital 2 What is Mark doing A H

2、aving dinner B Setting the table C Doing his homework 3 What do we learn about the woman A She went to Lucy s party last night B She took her brother to the hospital C She fell ill last night 4 How does professor Li like to begin his lectures A With a joke B With a smile C With an interesting story

3、5 How did the boy come to school today A By bike B On foot C By taxi 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小 题 5 秒钟 听完后 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 听第 6 段材料 回答 6 7 题 6 Where does the man want to go A Ren Min Park B The National Museum C Tuan Jie S

4、quare 7 Where is TuanJie Squarea A On the sixth block B On the next block C In front of the Ren Min Park 听第 7 段材料 回答 8 9 题 8 What is the woman doing A She is booking a flight B She is getting on a plane C She is taking a flight with her friend 9 How long is the woman s flight A Three hours and a hal

5、f B Two hours and forty minutes C Three hours and forty minutes 听第 8 段材料 回答 10 12 题 10 Where should the man go if he wants to read some magazines A The second floor B The third floor C The first floor 11 How long can the man keeo the books A For fifteen days B For two months C For thirty days 12 How

6、 much will the man have to pay if he returns the ten books he borrows five days late A Five yuan B Two point five yuan C Twenty five yuan 听第 9 段材料 回答 13 16 题 13 What is wrong wit the man A He has a stomache B His right hand hurts C He has a headache 14 How does the man feel A Tired B Bored C Cold 15

7、 When did he begin to feel ill A This morning B Yesterday morning C Yesterday afternoon 16 What do we learn about the man from the conversation A His problem is very serious B Lack of sleep may have caused his illness C He has taken too many pain killers 听第 10 段材料 回答 17 20 题 17 What is the most diff

8、icult problem for most mothers in the U S A They don t habe enough money to suport their children 2 B U S labor policies don t support working mothers C They can t balance their work and family very well 18 Which day can Barnes spend with her children during the week A Monday B Thursday C Friday 19

9、What does Barnes do A She is a partner in a law firm B She is a teacher C She is a babysitter 20 What do working mothers want A Caring parents attention B An easier job C Society to value happy children 第二部分 阅读理解 共两节 满分 40 分 第一节 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 并在答题卡上 将该项

10、涂黑 A The following books provide tips on how to learn languages for language learners The Vocab Cookbook by Kerstin Hammes The book is mainly about the best vocabulary learning methods and explains them step by step It shows you how to choose your best vocabulary learning method where to find the be

11、st system for remembering words forever how vocabulary learning methods can be turned into your own learning styles and how remembering grammar is different from remembering vocabulary Buy from A or Amazon co uk Fluent in 3 Months by Benny Lewis Benny Lewis who has been travelling around the world a

12、nd learning languages since 2003 runs the language learning blog Fluent In 3 Months and works hard to find better faster and more efficient ways to learn languages This book is a collection of tips on how to learn any language quickly Many of the tips have appeared on his blog and many tips and reso

13、urces are available there for readers of this book Buy from Amazon com or Amazon co uk How to Learn Any Language by Barry M Farber If you re considering learning a language and are not sure where or how to start this book will help point you in the right direction It s full of practical tips on how

14、to study and includes a brief introduction to some of the world s main languages Buy from Amazon con or Amazon co uk Language is Music by Susanna Zaraysky The book makes learning foreign languages fun easy and affordable through watching TV listening to music going to cultural events and other enjoy

15、able activities also it includes suggestions of many online resources you can use to help you learn languages Buy from Amazon com or Amazon co uk 21 If you have difficulty remembering words you best choice is A Language is Music B Fluent in 3 Months C How to Learn Any Language D The Vocab Cookbook 2

16、2 Who uses his or her blog to help readers learn languages A Benny Lewis B Barry M Farber C Kerstin Hammes D Susanna Zaraysky 23 What is the author s purpose in writing the text A To show the importance of language learning B To provide tips on how to learn Chinese well C To introduce some books for language learners D To show the connections between language and music B People say that one man can t make a difference but Abdul Samad Sheikh a 60 year old rickshaw 人力车 driver from Bangladesh has p


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