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1、宁夏育才中学高三年级第二次月考 英语试卷听力 Text 1 W Are you ready to go Tom Let s go to the restaurant for a change M Wait a minute I just got back home from work and I m washing up Text 2 M Lisa where did you buy the sweater You always dress simply but in good taste W I bought it on the last fashion show Text 3 M I am

2、 sorry for keeping you waiting W Never mind I think you must have been caught in the traffic jam M No It was because I couldn t open my eyes in the heavy rain Text 4 M Julia I apologize to you for what I did yesterday W It doesn t matter I know that people are easy to get mad when they re tired M Th

3、anks for your understanding Text 5 M What would you like to drink Mrs Smith W Water or juice will be fine M Which would you like orange juice apple juice or grape juice W Well grape juice would be OK Text 6 M Diana would you like to go to the cinema with me W Jack I d like to but I ve got some work

4、to finish tonight M You should learn to relax And the cinema is only five minutes away from your home W I am tired today and want to stay at home How about tomorrow M OK That s a deal Text 7 M Taxi service here can I help you W Yes please I d like a taxi in about half an hour M OK where are you goin

5、g from W The Friendship Hotel It is right opposite the bus station and on the left of a cinema M Well it s about a quarter s drive W Yes that will be fine M Where are you heading for W I want to go to the airport My flight leaves at 11 30 and I must arrive there an hour earlier M OK Could you wait a

6、t the entrance of the hotel I ll be there at 10 00 W Thanks Goodbye M Goodbye Text 8 W I don t think I m fit for this job M I thought you were enthusiastic about the field trip That s why you volunteered isn t it W Yes But I didn t know 1 would have so many duties M Like what W I m supposed to look

7、after the children making sure they behave well I don t know what to do if the kids get out of hand M It s not an overnight trip just a morning at the museum W What if I have to give first aid M Their teacher knows what to do in a real emergency W How can I keep track of so many kids M Not all the s

8、tudents are going on the trip just the ones who got permission You ll be fine Text 9 M Good morning I have an appointment with Doctor Clark at 8 30 W What are your reasons for seeing Doctor Clark today M Well lately I have been feeling tired and occasionally I have had really bad headaches and an up

9、set stomach On top of that I have coughed for the last two weeks W When did you start having these symptoms M I started feeling tired about two months ago after that the headaches came I got the upset stomach long before feeling tired W Are you taking any medicine M Only some vitamins W What vitamin

10、s are you taking Vitamin A or Vitamin C M I am taking a multi vitamin pill and extra Vitamin C every day W OK let me take your vital signs M How am I doing W Everything is good normal blood pressure and no high temperature Please wait here for a minute Doctor Clark will be with you in a moment Text

11、10 British people usually have their holidays in July or August Most workers take a two week holiday during the summer School children are on holiday from about the end of July to the start of September A second holiday break in winter or in spring is also becoming more popular in the UK In winter s

12、ome people go skiing in Europe And in spring visits to cities such as Paris Amsterdam or Barcelona are popular The most popular holiday places for British include Spain France Greece and the USA Lots of people buy a package holiday which includes flights and a hotel or an apartment Cheap flights to

13、warm places mean that many British people are able to spend two weeks a year relaxing in the sun abroad British people also like to go on holiday in the UK Warm weather and sun are not guaranteed in the UK of course Some teenagers want to spend their holidays doing something without their family Wha

14、t can young British people do on a UK holiday Here are a few examples Alton Towers in Staffordshire is one of the top UK theme parks It is famous for its terrifying rides and is very popular with teenagers You can sign up to try their new roller coaster ride on their website The Eden Project is an environmental project in Cornwall in the southwest of England It has huge houses that contain thousands of plants from all around the world As well as plants you can also see top bands play at the Eden Project


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