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1、郑州一中网校郑州一中网校 2017 2018 学年学年 上 上 期期中中联考联考 高高二二英语英语答案答案 一 听力 1 5 ACBAA6 10 BCBAA11 15 ABCBB16 20 CCCBB 二 阅读 21 23 CCC24 27ACBD 28 31 CCDD 32 35 CBCB36 40FBEGC 完形填空 41 45 DABCA46 50 ABBCD51 55 BCBDC56 60 DBCAC 三 知识运用 61 healthier 62 published63 by64 were65 themselves66 It67 importantly 68 required69 ch

2、anges70 that which 四 短文改错 I like riding my bike Though it is not very new but it is my best friend I find it very convenience to go anywhere with a bike Riding give me not only exercise but also pleasure I use convenientgives my bike mostly on summer when the weather is warm and dry It can be very p

3、leasant in winter inunpleasant when it is cold and the rain is pouring down It can also be very danger Of course I will be very dangerous careful on my bike In facts accidents are not the only problem One day I went to school and fact come back to find the front wheel was missed It was long walk to

4、the repairer s shop Now I camemissinga have two strong locks 五 写作 Dear Bob I m sorry to say that I can t go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble Shall we go on Saturday morning We can set out early so that we will have more time to read and select books If it is convenient for you let s meet at 8 30 outside the school gate If not let me know what time suits you best I should be available any time after school next week Yours LiHua


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