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1、 1 2018 2019 学年上学期高三期中考试 英语参考答案 答案 1 5 BBACB 6 10 CCBAB 11 15 BCABC 16 20 ACACA 21 23 BCD 24 27 DBBA 28 31 DCBC 32 35 ACBD 36 40 BEDCF 41 45 DBCCC 46 50ABADD 51 55 DCAAD 56 60 ACBBB 61 were visiting 62 but 63 better 64 made 65 a 66 where 67 festivals 68 to do 69 windy 70 or 参考范文 Dear Tony How are yo

2、u Our English teacher asked us to read some authentic English novels in our spare time Therefore I m writing to ask you to do me a favor and buy a few for me According to my English level the language difficulty of the books should be moderate so that they won t be too hard for me to understand Also

3、 I hope the content is appropriate for senior middle school students like me What s more I prefer novels because they are both educational and fun As for the price it s not a problem and the cost of the books will be on me Please bring them to me when you come to China next month Thank you very much

4、 Looking forward to seeing you soon Yours Li Hua 曾都一中 枣阳一中 襄州一中 宜城一中 2 录音原文 Text 1 W I ve been taking piano lessons for five years now but I don t enjoy it anymore M Yeah and you re not in the singing club anymore W I used to be in it but now I love the tennis club best Text 2 M These fresh vegetabl

5、es smell delicious How do you get the tomatoes to grow so big W It s magic so I can t tell you We make a good team don t we I grow the food and you do the rest Text 3 M The events in the Winter Olympics are much more exciting than the ones in the Summer Olympics W Which ones Give me an example Text

6、4 W James Where have you been I called your work but they said you left an hour ago Did you miss the bus M I took a different way home this time because I had to get you these W Oh James Roses Text 5 M It looks like this semester s class size is smaller than the last Did they break us up into two di

7、fferent classes W No but many people didn t pass the first time They are just taking it again Text 6 W This is going to be the coldest winter in a long time Do you think we re prepared for it M I don t know Let s look in the closet and see what we have W Well I can t wear these gloves They have hole

8、s in them Are these your old boots M Yeah I haven t worn them since I was a kid They re too small We might need to buy new jackets though These ones won t be warm enough W Fine We ll go to the store and get what we need Hey do you want to go skating after that M That sounds like a great idea Then we

9、 can come home sit by the fire and have some hot chocolate 3 Text 7 W Tell me again what exactly is bothering you M I ve been feeling a little weak lately Sometimes I lose my balance W Are you exercising M I used to have a personal trainer but I have been really busy lately I am a banker you know I

10、sit behind a computer all day long W How is your diet And how much alcohol do you drink M I eat chicken or beef every day and I make noodles twice a week How often do I drink Oh I would say three times a week W You need to eat more fruits and vegetables drink less and exercise more M I know It s jus

11、t hard to find the time W Well you d better find the time Otherwise you ll be seeing me more often Text 8 W When are you moving out of your apartment Nathaniel M On the third of next month W Do you know if your house owner has found a new person to move in yet M Actually I don t think she has She sa

12、id she was going to send someone over to look at the place but she never did Do you know anyone who is interested W I am I ve just changed jobs and your apartment is very close to my new office It would be very convenient M I have to warn you though The roof started leaking a few weeks ago so I thin

13、k that needs to be fixed W Are there any other problems M The windows and doors are not fitted well so it s a bit cold in the winter W Hmm That could be a problem M And now that there is something wrong with the roof you might have more bargaining power W Great Give me your landlady s number and I l

14、l give her a call Text 9 M Hi Laura Are you on your way to the gym W Yeah Our teacher told us there is a guest speaker here to give the students a special presentation What is it about M It s the first in a series of safety announcements for the graduating class The speaker is a man 4 who was injure

15、d in a car accident W That must be the man in the wheelchair I saw in the hallway this morning Why is he speaking to us M They want to warn us about the dangers of speeding W That makes sense How many of these announcements will there be M We have one next week and the week after One is about classr

16、oom safety and the other is about travel safety W Classroom safety M You know because we are taking classes like Wood Working Metal Working and Cooking Which one did you take W I already know how to cook so I took Wood Working You M Metal Working I help my dad out in his shop already so it s an easy A for me W OK I have to go Talk to you later M Bye Text 10 From as far back as the 17th century France has been known for its advanced culture It has played an important role in fashion art cuisine a



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