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1、2019 2020 学年高二上学期期末教学质量检测英语参考答案及评分标准 第 1 页 共 4 页 2019 20202019 2020 学年高二上学期期末教学质量检测学年高二上学期期末教学质量检测 英语英语参考答案及评分标准参考答案及评分标准 听力 BCACBACABCBACACBACAB 阅读 A DADB BADBC DBBCD DACD七选五 FGBDC 21 D 细节理解题 由第二段第一句可知 22 A 细节理解题 由第四段女王给予这个组织许可可知她是同意的 23 D 细节理解题 根据最后一段可知 24 B 细节理解题 由第一段 And my mother packed me a su

2、itcase full of books which to me seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do And I had this idea that camp was going to be just like this 可推知 25 A 推理判断题 由第二段 I couldn t figure out why we had to spell this word incorrectly 可 推知 26 D 推理判断题 由第三段最后一句可知 27 B 推理判断题 最后一段作者不得不将书收起来 为此她感到很愧疚 28 D 猜测词义题 由第一段可

3、知 that question 指的是在城市里你吸入了多少有害气体 29 B 细节理解题 由第三段第一句可以推出 30 B 细节理解题 由第四段 Coelho 说的话可以推出 31 C 推理判断题 由倒数第二段第一句可推知 32 D 细节理解题 由第二段 firstborn children tended to have higher educational aspirations 抱 负 and attainment 可知 33 A 细节理解题 由第五段 For me I tend to lean towards the theory that the amount of time ener

4、gy and devotion that parents put into caring for their children is possibly at work here she said 可知 34 C 细节理解题 由第六段 The further apart in age the siblings the more likely both kids were to be successful 可以推出答案 35 D 推理判断题 本文按照研究者研究发现层层展开 36 F结合下文可知 F 项中 hold the recruiter s attention 正是下句中的 just that

5、 所指内容 37 G根据上文 作者说你可以更进一步 在网上寻找与你的经历匹配的公司需求的岗位 然后针对岗位要求在你的简历中以关键词的形式呈现会更容易吸引招聘人员 38 B该空应该是总括句 下文讲了 accomplishments 所以选 B 合适 39 D作者建议不要把简历做成一个一张纸的个人成就清单 而应该向 Chris Spurlock 那样 做 40 C 该空前后讲的都是 video resume 这里填 C 项承上启下 完形填空 BCADCBACDBDBACADADBC 41 Bhave mercy on 同情 42 C穿越沙漠会近很多 所有我决定试一试 43 A天热 所以我感到又渴又

6、孤单 44 D文章第一句话就有交代 朋友警告我不要独自穿越沙漠 45 C由上文可知是 smile back 46 B我一直不信任他 47 A夜幕降临 我很庆幸还有个人在附近 48 C他时不时地挥挥手 我也不那么害怕了 最后睡着了 2019 2020 学年高二上学期期末教学质量检测英语参考答案及评分标准 第 2 页 共 4 页 49 D醒来后突然发现他有个皮袋子 由下文可知袋子里装满了水 50 B见上 51 D我用手势告诉他 52 B他理解了我的意思 53 A由下文可知 水不够 54 C55 空前有提示 55 A他用嘴巴吸出来的水装满瓶子 56 D当我把水倒进水箱后 我又拿着袋子返回到他身边去继

7、续取水 57 A我主动提出把表给他被他拒绝了 58 D在我的坚持下 他接受了我给他的一瓶水 59 B再见后我继续行程 60 C57 空后一句话有提示 语法填空 61 including考查非谓语动词 including 现在分词活用成介词 62 for考查介词 stand for 代表 63 officially考查副词 副词修饰介词短语 64 took考查时态 65 announced考查非谓语动词 过去分词短语作定语 66 competitive考查形容词 67 which考查非限制性定语从句 68 resources考查名词复数 69 achievement考查名词 70 what考查名

8、词性从句 短文改错 第 1 处 thing things 第 2 处 asking asked 第 3 处 去掉 in the public 中的 the 第 4 处 to honest 中间加 be 第 5 处 which that 第 6 处 easy easily 第 7 处 talk talked 第 8 处 presenting present 第 9 处 her my 第 10 处 on in 书面表达 Notice In order to create a more interesting atmosphere for the students who are especiall

9、y curious about English learning we are going to show an English movie this Sunday afternoon Whoever has a great interest in it is welcome As scheduled the movie will be shown in the school lecture hall at 4 00 p m this Sunday which will last for two hours You re strongly recommended to arrive earli

10、er so that you might have a better seat After watching the movie we are going to hold an English corner in which you are expected to participate and voice your opinion bravely in English 2019 2020 学年高二上学期期末教学质量检测英语参考答案及评分标准 第 3 页 共 4 页 Come on and join us English Club 听力原稿 Text 1 M Lucy would you li

11、ke to have lunch with me tomorrow W Oh I d really love to but I have an appointment with my dentist at 11 30 Thanks for inviting me Text 2 W Peter how is the weather now Is it still raining M No but there s still lots of clouds The weatherman said the sun wouldn t come out until next week Text 3 M I

12、 m sorry I was late for class today Dr Simpson W Well I ll let it go this time But you saw it disturbed the rest of the class M Yes I realized that I won t let it happen again Text 4 W Hi Mike Listen I m coming back this afternoon and I ll take a bus from the railway station So you don t need to com

13、e and pick me up M OK take care and see you soon Text 5 M Jenny there s an opening for an assistant manager in our company You should give it a try W Thank you George but I ve decided to travel a bit before finding another job Text 6 M By the way do you know what time it is W Well it s a quarter to

14、two M Oh I ve got to go W See Linda in the library M No Actually I m going to meet with Professor Smith at ten past two You may continue our project discussion with Michael W All right Text 7 W Harry guess what I ve just received an email from Pamela She and Peter are coming down to see us this week

15、end M Oh that s good news We haven t seen them for ages W Yeah The last time we met them was at our wedding three years ago M Did Pamela mention how long they ll stay W About one week M Great I can t wait to show them around our new house W Me too We haven t had any guests since we moved in here If

16、the weather is fine we can have a barbecue in the garden M Good idea I ll go to the market tomorrow to buy all the things we ll need Text 8 W Hello everyone Welcome to our program Today we are fortunate to have a special guest with us Some of you may have heard of him before He s an artist His works have received many prizes and have been shown in over one hundred exhibitions across the country Los Angeles New York Philadelphia to name just a few His name is Chris Cucksy So Chris tell us a bit a


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