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1、跑男团联合国跑男团联合国 巅峰巅峰 演讲演讲 20182018 年浙江卫视年浙江卫视 奔跑吧奔跑吧 第一期第一期 第 1页共 7页 Ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome Thank you for joining us for the Keep Running Youth Forum of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals First let s meet the host tonight Marginta Deputy director of the mayor s office o

2、f Vienna who also has a Chinese name Guo Sile 来自维也纳市长办公室郭思乐来自维也纳市长办公室郭思乐 主持人主持人What an introduction here Good evening friends 各位中国朋友各位中国朋友 女士们女士们 先生们先生们 大家晚上好大家晚上好 我本人非常喜欢中国我本人非常喜欢中国 有朋自远方来有朋自远方来 不亦乐乎不亦乐乎 First of all we feel very honored to have a message Ladies and gentlemen dear friends please gi

3、ve a round of applause to the Austrian Chancellor Mr Sebastian Kurz and his message to this evening 来自来自奥地利奥地利总理总理塞巴斯蒂安塞巴斯蒂安 库尔茨库尔茨 Sebastian KurzAwarm welcome fromAustria I am honored that the popular Chinese TV show Keep Running is taking place in Austria We will have the opportunity to discuss th

4、e United Nations Sustainable Development Goals what in my opinion is of great importance I hope all of you will have a good time in our beautiful country I also hope our viewers in China will have a good opportunity to experience Austria as one of the United Nations Headquarters and also to experien

5、ce our wonderful landscape Austria wishes you all the best 来自联合国新闻署 维也纳办公室主任马丁来自联合国新闻署 维也纳办公室主任马丁 内西尔内西尔 Martin NesirkyWell hello everyone I would like to welcome the Keep Running show and the stars to Vienna It is really fantastic that you visited the United Nations here too So let s all take actio

6、ns in our own lives to make the goals a reality 1 1 号目标 无贫穷号目标 无贫穷 2 2 号目标 零饥饿号目标 零饥饿 In other words we are using atoms to better the lives of people all over the world 第 2页共 7页 5 5 号目标 性别平等号目标 性别平等 8 8 号目标 体面工作和经济增长号目标 体面工作和经济增长 来自海达来自海达 费蒙森登费蒙森登 Hedda Femundsenden When women and men are more equal

7、 economies grow faster and more people are lifted out of poverty 主持人主持人 He is a famous charming actor in China Few of you have knew him already And he is the fastest man in the team The topic of his speech will be thesixthofthesustainabledevelopmentgoals Cleanwaterand sanitation Welcome Mr Zheng Kai

8、 6 6 号目标 清洁饮水和卫生设施号目标 清洁饮水和卫生设施 郑郑恺恺Ladies and gentlemen good evening Here is a question for you What would you do with half bottle of water left OptionA Throw it away Option B Keep it and drink later What s your choice B That s nice It seems like all of you here today is water resource activists I

9、m really happy to see that Well done 掌声 掌声 Many people are not aware of this situation of water shortage For example let s have a look at this picture According to the surveys the total amount of bottled water wasted in one day globally can supply a million children for three days maybe even longer

10、So clean water and sanitation is the sixth goal on the 2030 sustainable development agenda 掌声 掌声 China has a popular saying 绿水青山就是金山银山绿水青山就是金山银山 掌声掌声 It means that water and land are our heritage and ultimate wealth So I believe we can all make a difference in this world starting with saving half bo

11、ttle of water Thank you very much 主持人主持人Another big thank you to Mr Zheng Kai 11 11 号目标 可持续城市和社区号目标 可持续城市和社区 1414 号目标 水下生物号目标 水下生物 来自瓦莎来自瓦莎 波波娃波波娃 Vassia Popova So CTBTO uses a science to prevent people from doing awful things with science 第 3页共 7页 主持人主持人 Please welcome Mr Li Chen and Mr Chen He 7 7

12、 号目标 经济实用的清洁能源号目标 经济实用的清洁能源 1313 号目标 气候行动号目标 气候行动 李李晨晨Hello everyone good evening I m Li Chen 陈陈赫赫I m Chen He Good evening 掌声 掌声 李李晨晨Before we began our speech today we would like you to first watch this video 视频视频 This is Baffin Island Canada Apolar bear is walking to us He s looking for food but t

13、here is nothing for him except a dry bone The polar bear is helpless He has no choice but to wait for death We stood there crying filming with tears rolling down our face 掌声 掌声 陈陈赫赫Climate change caused by human activities threatens all beings on earth and future of our planet The clock is ticking T

14、he sustainable development goal number 13 Climate Action calls on everyone of us to take urgent action against climate change and its impacts If we continue to leave it unrestrained climate change will eventually threaten our own living conditions including our food and water supplies Such may even

15、lead to conflicts over resources one day 掌声 掌声 李李晨晨Now we have learned about the situation faced by polar bears Let us have a look at a Chinese panda 图片 图片 Can anyone guess what this is 观观众众Panda 李李晨晨No 陈陈赫赫Yes 李李晨晨No no no it s not a really panda 陈陈赫赫This is in fact a solar power station in Datong

16、Shanxi designed in the image of a panda Tonight we are pleased to have the mother of this panda design here at our forum Please welcome from Hong Kong MissAda Li 掌声 掌声 来自来自 熊猫光伏电站熊猫光伏电站 创意者李恩童创意者李恩童 李恩童李恩童Thank you Hi everyone I m really excited to be here One day an idea lit up in my mind Why not bring the cute panda a symbol of China and a messager of peace together with solar panels to create a solar power station Reducing air pollution through the use of clean energy is one effective way of


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