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1、Unit4Ihaveapenpal PartALet stalk running swimming listeningtomusic drawing readingbooks flyingakite f r i e n d Let sread f r i e n d friend penpal Jasmine Shelikeslisteningtomusic What sJasmine s hobby JasmineFlower JasminelikeslisteningtotheChinesesongJasmineFlower That sinteresting A B WhatareJas

2、mine shobbies Shelikes ing and ing running climbingmountains swimming playingbasketball y hobb ies WhoisZhangPeng spenpal Peter Peterlikesbasketball Peterisn ttall T F TrueorFalse WheredoesPeterlive Helivesonafarm Sometimeshereadstothecows Watchandchoose WhatarePeter shobbies WhatelsearePeter shobbi

3、es Watchandchoose WhatelsearePeter shobbies Q1 WhatareOliver shobbies Q2 WhatareZhangPeng shobbies Readandunderlinethekeysentences 读一读并划出关键句 Listenandimitate Let schallenge ZhangPenghasapenpal Heis Helikes Heliveson Sosometimeshe Helikes and Healsolikes ZhangPenglikes too SoZhangPengisgoingto theChi

4、nesesong JasmineFlower Peter readingstories afarm readstothecows doingkungfu swimming singing teachhim singing Canyoutry Pairwork Talkaboutyourbestfriend A Who syourbestfriend B He SheisXXX A Ishe shetall short thin B Yes No He Sheis A Whatarehis herhobbies B He Shelikes ing DearFriends Hi mynameisJ

5、ackandIaman11yearoldboy Iaminyear6andmyfavouritesubjectisMaths Whatyearareyouin Whatisyou refavouritesubject Myhobbiesaretakingthedogforawalk playingwithfriendsandplayingcomputergames Ialsohavemanyotherhobbies Thankyouforreading Ihopetoherebacksoon Jack Dearfriend MynameisKelly IamagirlandIam10 near

6、ly11 yearsold Ilikeplayingthepianoandswimmingverymuch What syourhobbies Ialwaysvisitmygrandparentsontheweekend whataboutyou Hopetohearfromyousoon Kelly Dearfriend Hello MynameisKateandIam11yearsold I minyear6 Myfavouritethingissinginganddancing Iamareallynicegirl Ihaveblueeyesandbrownhair Ialwayslov

7、emeetingfriendsorgettingnewones KindWishes Kate Dearfriend Hi MynameisTim I m10yearsold I minyearsix Whatclassareyouin Ihavemanyhobbiessuchasplayingfootball playingbasketballandswimming Whatareyourhobbies Hopetohearfromyousoon Tim Jack takingthedogforawalk playingwithfriends playingcomputergames Kel

8、ly playingthepiano swimming Kate singing dancing Tim playingbasketball playingfootball swimming LfromChina A Whowillbeyourpenpal B Ilike tobemypenpal A Ishe shetall thin quiet B Yes No He Sheis A Whatarehis herhobbies B He Shelikes ing A B Pairwork Talkwithyourpartner Choose1tobeyourpenpalandgethis herinformationquickly 快速地选择一个成为你的笔友人选 并获取他 她 的信息 Homework Listen imitateandrecitethedialogue 听音模仿并背诵整个对话 2 Chooseyourpenpalandwriteane mail 选择你的笔友并给他 她 写封邮件


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