人教版七年级英语下册 units 9 单元测试

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1、人教版七年级英语下册 units 9 单元测试一、听句子,选择恰当的答语(每小题1分,共5分)1. A50 yuan. BA white shirt. CIn theshop.2. AYes, shedoes. BShe likes it. CLong hair.3. AYes, sheis. BThanks. CI dontthink so.4. AAdoctor. B175 cm. CIn thepost office.5. AYes, Ido. BImsorry to hear that.CHe lookscool.二、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片(每小题1分,共5分)三、听对话,选

2、择最佳答案(每小题1分,共5分)11Whatdoes Lucys mother look like?AShe is tall.BShe isshort.CShe is thin.12Whatcolor is Mikes hair?AIts brown. BItsblack. CIts blue.13Why doesthe boy like the singer?ABecause she sings well.BBecause she is goodlooking.CBecause she works hard.14Does thenew boy wear glasses?AYes,he doe

3、s. BNo,hedoesnt.CYes,he is.15Whatdoes Maria look like?AShe is clever. BShe is short.CShe is tall.四、听短文,填入恰当内容,完成表格(每小题1分,共5分)笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21Is hetall _ short?Hes_ medium height.Aor;of Bor;withCand;of Dand;with22 What_ your sister _? Shehas long black hair.Adoes;like Bhas;likeCare;like

4、 Ddoes;looklike23I thinkthe best way to get to school is by bus.I think _ from her. Ithink the best way is walking.Aearly BquicklyCfriendly Ddifferently24Mum, Icant find my hat. Where did you _ it?On thebed.Aput Bbuy Cmake Dshow25Theseapples are so delicious.Can I have _one?Aother Banother Cothers D

5、the other26We stillhave _ eggs, so we dont need to buy at the moment.Aa few Bfew Ca little Dlittle27Thegirl _big eyes is my friend.Ahas Bwith Cwears Don28Whereare my_?I needthem to read newspapers.Theyare on the table.Aglasses Bsports shoesCblack hair Dpens29Socceris my fathers favorite sport,and he

6、 is good _soccer.Awith Bof Cat Dfor30You area little_You haveto eat less(更少的)foodand take more exercise.Ahandsome BtallCthin Dheavy31Do theyhave short hair or long hair?_AYes,they do BNo,theydontCThey are short DTheyhave long hair32. Each of the students in our class _ lunch at school.Ahave Bhas Cis

7、 Dare33Excuseme, which is the way to the cinema?Go straight, and youll find it_ of the street.Ain the end Bat the endCby the end Dto the end34Youreyes are very beautiful._.ANo,they arent BNot at allCThank you DYes,they are35Do youknow _?I wantto see a funny film.Awhere the cinema is Bwhere isthe cin

8、emaCwhere the cinema was Dwherewas the cinema六、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)(词数:约110;建议用时:6分钟)Look atthe picture. Its a picture of _(36) room._(37)are white and the windows are big. On one of the walls you can see _(38)old photo of her family.Her _(39) is American. She is ateacher _(40) English.She is _(41) a wh

9、itehat. Behind her mother _(42) her father. He _(43)young.The boy in a red coat is her brother Bob. Bob is ten years old. He istall and _(44) a round face.He has big eyes and a bignose.His mouth is wide,but his ears are small.He looks very cool.Lily is sitting _(45)the floor(地板)They look like their

10、father and mother.36A.Lily BLilys CLilys DLilys37A.Thewall BA wall CWalls DThe walls38A.a Ban C/ Dthe39A.father Bmother Cuncle Dbrother40A.of Bin Cwith Don41A.in Bon Cof Dat42A.are Bam Cis Dbe43A.looks Bare Clook Dam44A.is Bhas Chave Dbe45A.in Bon Cunder Dbehind七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A(词数:约190;建议用时:6分钟)M

11、y nameis Tom. My best friends are John and Ann. We do many things together. Johnlives near my house and we are in the same class. Hes fifteen years old andhes tall and thin. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Hes polite and veryclever. Hes good at math and helps me with my homework sometimes. He usual

12、lywears jeans and a Tshirt, but in the photo hes wearing black trousers and a yellow Tshirt. We also play basketball at a nearby park together and sometimes weplay computer games at my house.Ourfriend Ann doesnt go to our school. Shes short and slim with straight brownhair and brown eyes. Shes a lit

13、tle bit shy. We all have kungfu lessons everyTuesday and Friday afternoon. We love kungfu. Ann is really good at kungfu. Wecall her the “kungfu kid”. She sometimes plays basketball with us, too. In thepicture she is wearing a dress, but she doesnt usually wear skirts or dresses.She often wears a Tsh

14、irt and a baseball cap. The three of us have great fun together.46Whatthings do the three children do together?APlay baseball. BPlay basketball.CPlay tennis. DPlay video games.47What areJohn and Anns favorite clothes?ATshirts.BJeans.CTrousers.DJackets.48Who isgood at math?ATom.BAnn.CJohn.DWe dont know.49When dothe children have kungfu lessons?AEvery Thursday.BEvery Tuesday afternoon.CEvery Friday afternoon.DBoth B and C.50Where doTom and John play computer games?AI


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