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1、人教版丨七年级下册英语4单元词汇/句型精讲(附练习题及答案)Unit4一、词汇精讲:1. arrive1)arrive 意为“到达”。arrive at+小地点,arrive in +大地点。例如:I will arrive in Beijing next week. 我下周到北京。I arrived at the small village on a cold morning.在一个寒冷的早晨我到达了那个小村庄。2)arrive 后面跟地点副词here, there, home时,不需要跟介词。例如:arrive home 到家 arrive here 到这儿注意:arrive late f

2、or与be late for是同义短语,都表示“做某事迟到”的意思。arrive late for 强调动作晚,be late for 侧重状态晚。例如:Dont arrive late for the next test.Dont be late for the next test.下一次考试不要再迟到了。2. listenlisten 是不及物动词,意为“听,倾听”,强调听的动作,后面接宾语时要加上介词to。例如:We should listen to the teacher carefully.我们应该认真听老师讲课。Listen! Someone is singing in the g

3、arden.听! 有人在花园里唱歌。拓展:hear, listen和sound的辨析三个词都有“听”的意思,具体区别如下:hear 意思是“听说,听到”,侧重听到的内容。例如:I heard someone cry in the next room last night.昨晚我听见有人在隔壁哭。listen意思是“听”,侧重听的动作。例如:Listen! Someone is crying.听!有人在哭。sound作动词讲时是连系动词,意为“听起来”,后面跟形容词作表语,构成主系表结构。例如:It sounds good! 听起来不错!3. relaxrelax 作及物动词,意为“放松, 休息

4、,使轻松”,第三人称单数为relaxes。例如:You work too hard; you should relax yourself. 你工作太努力了,你应该放松一下你自己。This song relaxes me. 这首歌使我心情舒畅。拓展:1)relaxed形容词,意为“感到轻松的”,常修饰人做表语。例如:He is relaxed after listening to music.听完音乐后,他感到轻松。2)relaxing 也是形容词,意为“令人轻松的”,常用来修饰物或者事情,可以作表语也可以作定语。例如:Its a relaxing trip. 这是一次令人轻松的旅行。The f

5、ilm is very relaxing. 这部电影很令人放松。4. on timein timeon time 意为“按时,准时”,指按照规定的时间或者指定的时间做某事;而in time指“及时”,指不迟到或在规定的时间之前或者接近所规定的时间做某事。例如:We must arrive there on time.我们必须按时到达那里。At last, the police arrived there in time.最后警察及时赶到了那里。5. wear, put on, dressin1)wear是动词,它的意思是“穿”,它表示状态。例如:My father wears a T-shir

6、t today. 我爸爸今天穿着T恤衫。2)put on的意思是“穿上、戴上”,它表示动作。例如:Its cold outside, put on your coat please.外面非常冷,请穿上你的大衣。3)dress 作动词时,表示“为穿衣”后接反身代词或人,也可以不接宾语。例如:Can you dress the baby for me?你能帮我给孩子穿衣服吗?4)in 表示穿着的状态,后接颜色或服装。例如:The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是我姐姐。The girl in hat is very beautiful. 戴帽子的女孩儿很漂亮。6

7、. strictstrict 形容词,意为“严厉的,严格的”,在句子中可以做表语、定语。常用短语be strict with sb. 意为“对某人要求严格”;be strict in sth. 意为“对某事要求严格”。例如:She is a strict teacher.她是一个严格的老师。She is strict with her students and strict in her work. 她对她的学生和工作要求严格。7. bringbring 动词,意为“带来;拿来”。例如:Bring your English book to my office.把你的英语书带到我办公室里来。辨析

8、:bringtake1)bring指从别处将某人或者某物带到说话人所在的地方。例如:Please bring your family photo tomorrow.明天请把你的全家福带过来。2)take 意为“带走,拿走”时,指把某人或者某物从说话人所在地带走。例如:His father often takes him to the zoo on weekends. 他爸爸周末经常带他去动物园。8. outside1)outside 副词,意为“在外面”,反义词是inside。例如:Dont go outside. Its too cold. 不要到外面去,天气太冷了。2)outside还可以

9、做介词, 意为“在外面”。例如:There is a new car outside the house. 房子外边有一辆新车。3) outside 作名词,意为“外部,外表”。The outside of the house is red. 这个房子的外部是红色的。辨析:作副词时out 与outside的区别out副词:意为“外出,出来”,其反义词为in。outside副词:作副词时,意为“在外面,在户外”等,其反义词为inside。拓展:go out的用法1) 外出,或者指“参加社交活动,外出交际或娱乐”。例如:Mary goes out a lot on Sundays.每逢周日,玛丽的

10、应酬非常多。2) 出去。例如:Lets go out for a walk. 让我们出去散步吧。3) 出国,移居国外。例如:He went out to Canada two years ago. 他两年前移居加拿大了。4) 过时,不流行。例如:This kind of shoes went out last year. 这款鞋去年就过时了。9. dish1) dish 名词,意为“碟,盘”,做餐具讲时,常用复数形式,其前常加the。do the dishes 相当于wash the dishes,意为“清洗餐具”。例如:Its your turn to do the dishes today

11、. 今天轮到你洗碗了。2)dish 还可用作可数名词,意为“菜肴,一道菜”。例如:He likes cold dishes. 他喜欢凉菜。辨析:dishplatedish和plate都是“盘,碟”的意思,它们的区别在于:dish 可以泛指就餐时所用的餐具,包括盘、碗、碟、杯、刀、叉等,特指较深的盘子。例如:Please dry the dishes and put them away.请你把餐具擦干, 收拾好。plate 指较平的盘子、碟子, 可用来盛汤,也可用来装菜。例如:Our host was very generous, heaping a plate of food to us.主人

12、十分慷慨, 给我们装了一盘食物。10. practice1)practice 作动词时是及物动词,意为“练习,训练”,其后可跟名词、代词或动名词做宾语。例如:I often practice my English in the morning.我经常在早上练习英语。He practices playing the piano every day.他每天练习弹钢琴。2)practice 作名词,意为“练习,实践”,是不可数名词。例如:Playing the piano needs a lot of practice.弹钢琴需要多加练习。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。1

13、1. followfollow 动词,意为“遵循,跟随”。follow the rules 意为“遵守规则”。例如:You must follow the school rules.你必须遵守学校规章制度。拓展:follow常见的其他用法有:1) 跟随,跟着。例如:Please follow me. Ill show you the way.请跟我走,我来给你带路。2) 明白,领悟。例如:You are speaking too fast and we cant quite follow you.你讲的太快,我们不太懂你的意思。3) 表示“沿而行”。例如:follow the road 沿路而

14、行12. feel1)feel作行为动词,意为“觉得,认为”。例如:How do you feel today? 今天你感觉怎样?I feel that you will win. 我感觉你会赢。2)feel 作连系动词,意为“感觉,摸起来”,其后跟形容词作表语。例如:I feel happy today. 我今天感觉很高兴。Your hand feels cold. 你的手摸起来很凉。练一练:. 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示补全单词。1. We must f_ the rules in the school.2. Today is my birthday. I f_ very happy.3.

15、 Dont stand o_! Come in, please!4. He is very lazy. Hes always l_ for school.5. Dont f_ with each other.6. When do you a_ at school? At half past seven.7. Can we l_ to the music?8. The room is very d_, so you must clean it.9. He has to do his homework b_ dinner.10. Do you do the d_ after dinner?. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We have to _ (wear) uniforms to school every day.2. Jim _ (have) to brush his teeth before go


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