人教版高中英语选修十(Book 10 Unit 1)

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1、人教版高中英语选修十(Book 10 Unit 1)Section .高频单词点击1suffer (v.)遭受;忍受suffering (n.)苦楚;受难2strong (adj.)坚强的;强壮的strength (n.)力量strengthen (v.)加强;巩固3bear (v.)忍受;承受bearable (adj.)能够忍受的unbearable (adj.)无法忍受的;承受不住的4cosy (adj.)舒适的;安逸的5breath (n.)呼吸;气息breathe (v.)呼吸breathless (adj.)喘不过气来的6rotten (adj.)腐烂的;变质的rot (v.)腐烂

2、7blacken (v.)使变黑black (adj.)黑的,(n.)黑色8circumstance (n.)环境;详情;境况9bless (v.)祝福;保佑blessing (n.)祝福;幸运blessed (adj.)神圣的10hook (n.& v)钩;钩住;迷上11mourn (v.)哀悼;忧伤12urgent (adj.)急迫的;紧急的urge (v.)催促;力劝urgency (n.)紧急13vital (adj.)生死攸关的;重要的14cheerful (adj.)高兴的;愉快的cheer(v.& n)欢呼;愉快cheerfully (adv.)高兴地15faith (n.)信任

3、;信念;信仰;忠实faithful (adj.)忠实的16rank (n.)等级;军阶;军衔17select (v.)选择;挑选18swear (v.)发誓;宣誓19selfish (adj.)自私的selfishness (n.)自私.重点短语必记1remind sb.of sth. 提醒某人某事2block out 封闭3as usual 像往常一样4hold on 坚持5give way to 让路;让步6set out 动身;着手做7make sb.a steward 使某人成为一名膳务员.常用句型必备1A spider was making its web while Robert

4、the Bruce was watching it in a cave.2Hold on now, Perce.Dont you go turning into another Tom, comes the reply.3So it_was with great excitement one morning in July 1914 that I read this advertisement .课文缩写填空Perce Blackborow 1. washooked(hook) when he knew there was an expedition with Shackleton.He se

5、cretly hid aboard but was found because of his 2.seasickness(seasick). He was made a steward on the ship. 3.On January 18th, 1915, the ship Endurance crushed because of the pack ice, Shackleton made an 4.urgent(urge) announcement 5.that we must save essential supplies, such as food, bedding and clot

6、hes. But he encouraged Hussey to bring his banjo, 6.for he thought it could keep us 7.cheerful(cheer)Shackleton was always honest with the crew and never gave way to disappointment, even 8. when the ship sank. His perseverance won their complete faith 9.in him. On Elephant Island, all the people kep

7、t busy. They divided food and bedding fairly, 10. which contributed to the morale of the crew and saved their lives.Section Warming Up & Reading Language Points1strengthen(1)vt.加强;巩固;使坚强On this basis we strengthened our discipline.在这个基础上,我们加强了纪律。Your words strengthened my courage and I made it at la

8、st.你的话增强了我的勇气,最终我取得了成功。(2)vi.变强The wind strengthened during the night.夜里风刮得更大了。完成句子(1)这座桥必须加固。The bridge must be strengthened.(2)他每天锻炼以增强体质。He exercises every day to strengthen his body.(3)引进新方法来加强他们的计划。The new method was brought in to strengthen their plan.2rotten(1)adj.腐烂的;腐朽的The fruit is starting

9、 to go rotten.水果开始腐烂变质了。(2)adj.非常糟糕的;恶劣的She is a rotten singer.她是一个蹩脚的歌手。(3)adj.腐败的The organization is rotten to the core.这个组织腐败透顶。rot v. & n 腐烂;腐败变质;形势恶化rot away 烂掉Some apples rotted on the tree.有些苹果在树上就腐烂了。完成句子(1)Food goes_rotten (腐烂) easily in summer.(2)Too much sugar will rot_your_teeth (使你的牙腐烂)

10、(3)The window frame has_rotten_away_completely (已经完全烂掉了)3blacken vt.变黑;使变黑After a weeks use, the blackboard should be blackened.使用了一周后,黑板应该涂黑漆了。He blackened the wrong parts in his composition.他把作文中的错误部分涂黑了。en或en与形容词或名词相结合后,原词就由形容词或名词变成动词。由这种词缀构成的动词还有:darken 使变暗widen 加宽strengthen 加强sharpen 使锋利enrich

11、使丰富encourage 鼓励enlarge 使扩大endanger 使处于危险用词缀en/en构成的词完成句子(1)The road is so narrow, and it will be widened (加宽) this summer.(2)Encouraged (激励) by his words, his students devoted all of their time to study.(3)The power of the central government has been further strengthened (加强)(4)That experience enlar

12、ged (拓宽) their knowledge about history.4bless v赐福于;感谢;保护免于I blessed him for helping me.真要谢谢他帮了我。be blessed with 有幸得到;被赋予blessing n. 祝福;天赐;幸运blessed adj. 神圣的;有福的;该死的Our country is blessed with abundant natural resources.我们国家拥有丰富的自然资源。Good health is a blessing.健康就是幸福。用bless的适当形式填空(1)My being late is a

13、ll for that blessed car.(2)Father gives his blessing to our holidays plans.5hook(1)n.C钩;吊钩He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.他把外套挂在门后的挂钩上。(2)vt.钩住;迷上Keep still; your hairs hooked on a button.别动,你的头发钩在钮扣上了。She was hooked by what the man had said.那个男人说的话把她给迷住了。off the hook 摆脱危险;脱离困境on the ho

14、ok 陷入困境hook up 用钩子钩住;安装接通I hope you can send a man to hook up my telephone soon.我希望你能赶紧找人安装好我的电话。完成句子(1)The man was on_the_hook (陷入圈套) designed by his beloved friend.(2)He hooked_up (钩住) a big fish and held it out to her.6urgent adj.急迫的;紧急的I must post this letter; its urgent.我必须发这封信,它很紧急。I cant go o

15、ut with you tonight because I have an urgent thing to attend to.今晚我不能与你一起外出,因为我有一件急事要处理。(1)urgency n 紧急;迫切;强求;催促(2)urge vt. 推进;极力主张;强调;力劝;激励urge sth./sb. on 催促某物/某人前进urge sb. to do sth./into doing sth. 催促某人做某事urge that . (should) do sth. 极力主张;强调It is urged that . (should) do sth. 坚决主张He urged on his pupils the importance of hard work.他向学生们强调用功的重要性。The UN urged the country to stop violence immediately.联合国敦促该国应立即停止暴力行为。It is strongly urged that t


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