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1、高考英语-句子结构详解剖析1、While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page.核心词汇详解:modest mdsta. 谦虚的;适中的elevate elvetv. 举起;提高、提升elevator n. 电梯elevated a. 升高的;高尚的ca

2、pture kpt(r)vt. 捕获、获得、抓捕短语:put pen to paper 下笔、动笔句子解析:句首为while引导的让步状语从句,其中还嵌套着一个由when引导的时间状语从句。逗号后副词even起强调作用,表示出乎意料;since then为全句的时间状语,then(那时)指代之前让步状语从句中的时间20世纪60年代。参考译文:在20世纪60年代以前,即使是受过一般教育的人在下笔前也会寻求高雅的语调,但自那以后,即使是被广泛认可的文章也开始使用口头英语。2、Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass (t

3、he amount of living biological matter) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.核心词汇详解:method medn. 方法attempt tmptv. 尝试、试图attempt to do sth 尝试做某事estimate estmtv. 估计actual ktula. 真实的、实际的biomass bamsn. 生物数量amount mantn. 数量、总量 v. 总计species spi:i:zn.

4、 物种、种类particular ptkjl(r)a. 特别的、详细的in particular 特别、尤其ocean nn. 海洋短语:but rather 而是over time 随着时间推移句子解析:谓语do not attempt to estimate后有两个并列宾语,分别是the actual biomass和changes,介词短语of fish species和in that biomass为后置定语修饰这两个宾语;介词短语in particular parts of the ocean和副词over time做后置定语修饰其前的fish species和changes in

5、that biomass,分别表示地点和时间。参考译文:他们的方法并不试图估计海洋中特定部分的鱼类的实际生物量(存活的生物物种的数量),而是随着时间的推移这些生物量的变化。3、The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority of immigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spoke English well or very well after ten years of residence.”核心词汇详解:census senssn. 人口普查reveal rvi:

6、lv./n. 显示、揭露major med(r)a. 多数的、主要的majority n. 多数、多数人immigrate mgretv. 移民、移入origin rdnn. 起源reside rzadvi. 居住reside in 居住在、居住于resident n. 居民 a. 居住的residence n. 居住;住处句子解析:在that引导的宾语从句中,主语为a majority of immigrants,谓语为spoke,宾语为English;介词结构from.origin为后置定语修饰主语immigrants,句尾介词短语after ten years of residence则

7、充当从句的时间状语。参考译文:1990年的人口普查显示“来自15个最主要移民国的大部分移民在美国居住10年后,英语能说的不错或很不错”4、Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet “some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to

8、 the nations assimilative power.”核心词汇详解:note ntn. 笔记 v. 记录;注意;表示、表达;指出notebook n. 笔记本remote rmta. 遥远的、远程的remote control 遥控器remain rmenv. 留下、剩余immune imju:na. 免疫的、有免疫力的immunize=immune+ize(使动后缀)v. 使免疫immunity=immune+ity(n.后缀)n. 免疫、免疫力assimilate smletv. 同化、吸收assimilative a.同化的、吸收的句子解析:本句是由转折词yet连接的两个分句

9、。在第一个宾语从句中,主语为children,谓语为系动词are,表语是fans of superstars,介词短语in.world为后置定语修饰children。第二个宾语从句中,主语为immigrants,谓语是系动词remain,表语为形容词immune,to the.power为状语,现在分词living within.United States做后置定语修饰immigrants。参考译文:R指出:全世界偏远山村的孩子们都是像AS与GB这样的超级巨星的粉丝,然而,“一些美国人却担心,居住在美国境内的许多移民仍对国家的同化具有免疫力”。5、Creating a European ide

10、ntity that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.核心词汇详解:identity adenttin. 身份、特色respect rspektv.n.尊敬、尊重n. 方面tradition trd()nn. 传统、惯例traditional a. 传统的connect knektv. 连接、联系fabric fbr

11、kn. 构造、结构fabricate v. 制造、捏造strategy strtdin. 战略、策略strategic a. 战略(上)的、战略的短语:make up 组成;化妆; 编造Old Continent 旧大陆句子解析:本句的主干是Creating a European identity.is no easy task and demands a strategic choice。that引导的定语从句,修饰前面的European identity;在此定语从句中又嵌套了一个which引导的定语从句,修饰前行词cultures and traditions,考虑到整个句子结构,此定语

12、从句可译为一个分句,置于句首为下文做铺垫。本句考察嵌套式定语从句参考译文:不同的文化和传统把旧大陆的构造联系在一起,要创造出一种尊重这些文化和传统的“欧洲特色”绝非易事,并且需要人们做出战略性的选择。6、The notion is that people have failed to detect the massive changes which have happened in the ocean because they have been looking back only a relatively short time into the past.核心词汇详解:notion nnn.

13、 概念、观念、意见detect dtektv.侦察、探测;察觉、发觉detective dtektvn.侦探massive msva. 大的、大量的、大块的relative reltvn. 亲戚 a. 有关的、相关的;相对的短语:look back into 回顾句子解析:本句主干结构为主语+系动词+表语从句。在表语从句中,有which引导的定语从句,修饰前面的massive changes;还包含一个由because引导的原因状语从句,该从句的主语为代词they,指代前文中的people,谓语为have been looking back.into,宾语为the past,名词短语only

14、a relatively short time为原因状语从句中的时间状语。参考译文:这一观念认为,因为人们回顾过去的时间相对较短,所以没有发觉海洋中发生的大量变化。7、Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need art to tell us, as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in livin

15、g with it.核心词汇详解:surround srandv. 包围、围绕religion rldnn. 宗教religious a. 宗教的deny dnav. 否认、拒绝not.but.不是.而是.memento mori生命无常句子解析:本句主句为we need art.;冒号后的祈使句remember that.为同位语,解释说明Memento mori,该同位语中包含三个并列的宾语从句,充当动词remember的宾语。参考译文:今天,被快乐可以轻易得到的承诺包围,我们需要快乐像过去的宗教那样告诉我们生命无常:记住人总会死去,一切都会结束,快乐并不是否认这个而是与之共存。8、It is the playgoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the towns re



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