高考英语 句子结构详解剖析

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《高考英语 句子结构详解剖析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语 句子结构详解剖析(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考英语-句子结构详解剖析1、For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals - no meat, no fur, no medicines.结构分析:句子主干是: a woman was distributing a brochure ;

2、woman后面的现在分词短语staffing an animal rights booth是woman的后置定语;brochure后面的that引导定语从句; anything后面的that引导定语从句; 译文:例如,在近期的一次集市上,一位老奶奶站在动物权利宣传点前散发小册子,规劝人们不要使用动物制品和动物实验制品-肉类,毛皮,药物。 2、Finally, because the ultimate stakeholders are patients, the health research community should actively recruit to its cause not

3、only well-known personalities such as Stephen Cooper, who has made courageous statements about the value of animal research, but all who receive medical treatment.结构分析:句子主干结构是: the health research community should recruit to its cause not only but ; because引导的原因状语从句;Stephen Cooper后面是一个who引导的非限制性定语从句

4、;最后一个who引导定语从句修饰all; 译文:最后,因为最终决定因素是病人,医疗研究机构不仅应该积极争取像史蒂芬库博这样的名人的支持-他对动物实验的价值勇敢地进行了肯定-而且应该争取所有接受治疗的病人的支持。 3、Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if its useless. 结构分析:句子主干为: we demand everything ; 第一个逗号前为过去分词短语shielded引导

5、的状语成分,第二个逗号后面是even if引导的让步状语从句;everything后面是that引导的定语从句,that在从句中作主语; 译文:由于医疗费用由第三方支付,我们常常要求用尽所有的医疗手段,即使它们不会有任何作用。4、When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem to

6、day, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.结构分析: 本句是由for连接的两个因果关系的并列句;for前面的部分是表示结果的分句,此句结构是when引导的状语从句+主句,主句主干结构是 it is advisable to ,其中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式结构;动词不定式结构中又包含一个what引导的宾语从句,做find out的宾语;for后面的部分是表示原因的分句,此句结构是:让步状语从句+主句,主句主干结构是 it is possible that ,it 是形式主

7、语,真正的主语是后面的that从句; 译文: 当一场新的艺术运动形成某种时尚时,理应弄清其倡导者的目标所在,因为无论他们的准则在今天看来是多么牵强附会、不可思议,将来都有可能被视为正常的。 5、The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national jou

8、rnals in the nineteenth century and then by several local geological journals in the twentieth century. 结构分析: 本句主干部分是The result has been to make entrance harder for amateurs; 第一个逗号后面是一个名词性短语,中心词是the result,后面是that引导的定语从句;此定语从句中包含两个并列状语,其结构为first by and then by ; 译文: 其总的结果是使业余人员的论文进入专业性地质学杂志更加困难,而审稿制

9、度的全面引进使论文发表的难度进一步加大,这一制度开始是在19世纪的全国性杂志出现的,进入20世纪后也在一些地方性地质杂志实行。 6、Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want. 结构分析:

10、本句主干结构是 this project has turned out to be findings ; findings前面的mostly low-level是findings的修饰成分,后面的about 介词结构是宾语findings的宾语补足语;逗号后面的过去分词结构combined是状语成分,表示一种伴随的动作; 译文: 遗憾的是,这次调查的结果只获得了一些肤浅的发现,诸如新闻报道中的事实错误、拼写或语法错误,以及特别令人费解的困惑:读者到底想读些什么。 7、A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional pr

11、ogress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming I wanted to spend more time with my family. 结构分析: 本句句子主干是A lateral move prompted me to ; move后面是that引导的定语从句,修饰a lateral move, that在从句做主语;第一个逗号后面的是

12、状语成分,两个逗号之间的部分是插入语; 译文: 一次平级的人事调动伤了我的自尊心,并阻碍了我的事业发展,这促使我放弃自己地位较高的职业,当然,就像颜面扫尽的政府部长那样,我也掩饰说“我想多陪陪家人”。 8、 I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of juggling your life , and maki

13、ng the alternative move into downshifting brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status.结构分析: 本句主干结构是I have discovered + that引导的宾语从句;as引导的句子是伴随状语,可以看作是插入语;在that引导的宾语从句中,主语是两个动名词短语:abandoning and making ,谓语是brings; 译文: 我已经发现(由于压力过大,凯尔茜已多次公开宣称要辞去她杂志编辑的职务,在这之后她也许会同样发现):放弃“

14、忙忙碌碌”的生活哲学,转而过一种“放慢生活节奏”的生活所带来的回报,比经济成功和社会地位更有价值。 9、The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained to achieve radical higher productivity and, as a result, radically higher standards of living.核心词汇详解:research rs:t v.n. 调查、研究institution nst

15、tju:n n. 机构;制度、规定consistent knsstnt a. 一致的、连续的、持续的achieve ti:v vt.实现、完成;达到、得到 vi.达到预期目的radical rdk()l a. 根本的;激进的productivity prdktvti n. 生产率、生产力standard stndd n. 标准 a. 标准的短语:as a result 因此句子解析:The findings of a research institution(主语) have consistently shown(谓语) that workers in all countries can be trained to achieve radical higher productivity and, as a result, radically higher standards of living(宾语从句).在主语中,of a research institution是of结构做后置定语修饰核心主语findings;谓语中,consistently是副词修饰动词show;在宾语从句中,workers做主语,can be trained是谓语动词,to.是不定式结构做目的状语,在该目的状语中,由and连接两个并列成分higher



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