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1、Unit 2 Great people第六课时Task目标导航类别课时要点重点单词advantage n.优势,有利条件increase vt.增加development n.发展重点短语happen to 碰巧spend time doing sth花费时间做某事重点句型1.I think Yuan Longping,a rice scientist and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,is one of the greatest people that have ever lived.我认为水稻科学家及中国工程院院士袁隆平是

2、有史以来最伟大的人之一。2.That is why I admire him so much.这就是我如此钦佩他(袁隆平)的原因。教学重点1.让学生掌握基本的四会单词、短语及句型。2.让学生读懂有关袁隆平的笔记,了解他的贡献。3.让学生利用笔记补全短文。教学难点1.让学生学会向他人介绍一位名人。2.让学生完成一篇介绍名人的文章。教学过程预习指导一、方法指导1.搜集关于介绍名人方面的常用词汇、短语和句子。2.预习Page 3233有关袁隆平的文章,理解文章大意。3.试填写Page 33中Part B的短文。二、预习检测.汉译英1.死于饥饿die of hunger2.增加20%30% incre

3、ase by 20%30%3.花费时间做某事spend time doing sth4.将近十年的艰苦工作nearly ten years of hard work5.其他普通品种other common kinds6.一位水稻科学家a rice scientist.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1.Reading more books will increase(增加) your vocabulary.2.I happened(碰巧) to meet a friend of mine yesterday afternoon.3.For a goalkeeper,its a great advan

4、tage(优势)to have big hands.4.More and more people are interested in doing kinds of charities at present(现在).5.With the development(发展) of our society,well have more chances to go abroad.课堂教学Step 1 情景导入1.让学生看Part A中有关袁隆平的档案。2.给学生放映几幅图片,然后观看有关袁隆平的视频。Step 2 完成教材Part A的任务1.认真阅读Part A中有关袁隆平的信息,回答下列问题,并核对答

5、案。(1)Who is Yuan Longping?He is a rice scientist,a member of the Academy of Engineering.He is called Father of Hybrid Rice.(2)Why did he begin research into hybrid rice?Because he saw people die of hunger in 1960.(3)Why does Amy admire him?Because Yuan Longping has spent all his life on the research

6、 and development of better rice plants and has solved the problem of hunger for many people.2.两人小组,阅读埃米的笔记,进一步尽可能地相互问答。(1)When was Yuan Longping born?He was born on 7 September 1930.(2)What did he do after graduating from college?He worked as a teacher in an agriculture school after graduating from

7、college.(3)Which country was the new type of hybrid rice introduced into in 1979?It was introduced into the USA.3.讲解分析重点语句。限时训练单项填空(C)1.Do you know who“Father of Hybrid Rice”?A.considerB.considersC.is consideredD.considered(B)2.We happenedSam near our school last week.A.meetingB.to meetC.to meetingD

8、.met(A)3.WeChat is an inventioncan help people talk to friends and share photos,ideas and feeling freely.A.whichB.whoC.whoseD./(A)4.I forgot my mothers birthday!Youd better keep it in mind next year.A.You did?B.I dont mind.C.Im afraid so.D.No problem.Step 3 完成教材Part B的任务1.给学生五分钟的时间,独立完成Page 33中Part

9、B的短文。2.请几位学生分享他们的答案,并全班核对答案。3.讨论Part B文章的结构。ParagraphMain ideaParagraph 1Name and titleParagraph 2Major events and contributionsParagraph 3Why people admire him4.讨论合作,让学生说出每一段具体的含义,画出一些重点的表达。5.让学生自由朗读,熟悉文章。Step 4 写作1.针对Part A与B,老师总结归纳。注意要紧扣下列问题。(1)Who is he/she?(2)When was he/she born?(3)What did he

10、/she do?(4)Why do you admire him/her?2.写一篇作文初稿,小组合作,修改作文。3.老师范文讲评,归纳总结,点评亮点与不足之处。限时训练书面表达根据下列提示,以“A great person”为题,写一篇80100词的文章。1.曼德拉,南非人,南非首位黑人总统,被誉为“南非国父”。2.他是一位伟大的斗士,他的一生致力于为非洲黑人的权利而战斗。3.在牢中服刑的27年中,他始终没有放弃为世界和平不懈努力的信念(belief)。4.曼德拉获得了超过一百项奖项,最显著的是1993年的诺贝尔和平奖。5.卒于2013年12月5日,享年95岁。【参考范文】A great p

11、ersonNelson Mandela was a South African.He was the first black president of South Africa.He was also called “Father of South Africa”.Mandela was a great fighter.He devoted all his life to fighting for the rights of black Africans.During the 27 years in prison,he never gave up the belief to work for

12、the peace of the whole world.Mandela received over one hundred awards.The most famous one is the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.On December 5,2013,he passed away at the age of 95.板书设计1.happen to do sth碰巧做某事。例如:She happened to be out when we called.我们打电话时她刚巧不在家。2.make a contribution to为做出贡献。例如:Everyone sh

13、ould make a contribution to protecting the environment.每个人都应当为保护环境做贡献。3.increase by“增加了”;increase to“增加到”。例如:The population of this town has increased by 5%.这个镇的人口增长了5%。The population has increased to 1.8 million.人口已经增长到了180万。教学反思本课时的设计主要体现了“学以致用”这一教学理念。就整节课而言,学生参与课堂实践的积极性高,写作能力也得到了有效提高。本课时主要有两个亮点:一,以前面刚学习的课文为范文,学习其写作特色,并使用“He/She is the person who.”这一句型;二,头脑风暴法培养了学生在英语写作中自主学习的能力,激发了学生的创意与灵感,对促进学生的自主学习、发展学生的写作能力起到了积极的作用。4



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