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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school? 单元整体分析重点词句梳理 单词卡片名词: train, bus, subway, ride, bike, minute, kilometer, car动词: ride, drive, live形容词:far, new, every副词: far 数词: sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred介词: by短语归纳动词短语: take the subway, ride a bike, think of, 介词短语: by bike副词短语: every day句型再现1. How does M

2、ary get to school? 2. She takes the subway.3. How far is it from your home to school?4. The bus ride takes about 20 minutes.5. How long does it take you to get to school?6. Do you go by bus or by train? 单词卡片名词: stop, river, village, bridge, boat, ropeway, year, villager, dream 动词: cross, leave, drea

3、m形容词:many, afraid, true代词: many介词: between, like短语归纳动词短语: come true 介词短语: betweenand句型再现1.There is a very big river between their school and the village. 2. Can their dream come true? 3.Hes like a father to me.4.You want to know how I get to school, right?教材内容解读 本单元以“上学的交通方式”为话题,用How/How long/How fa

4、r引导的特殊疑问句及其回答,来谈论出行方式、所花时间及距离。了解东西方国家出行方式的不同,以及不同的交通规则,教育学生注意交通安全, 加深对交通知识的了解。内容分为两部分:Section A对话部分以谈论各自的上学方式,练习使用How/How long/How far句型。Section B:阅读部分介绍了中国一个偏远村庄孩子们“独特”的上学方式滑索道。通过对比,让孩子们更加珍惜自己的幸福生活。功能话题应用 How do you get to school?I ride my bike.How long does it take to get to school?It takes about

5、20minutes.How far is it from your home to school?Its about two kilometers. 语法结构点击 以how, how long和how far引导的特殊疑问句及其回答,用于谈论“方式”,“时长”和“距离”。 背景知识链接采用新教案P45 话题相关链接。 Section A 新课备课素材 素材一 新课导入设计 导入一 图片导入: show some pictures about some traffic tools,such as train, bus subway and so on; show the new words an

6、d sentences with the pictures ; then lead to the new lesson. 导入二 音乐导入:“Enjoy the music”, listen to the song “This is the way we go to school.”, and then lead to the new lesson.(见PPT) 导入三 视频导入:Play the video about transportations; then show the new words in the video.(见PPT)导入四 Play a joke: (采用新教案P46

7、开心一刻) 素材二 新课活动案例活动 1 采用新教案P45活动设计 活动一活动 2 Role-play(分角色表演,强化巩固以上学方式、时长、距离为话题的情景对话。)Step 1 Teacher shows some key words and phrases; Ss use them to make their own conversations with partners. A: How do you get to school?B: I _.A: How long does it take ?B: It takes _.A: How far is it from to ?B: Its a

8、bout _.Step 2 Ss find their partners to practice their own conversations.活动 3 “ One by one” Game 1. 分组进行,哪组表达最迅速,最流畅,耗时最少为获胜者。(教师用秒表计时) S1:I get to school by bike. How do you get to school? S2: I take the bus. What about you? S3: I walk. How do you get to school?. 素材三 听说强化训练采用P46 听说训练。 素材四 语法突破建议: (

9、一)【观察】-How does Mary get to school?-She takes the subway.【探究】 乘坐某种交通工具去某地take + the/a + 交通工具 + to + 地点 = get/go to + 某地 + by + 交通工具e.g. He often takes the bus to work. = He goes to work by bus.请注意,英语中表示“步行” 用on foot (二)【观察】Lisa: How long does it take you to get to school? Jane: About 15 minutes by b

10、ike. 【探究】It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间e.g. It takes me ten minutes to get to school by bike. 骑车去上学花费我十分钟时间。(三)【观察】How far is it from your home to school? 【探究】how far 用来提问“距离” How long 用来提问物体的长度或时间的长短e.gHow far is it from Beijing to Shanghai.How long is the river?How long do you watch

11、 TV every day?新课教学典案Section A Period1 (1a-1c)Step 1. Warming-up and Lead in 1.“Enjoy the music”, listen to the song “This is the way we go to school.”2. Show some pictures about some traffic tools,such as train, bus, subway and so on;T: Look at the picture. What can you see? Do you like your school?

12、 I usually get to school by bike, but sometimes on foot. How do you get to school?S1: I ride my bike. S2: I go by bus. S3: The teacher lead the Ss to answer the question.Step 2. Presentation1. T: If you want to travel Shanghai. How do you get there?S1: I take the bus.S2: I take the train.Teacher sho

13、ws pictures on the big screen, write the new words and phrases on the blackboard.(归纳出行方式和常用短语.)2. Practice the new words and phrases.3.Point S1, ask students to answer the following questions: T: How does he / she go to school?S1: He / She Step3 1a 1. Match the words with the picture.2. Read the wor

14、ds and phrase together.Step4. Listening 1. Make sure the Ss know what to do. Give them an example orally if possible.2. Read the names in the box.3. Play the tape and check the answers.Step5. Pair work 1.Two students to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the class. 2.Work in pairs. Ask and a

15、nswer how students get to school in the picture.3. Finally ask some pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.Step6. Homework.Section A Period 2 (2a-2e)Step1. Warming-up and Lead in Play the video about transportations; then show the new words in the video.Step2. Listening Work on 2a1. R


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