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1、翻译句子:通过翻译句子,我们可以感知我们本单元所学习的有用句型,认识到这些句子的重要性,为提高英语水平拿高分作必要的准备,更为重要的是,随着我们积累的增加,在表达的时候随时有固定的句型可用,左右逢源,考试过程中可以很快识别句子结构,节省时间又准确,拿高分。Unit11.班主任直到学生们平静下来才离开。(notuntil; calm down) The head teacher didnt leave until the students calmed down.2.当感到心烦意乱时,我喜欢出去遛狗。(while+v-ing;upset) While feeling upset, I like

2、to walk the dog.3.中国父母对孩子如此关心,以致他们愿为孩子包办一切。(sothat; concerned) The Chinese parents are so concerned about their children that they will do everything for them.4.我觉得他有点难以相处。(get along with) Ive found it a bit difficult to get along with him.5.你本应该努力学习。 You should have studied hard.6.通过学英语,我们可以对世界有更多了

3、解。 We can learn more of the world by learning English.7.他让一个足球成为它的朋友。He made a football his best friend.8.过了两个小时,他们才被找到。 It was two hours before they were discovered.9.你也知道,我们马上就要考试了。 As you know, we will take the exam soon.10.这事与你无关。 It has nothing to do with you.11.这样,你就可以交到更多的朋友。This way, you can

4、 make more friends.12.我碰巧在街上见到他,就把这事告诉了他。I happened to meet him and told him about this.13.他故意醒着,直到12点。 He stayed awake on purpose until 12 oclock.14.这是我第一次听说这样的事。It (this) is the first time that I have heard this.15.自从我们搬到这里,两年过去了。 Two years have passed since I came here.16.曾经有段时间,我很担心你的安全。 There w

5、as a time when I was very concerned about your safety.17.重要的是,我们相互信任。 Importantly, we trust each other.18.那样说是没有用的。 It is no use talking like that.19.他觉得住下来并且平静下来不易。I found I t difficult to settle and calm down.20.我想知道的是你来自何方。 What I would like to know is where you come.21.要是我现在能见到他该多好。 I wish that

6、I could see her.22.我的确想改变这种情况。 I do want to change this situation.23.皇帝一丝不挂地走在大街上。The king walked in the street with nothing on.24.如果你能给些建议,我会非常感激。 I will appreciate it if you can give me some advice.25.他很难与别人相处。 He has difficulty (in) getting on well with others.26.何不去游泳。 Why not go swimmingUnit21.

7、我们该什么时候出发? When shall we go?2.你认为你是谁? Who do you think you are?3.你不知道这事的原因是你没有参加那次会议。The reason why you dont know this is that you didnt attend the meeting.4.你愿意来我家吗?Would you like to come to my house?5.与其说他笨不如说他懒。He is more lazy than stupid.6.这没道理。It doesnt make any sense.7.这是时间的问题。It is a matter o

8、f time.8.我正要出门,这时天下起大雨。be about to /whenI was about to go out when it rained.9.在英国说的英语与在美国说的英语有很大不同。The English spoken in Britain is different from the English spoken in America.10.时间能证明一切。Only time can tell.11.我不喜欢他和他母亲说话的方式。the wayI dont like the way he speaks to his mother.12.中国是一个大国,在这里有很多方言被说。w

9、hereChina is a large country where many different dialects are spoken.13.运用下面的单词造句。Make sentences using the following words.14.英语在国际交往中起了重要的作用。English plays a important part in international communication.15.工厂与城市的发展有很大的关系。Factories have had much to do with the development of cities.16.那是因为我的粗心造成的。T

10、hat is because of my carelessness.Unit31.自从大学毕业,我就梦想着去巴黎。I have dreamed of going to Paris since I graduated from college.2.这里冬天会很冷。It can be very cold in winter.3.他坚持认为让她来组织这次比赛。He insisted that he organize the match properly.4.他坚持说这是我的错。He insisted that it was my fault.5.一旦他下定决心,什么也动摇不了。Once he has

11、 made up his mind, nothing can change it.6.无论你做什么,我都支持你。No matter what you do, I will support you.7.不要给孩子想要的一切。WhateverDont give the children whatever they want.8.爬山不是易事。To climb the mountains was not easy work.9.沿途穿着长羊毛外套的孩子们驻足看我们。Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to looked

12、at us.10.我们明天就到达大理,在那里他们会加入我们。We will reach Dali tomorrow, where they will join us.11.直到昨天下午他们才找到那个失踪的孩子。It was not until yesterday afternoon that they found the lost child.12.他所说的暗示着他不同意你的观点。What he said suggested that he did not agree with you.13.下次去北京,我会去看你。Next time I go to Beijing, I will call

13、on/see/visit/drop on you.14.你认为是什么使他改变了主意。What do you think made him change his mind. 15.我惊奇的发现这条河的一半在中国境内。I was surprised to find that half the river is in China.16.李白乘船将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。Li Bai was about to sail away when suddenly he heard the sound of stamping/dancing and singing.17. 我慢慢理解了你的意思。I am beg

14、inning to see your points.Unit 41他感觉有点累,就去睡觉了。用ing结构Feeling tired, he went to sleep.2. 他们要买这所房子,这房子有个花园。 He want to buy the house, which has a garden.3. 他没有通过驾驶考试(driving test), 这让他不高兴。(making)He didnt pass the driving test, making him unhappy.4. 如果负担由两个人承担,就轻些。Carried by two, burdens are lighter.,5

15、. 这个小组被派去营救那些被困的人。(those who)The team was sent to help those who were trapped.6. 你这样做是什么意思? What do you mean by doing so?7. 你怎么小心都不为过。You cannot be too careful./ you cannot be careful enough.8. 不是所有的人都在这里。Not everyone is here.9. 听到这个消息,他大哭起来。Hearing the news, he burst into tears.10. 他问了在他旁边站着的那个男的。He asked the man standing next to him.11. 我很高兴的告诉你你是最好的。I am pleased to tell you that you are the best.12. 好像天要下雨。It seems as if it will rain.13. 他有两个女儿,这两个女儿都毕业于清华大学。(Tsing Hua University)用定


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