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1、此文档收集于网络 如有侵权 请联系网站删除 精品文档 课题 Unit 1 Cinderella Story time 课型新授型 共 6 课时 第 1 课时总课时 1 学习 目标 1 在整体理解的基础上听懂 会说 会读故事中出现的词汇 prince fairy why because clothes let put on before have to try on fit 2 基于故事听懂 会说 会读 会写句型 Why Because 并理解句型的意 思 3 能够听懂 会说 会读日常用语 Come and help me Let me help you I have to 4 能较流利有感情地

2、朗读故事 重点 难点 1 在听故事的过程中理解词汇及句型Why Because 能够从整体到局部理解内容 2 能以正确的语音语调朗读故事 合作表演故事 预习 提纲 学习过程 Step1 Free talk T Do you like reading storybooks What storybooks Do you like Why Step2 Presentation a Present the title Today we ll read a story See the handsome man is a prince The pretty girl is Cinderella prese

3、nt the title b Try to say T I think you all know this story Can you say something about the story party can t go helps comes back Whose shoe c Try to read T There s a party at the prince s house but Cinderella cannot go Listen who are shouting Ss picture two sisters and the stepmother T What do they

4、 say Try to read like the bad sisters Ss read the sentences d Watch and answer 此文档收集于网络 如有侵权 请联系网站删除 精品文档 T The two sisters can go to the party happily But Cinderella cannot go so she is very Ss Sad T Why she cannot go to the party and who helps her Let s watch the cartoon check the answer Teach a f

5、air a witch tell the differences e Act in two Read after the computer Teacher make an example Act in two f About the party 1 Listen and say T Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes What does the fairy say Teach before after 作为板书 2 Read and underline Cinderella is at the party The prince sees h

6、er What would he say Ss What a pretty Would you T She has a good time at the party 钟声 Does she want to go home Ss read and underline T Please tell me the sentences you underline Teach have to make some new sentences T She left her shoe So the prince shout Ss Hey your shoe T How do you think of Cinde

7、rella Ss Teacher show two important sentences 1 Read and order T Cinderella has to go home Q What does the prince do Does Cinderella try on the shoe at first Ss read and answer g Read and match T Do you like my story Do the exercise Read and match together Step3 Read and act the story 1 Reading time

8、 Read after the computer Read after the teacher 2 Ask and answer Act the story 3 retell the story 4 Talk about the writer 5 完成课课练第一课时 Step4 Homework 1 听录音熟练朗读story time 此文档收集于网络 如有侵权 请联系网站删除 精品文档 2 小组内表演故事 3 阅读这本故事书 板书设计 Unit1 Cinderella Before the party Come Where Why Because After the party Visit

9、Try on 课后 反思 此文档收集于网络 如有侵权 请联系网站删除 精品文档 课题 Unit 1 Cinderella Fun time Grammar time Think and write 课型新授型 共 6 课时 第 2 课时总课时 2 学习 目标 1 进一步巩固并掌握故事中出现的词汇 prince fairy why because clothes let put on before have to try on fit leave behind 2 进一步巩固并掌握四会句型 Why Because 3 学生能够根据Fun time 中的图片说和演 4 学生能够根据故事 完成Che

10、ckout time 中的 Think and write 进一步巩固故事 理解故事 重点 难点 1 运用 Why Because 交流 掌握句子结构 2 复习巩固故事 叙述故事 1 能够掌握Why are you Why can t you Why does 句子结构 预习 提纲 学习过程 Step1 Warm up 1 Let s review Retell the story 出示图片 P1 There is P2 A fairy P3 Cinderella P4 Cinderella P5 The prince Step2 Presentation 1 Fun time 出示 Fun

11、time 的图片 Ask and answer P1 Why can t she go to the party Because P2 Look who comes What will she say P3 Cinderella meets price P4 Look at the picture What do they say Read Act 选择两幅图演一演 Checkout time Think and write leave behind 2 Grammar time Show the sentences Why are you so sad Because I can t go

12、to the party Why can t you go to the party Because I don t have any nice clothes or shoes Read and summary 学生根据自己的理解总结Why Because 的用法 二次修订 此文档收集于网络 如有侵权 请联系网站删除 精品文档 3 What question words do you remember Why What What time what colour what subject When Where Who Whose How how old how many how much 学

13、生交流 这些提问词的具体用法 4 完成课课练第二课时 Step3 Homework 1 读语法部分 2 表演 Fun time 3 Recite the new words and the story 板书设计 Unit1 Cinderella Why are you so sad Because I can t go to the party Why can t you go to the party Because I don t have any nice clothes or shoes What What time what colour what subject When Wher

14、e Who Whose How how old how many how much 课后 反思 此文档收集于网络 如有侵权 请联系网站删除 精品文档 课题 Unit 1 Cinderella Cartoon time Checkout time 课型新授型 共 6 课时 第 3 课时总课时 3 学习 目标 1 能够听懂 会说 会读卡通故事中出现的词汇 mushroom late pick understand be bad for 2 能够理解并掌握Why Because 的句型结构 并正确交际运用 3 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话 重点 难点 1 能正确理解 朗读卡通故事 读懂故事传递的信

15、息 1 掌握 Why Because 的句型结构 并正确交际运用 预习 提纲 学习过程 Step1 Warm up 1 Free talk What season do you like Why do you like Because Ask and answer Step2 Cartoon time 1 出示 Tina 和 Bobby 的图片 a Look at the picture Where are they How are they They are in the forest They are very hungry Guess What are they saying I wan

16、t Do you have Picture 1 出示 学生读 根据snack bar说说 snack 的含义 b Pictuce2 Look at the picture T What s under the tree There are some mushrooms under the tree mushroom Who finds the mushrooms find finds Bobby finds the mushrooms What will he say Let s We can pick 摘 pick some mushrooms c Picture3 Look at the picture T What does Bobby do He picks a mushroom T Look at the mushroom How is the mushroom It s nice It s red It s very big 引导学生观察蘑菇 用英语表达 T Do you like the mushroom Do you want to eat it 二次修订 此文档收集于


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