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1、解单项选择题的几种方法1.信息法 (1) They were all very tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest. A. anyB. someC. noneD. neither 本题只要抓住all,便可排除neither,因为all指3个以上,neither只表示两个,而A、B不合题意,很容易被排除,故答案为C。 (2) Do you remember _ he came? Yes, I do, he came by car. A.whereB.whatC.whereD.which 从语法上看,A、B、C、D4个选项都可以填,而且在日

2、常生活中用任何一个选项都没有什么错。但是,by这一特定信息暗示了问句询问的是“来的方式”,所以A是最佳选项。 2.破境、破译法 (3) When shall we meet again? Make it _day you like; its all the same to me. A. oneB. anyC. anotherD. some 解此题须抓住“its all the same to me”,其意为“我们何时再见面对我来讲都一样”,言外之意“再相会的日子哪一天都行”,故选B。 (4) The plant is dead. I _ it more water? A. will giveB

3、. would have give C. must giveD. should have given should have done表示某事本应在过去做,但是没有做。“植物死了,本来应该多浇水的”,故选D。 3.句法分析法 (5) _ we cant get seems better than _ we have. A. What; whatB. What; that C. That; that D. That; what 首先作语法分析,不难发现that连接两个从句,而题干中get、have均为及物动词,空白处缺宾语,A项正好符合以上要求,为正确选项。 (6) This is the is

4、land _ weve long wanted to visit. A. whereB. on whichC. in whichD. that 定语从句中visit是及物动词,关系代词that可做宾语,A为关系副词,B、C为“介词+关系代词”,其作用相当于关系副词,故答案为D。 4.时态、语态分析法 (7) Helen _ her keys in the room so she had to wait until her son _ home. A. has left; comesB. left; had come C. had left; came D. had left; would co

5、me 首先作时态分析,从句so she had to wait.为过去式,而had to意为“不得不”,从而可知主句动作应先于从句动作发生,而且已造成了影响,故主句时态必须用过去完成时,排除A、B;从句里wait为延续性动词,until用在肯定句里表明“直到为止”,在其引导的时间状语从句中,用一般过去时表示过去将来时的动作,故选C。 (8) When we came here this time last year, a new road _. A. was buildingB. has built C. was being built D. has been built 第一句语境提示“th

6、is time last year”从而可推断第二句必须用过去进行时,而第二句主语为road,故必须用被动语态,所以答案为C。 5.排除法 (9) If there were no exa-minations, she should have _ at school. A. the happiest time B. a more happier time C. much happiest time D. a much happier time B、C的形式明显有错,happier已是比较级无需再加more;而最高级前应用the。接下重点来考虑A、D,此题没有三者以上的范围,仅是“有考试”与“没

7、有考试”两种情况的比较,所以推测D为正确答案,much可修饰比较级。 6.综合法 (10) How did you find your visit to museum. I enjoyed it very much. It was _than I expected. A. far more interesting B. even much interesting C. so more interesting D. a lot much interesting 题中than说明该题为比较级句型。B、D属形容词原级,可排除;而C项中so不可跟more interesting连用,自然排除。那么剩下

8、的A代入验证后,more interesting可与far连用,从而可以确定为正确答案。 7.排除母语干扰法 (11) Please dont make any noise. _. Ill be as quiet as a mouse. A. Yes, I wont B. No, I wont C. No, Ill D. Yes, Ill 首先,A、C答语形式相悖应排除,在简略答语中,Yes汉语译为“不”,No译为“是”。第一句语境为否定,第二句语境为“我将静如鼠,不再吵闹”。前后意义一致,故答案为B。 8.推算法 (12) Tom is seventeen years old. Jack is three years older than Tom and two years younger than Tod. Tod is _. A. eighteenB. nineteenC. twenty-twoD. sixteen 汤姆17岁,杰克20岁,而杰克比托德小两岁,所以托德是22岁,经过这样一推算,就知道“C”是正确答案了。


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