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1、Unit5SectionB2a 2c Doyouhaveasoccerball 1 2 3 Contents 4 5 6 Knowledge Ability Emotion 1 wordsandphrases same love only relaxing playsports withtheclassmates 2 targetlanguage 1 Ssmustgraspthereadingskills2 describetheirownsportscollection Tomakethestudentslovesports lovelife Importantanddifficultpoi

2、nts Ssmustgraspthereadingskillsbyskimmingorguessingandfindoutthedetails thenewwordsandtheusageoftheadjectives Competition Part3Analysisofteachingmethods 5Pteaching Task basedTeaching Part4Analysisoflearningmethods Part5Analysisofteachingprocedures Step1Preparation Step2Presentation Step3practice Ste

3、p4production Step5Progress Step6 Summaryandhomework A Doyouhave B Yes Ido No Idon t 1 2 3 4 Pairwork 两人根据图片练习对话 Step1Preparation 5 Pairwork 根据图片练习对话 1 3 4 WangNan A Doesshehave B Yes shedoes No shedoesn t 2 thatsounds Let s it s forme Playsoccer Playping pong WatchTVathome Goswimming boring fun rela

4、xing difficult Brainstorming S1 Ihaveasoccer S2 Mikehasasoccer Ihaveabasketball S3 Mikehasasoccer Lucyhasabasketball Ihaveatennisball S4 Step2Presentation 4 2a Findthesportwordsintheunit writetheminthecorrectcolumn interesting difficult Step2Presentation 2b Readthearticlequicklyandfindoutwhohasasocc

5、erball 谁最快 GinaSmith Step3practice 2c Whodoyouthinksaysthesesentences Checkthem 1 Iplayping pongwithmyclassmatesafterclass 2 Ihavesoccerballs basketballs volleyballsandbaseballs 3 MybrotherhasasoccerballbutIdon t 4 IonlywatchthemonTV 5 Soccerisnoteasyforme 6 MybrotherandIareinthesameschool FGW Reada

6、fterthetapeandthenanswerthequestions 1 DoesFranklovesoccer 2 WhodoesFrankplaysoccerwith 3 WhatsportsthingsdoesGinahave 4 DoesGinaplaysports Whyorwhynot 4 WhatdoesWangWeithinkof 认为 soccer 5 Howmanyping pongballsdoesWangWeihave Readtogetherandfindoutthephrasesinthearticleandmatchthemeaningofthem 1 the

7、sameschoola 那很放松2 it srelaxingb 只在电视上看它们3 onlywatchthemonTVc 和我的同学一起4 it seasyformed 同一所学校5 afterclasse 对我来说容易6 withmyclassmatesf 放学后7 lovesportsg 足球很难8 soccerisdifficulth 喜爱运动 Readthearticlesilently finishtheblanks 默读课文 根据内容完成句子 Frankdoesn thaveasoccer hisbrotherdoes Theygotothe schoolandthey socce

8、r Theyplayitatschool theirfriends it s Ginahasmanysportsballs Sheloves butshedoesn t them she watchthemonTV WangWeithinkssocceris Helikes it s forhim Heplaysping pongwithhis but same love with relaxing sports play only difficult ping pong easy classmates Step4Production I mareporterfromCCTV 5 Todayw

9、e lltalkaboutBeckham Hehas3soccerballs He Step5Progress 6 Step6 Summaryandhomework 1 1 thesameschool同一所学校2 it srelaxing那很放松3 onlywatchthemonTV只在电视上看它们4 it seasyforme对我来说容易5 afterclass放学后6 withmyclassmates和我的同学一起7 lovesports喜爱运动8 soccerisdifficult足球很难 Homework Readtheparagraphtwiceafterthetape 2 Retelltheparagraphtoaclassmate Blackboarddesign 1 thesameschoolit srelaxing2 lovesportssoccerisdifficult3 withmyclassmatesit seasyforme4 afterclass5 onlywatchthemonTVIhaveaIdon thaveasoccer it sdifficult Thankyouforlistening



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