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1、新版英语5B单词归纳cap crayon socks umbrella dining room study do exercise take a photo wear glasses dictionary magazine newspaper storybook row a boat see a film hotel island seafood art room meeting room hall school gate sweater coat trousers shoes have a cold have a fever have a headache have a toothache

2、camera watch the Spring Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival the Double Ninth FestivalLearn the soundscar blue school skirt purse Laura floor bee tea deer tear five pie Flo goat Joe toy noise hair Clare bear mouse owl May wait 新版英语5B句型归纳Are they yours? Yes, they are. No, they arent.Why do you like it? B

3、ecause its so big.Ill be a teacher. I wont wear glasses.Im going to read a story every day.What are you going to do this weekend?Where will we stay?How long will we stay in Sanya?First, theyll visit our classroom.Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one?You should take some medicine. Yo

4、u shouldnt go to bed late.People can tell the time anywhere.The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year.What a mess! Do you know why? Dont wait until tomorrow.Its your size.Whats wrong with you?Let me have a look.Have a good rest and youll get well soon.What shall we do? Really?新版英语5

5、B知识点总结1、letstidyitup.Whosecapisthis?Itsmine.Whosesocksarethese? TheyarePauls.Canyouputitonhisbed?Sure.Thankyouforyourhelp, Sally.Yourewelcome, Peter.Peteristidyingupthebedroom.Whoistidyingupthebedroom?Jimmyseesasmallboxonthetable. Itsfullofnails.Allthenailsfallonthefloor.Jimmysfathergiveshimablackst

6、one.2、Whydoyoulikeit?Becauseitssobig.Wildgeese havebusylives. Theyflyfromoneplacetoanother. Theychangehomestwiceeveryyear.Thereisanoldwoman.Shegivesthechildrensomebread,andthenshesays,itstimetogotobed.DoyoulikeNancyshomeorDanshome?Laurawantstobuyanewskirt. Theoldoneistoosmall.3、Illbea teacher.Iwontw

7、earglasses.Kittywantstoknowaboutherfuture. Shestandsinfrontofa magicmachineandtakesa photo. IamgoodatMaths,butIamweakinEnglish. Idonotliketogetupearly, soI havenotimeforbreakfast.Im oftenlateforschool.IdonotlikesportandIgettiredeasily. Ilikewatching TV. Inthefuture,IwillstudyhardandIwillreadmoreEngl

8、ish books. I willtryto getupearlyandhavebreakfast. Iwillnotbelateforschoolanymore.Iwilldoexerciseeveryday.Iwillnot watchtoomuch TV.4、Imgoingtoreadastoryeveryday.ThestudentsinClass5Aaregoingtomakepostersaboutthebeststories forchildren.TheLisareatthebookshop.5、Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend?Imgoingtos

9、tayathomeandwatchTVwithmygrandparents.Idonthaveanyplansfortheweekend.6、What are we going to do this summer? How do we get there? We get there by plane.Where will we stay? Well stay in a hotel by the sea.How long will we stay in Sanya? Well stay there for five days.What will we do there? Sanya has be

10、autiful beaches with clear water. Well go swimming there. Well also have seafood. The seafood there tastes great.7、The Open Day is on 30th April. Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.First,theyll visit our classroom.Next, theyll visit the art room.Then, theyll go to the hall.After that, theyl

11、l go to the library.Finally, theyll meet the teachers in the meeting room.Ms Guo takes the parents to the classroom. She tells them about the lessons. The children show their parents some beautiful pictures. They have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.In the UK, schools often have

12、ParentsEvenings. It is a time for teachers and parents to talk.8、Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one? I like the pink one. You can try both on. Ill try on the trousers.One day, a man visits him with some nice clothes.The emperor puts on the “new clothes” and gives the man a lot of

13、money.People keep quiet.9、You should take some medicine. You shouldnt go to bed late.Whats wrong with you? I have a headache/have a cold. have a fever have a headache have a toothache have a look have a good rest get wellWhats the date today?Its the fifth of May.10、People can travel from one place t

14、o anther very fast.One day, they are watching some birds flying in the sky. They want to fly too.11、The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year.On Chinese New Year Eve, families have a bid dinner together.Children often get red packets with some money in them.People also watch fireworks at night.12、A giant lives in a



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