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1、 Lesson 61: What Was in the Bags?袋子里是什么?课文英汉对照THINK ABOUT IT! 想一想!What kinds of things can be recycled and reused?什么样的东西可以回收再利用?How much of the garbage that Danny and Jenny collect can be reused or recycled?丹尼和珍妮收集了多少垃圾可以再利用?After they sort the garbage, Danny and Jenny are surprised. Almost all of i

2、t can be reused or recycled!在他们整理完垃圾之后,丹尼和珍妮很吃惊。这里面几乎所有的垃圾都可以回收再利用!Jenny: People throw too much away! They shouldnt waste things.珍妮:人们扔掉的太多啦!他们不应该浪费。Danny: There is more paper than plastic. And there is less metal than plastic. Glass is the least.丹尼:纸比塑料多。金属比塑料少。玻璃最少。Jenny: Paper is the most. Some o

3、f it is only used on one side. We can reuse it.珍妮:纸最多。其中的一些只用了一面。我们可以再利用。Danny: Look! I found a toy car. One of the wheels is broken. Ill take this car home and clean it. Then Ill get my glue, and fix the broken wheel.丹尼:看!我找到一个玩具车。一个车轱辘坏啦。我将把玩具车带回家并把它清洗干净。然后拿出我的胶水,把坏的车轱辘固定好。Jenny: Look at all of th

4、e glass. It can all be recycled, and made into new glass.珍妮:看这些眼镜。都可以回收再利用,制作新的眼镜。Danny: A lot of the glass is broken. Thats bad! Once I cut my foot on a piece of broken glass.丹尼:许多的玻璃坏啦。太糟糕啦,一次一小片玻璃割伤了我的脚。Jenny:Litter is a waste, and it can also hurt people!珍妮:垃圾就是垃圾,它也危害人!Later, Jenny and Danny ge

5、t some bags. They put all of the sorted garbage into them for recycling. They only need to throw away a small bag full of garbage!一会儿,珍妮和丹尼拿到一些袋子。他们把整理好的垃圾放到里面回收再利用。他们只需要扔掉装满一小袋的垃圾!图片译文:Paper was the most. Glass was the least. Was there more metal than plastic? No! there was less metal than plastic.

6、纸最多,玻璃最少。金属比塑料多吗?不多,金属不如塑料多。“Fix” and “mend” mean the same thing. After I fix this car, I will give it to my little cousin, Debbie.“fix”和“mend”一个意思。当我修理小车之后,我将把它送给我的侄子 Debbie.Nobody should throw out a toy like that. Its only a little bit broken. Its not right to waste things.任何人不能扔掉像那样的玩具。它仅仅是坏了一点,浪

7、费东西是不对的。LETS DO IT! 做一做!Garbage is a big problem in the world, also in China! Discuss with your partner what we should 垃圾是世界上一个很大的问题,在中国也是这样!与你的伙伴讨论一下, pay attention to when we throw away rubbish. Try using these phrases: “In order to make less 当我们扔掉垃圾时应该注意什么? 试着用这些句子:“为了少制造垃圾,rubbish, we should _.”

8、我们应该_”重点难点详解1Almost all of it can be reused or recycled! 这里面几乎所有的东西都可以重回收再利用!(1) 语法:这是一个含有情态动词的被动语态的句子,其结构为:情态动词+ be +过去分词。否定句在情态动词后加not,疑问句情态动词要提前。Your watch can be repaired. 你的表能修。Many trees should be planted on the mountains. 应该在山上种许多树。Tables can be made of stone. 桌子可由石头做成。Must the trees be water

9、ed now? 这些树必须现在浇水吗?经典考题:认真选一选What kind of things _?A. can reuse B. can reused C. reused D. can be reused解析:句意为“什么样的东西可以被重新利用”。本题知识点为含有情态动词的被动语态的结构为:情态动词+ be +过去分词。故应用can be reused。答案:D(2) 单词:almost 意为“几乎,差不多”。He said almost nothing. 他几乎什么也没有说。帮你辨析:nearly与almostnearly和almost都是副词,且都含“几乎,差不多”的意思,当它们与动词

10、、副词、形容词或名词连用时,常可通用。Nearly可被not修饰,not nearly意为“远远不”,而almost不能被not修饰,表示“几乎不”要用hardly。而almost之后可接never,no,nothing,no one等,而nearly不能。There are not nearly enough people to do the work. 做这项工作的人远远不够。He can hardly speak English. 他几乎不会说英语。Almost no one saw her. 几乎没有人看见她。2. People throw too much away! 人们扔掉的垃圾

11、太多了!短语:too much 太多。The students were very tired after they finished too much homework.做完这些作业后,学生太疲倦了。帮你辨析:much too、 too much与too many(1) much too “太,非常”,用作副词词组,修饰形容词或副词,但不可修饰动词。My wife is much too busy to see visitors. 我的妻子太忙而不能会见来访者。The exam was much too difficult for me. 考试对我来说真是太难了。(2) too much“太

12、多”,用作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词;用作副词词组,可修饰不及物动词;用作名词词组,可作主语、表语、宾语、定语。You have given me too much. 你给我的太多了。(宾语)I drank too much beer last night. 昨晚我啤酒喝得太多了。(定语)Tom eats too much meat, so he is much too fat. 汤姆吃肉太多,所以他非常胖。She talks too much. 她话说的太多了。(状语)(3) too many也意为“太多”,常用作形容词,many是关键词,修饰可数名词复数。They built too ma

13、ny buildings last year. 去年他们建了许多楼房。He has too many things in his bag. 他包里有太多的东西。经典考题:认真选一选Dont eat _ meat, or you will get _ fat.A. too much; too much B. much too; much tooC. too much; much too D. much too; too much解析:句子意思为“不要吃太多的肉,否则你会变胖的”。Too much修饰不可数名词,much too修饰形容词或副词。Meat为不可数名词,用too much修饰,fat

14、为形容词,用much too修饰。答案:C3. There is more paper than plastic. And there is less metal than plastic. Glass is the least. Paper is the most. 纸比塑料多。金属比塑料少。玻璃最少。废纸最多。(1) 生词:more adj. a larger number or amount of 较多;更多;更大 adj. 更多的,是much和many的比较级,后接可数名词或不可数名词,其反义词为fewer或less。I have more bananas than you. 我的香蕉

15、比你的多。We need more time to do this job. 我们需要更多的时间来做这项工作。 adj.意为“另外的;附加的”。常用结构:“数词或表示数量的词(a few,some,any,a little,no等词)+more +名词”。He got two more apples. 他又得到两个苹果。I want some more water. 我还要一些水。Do you want a few more bags? 你还要一些袋子吗? adv. 放在双音节或多音节的形容词或副词前,构成比较级。I will be more careful next time. 下一次我会更小心。This book is more interesting than that one. 这本书比那本书更有趣。(2)生词:most adj. & pion. the largest in number or amount 最大;nearly all of a group of peo



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