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1、李阳口语突破单词教材感谢来自沪江论坛的JQQIAN7529朋友!Welcome v.欢迎,欣然接受We welcome you to our country.He will welcome to our suggestion.他会同意我们的意见的。Absolutely adv.绝对地,完全地;正是,当然You are absolutely right.A: Are you sure? B: Absolutely. 绝对肯定。Kims Note: Most agreement sentences can be enhanced by adding “absolutely” to show com

2、plete certainty. If you are sure of something, let others know by using “absolutely”.大部分表示同意的句子都可以加上”absolutely”来表示完全的肯定。如果你对某件事很有把握,用”absolutely”来让别人知道你的意见。Action n. 行动,行为;动作,作用All we need now is action, not discussion.Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过言辞。Challenge n. 挑战This job offers me a real

3、 challenge. 这份工作给了我真正的挑战。I like to accept any challenges.Lets work together to meet the challenge of the 21 st century.I always look for challenges in my work. 我总是期待着工作上的挑战。Balancing the budget is a real challenge. 要平衡预算真是一种挑战。Challenge v. 向挑战;质询You dont have to challenge everything I say. 你不需要质询我说的

4、每一句话He always gets in trouble for challenging his teacher. 他每次向老师提出质询都会惹上麻烦。I dont have the courage to challenge my bosss decision. 我可没勇气去质疑我老板做的决定。Challenging adj. 有挑战性的;有吸引力的Id like to accept any challenging job.I love my job because its so challenging. 我喜欢我的工作,因为它非常有挑战性。Thats really a challenging

5、 question. 那真是个有挑战性的问题。Chance n.机会;运气,偶然;希望Its the chance of lifetime. Dont miss it.She has a good chance of success.她大有成功的机会Ive been waiting for the chance to speak to her.我一直在等待和她说话的机会。I dont think we have a chance of making it on time.我认为我们没有机会准时到达。Embarrass v.使窘迫,使困惑,使困难 Making speeches in publi

6、c always embarrasses me.Are you trying to embarrass me?你是想让我难堪吗?Dont embarrass them with personal questions.不要问有关个人隐私的问题,以免他们感到难堪。The decline of sales embarrassed the company.销路下降使公司陷入财政困难。Meeting adults always embarrassed the shy children.I didnt mean to embarrass you(让你难堪). I just wanted to ask yo

7、u a question.Embarrassed adj.难堪的,不好意思的,感到为难的When he got married, Ray was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job.雷结婚时,因为怕难堪,他对妻子只字不提有关自己职业的事。I was embarrassed when she praised me.I was embarrassed by their compliment.对他们的称赞,我感到不安。She felt embarrassed (尴尬的)at the sight of her old bo

8、yfriend.Embarrassing adj.令人为难的,令人困窘的,令人尴尬的The reporter asked the president several embarrassing questions.What is you most embarrassing moment?It was very embarrassing to not have enough money to pay the bill.Embarrassment n.窘迫,为难;令人困窘、不安的事Hes an embarrassment to his family.他是家中叫人为难的人。I tried to eas

9、e her embarrassment by telling her everyone cries in public sometimes.His company never recovered form its financial embarrassment.(财政拮据)Exactly adv.正确地,精确的,严密的;正好的Do you mean I shouldnt give up my job until I find a better one?Thats exactly what I mean.Exaggerate v.夸张,夸大Dont exaggerate. Just tell m

10、e exactly what you saw.You have to exaggerate your pronunciation when practicing English. 练习英语时,要夸张你的发音。Examination n.考试;检查Well have an oral examination in English tomorrow.The matter needs further examination.Fantastic adj.极好的,美妙的,很棒的You look fantastic today.你今天看起来很棒!Shes a really fantastic girl.她是

11、个非常棒的女孩。This new restaurant is fantastic!这家新开的的饭店棒极了。Kims note: This is anther word that you can just blurt out(脱口而出) to show a positive reaction or approval. Everyone around will be shocked by your English. In fact , someone might even tell you that your English is fantastic(很棒的).graduate v.毕业于he g

12、raduated from beijing university.My son is going to graduate from high school this summer.Graduation n.毕业Some students couldnt get a job after graduation.I went to my sons graduation ceremony yesterday and I was so excited.What are you planning to do after graduation?Kims note: This is question that

13、 can be hear across campuses everywhere as graduation draws near(临近).Handle v.处理;对待;使用,操纵He is very hard to handle.他很难应付Hes good at handling this kind of problem.Laugh v.笑;嘲笑He who laughs last laughs best.A: Your English sounds very funny.你的英语听起来很滑稽。B: Stop laughing at me.We laughed and had fun at t

14、he party all night long.Dont laugh at a person in trouble.Outstanding adj.杰出的;卓越的;显著的He is an outstanding young businessman.A: What do you know about teacher Li?B: He is known as an outstanding speaker.Kims note: This is another business buzzword that will make you sound very up-to date.Plan v.计划,预定

15、,策划Were planning a trip to Guilin?A: When will you be back?B: I plan to be back this afternoon. What do you plan to do this weekend?Kims note: This is the question most frequently heard on Friday afternoon in American offices because Americans enjoy a two-day weekend!Whats your plan after graduation?Do you have any plans for tonight?Practice v.练习;实行You should practice speaking English every day.I practice during every spare moment.The more you practice, the better you speak.As a noun 实行;实践;练习;熟练


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