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1、www.HuiLanG 回澜阁教育 免费下载 天天更新2008年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛高一年级组试题(总分:150分 答题时间:120分钟)听力部分(共三大题,计30分)I. 句子理解(Sentences) (共10小题,计10分) 请听句子,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与你所听到的句子意思一致或相近的答案。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)1. A. Flora is the oldest of the three. B. Kate is younger than Flora. C. Dave is the youngest of the three. D.

2、Kate is younger than Flora but older than Dave.2. A. Dont climb these rocks without a guide. B. Be careful of these sharp rocks. C. Mind you dont fall off these rocks. D. Stay away because the rocks are unsafe.3. A. I am pleased to receive any advice. B. You should ask if you want me to help you. C.

3、 You are advised to wait here for me. D. Please help yourself if I am busy.4. 5. A. I cant run as fast as my classmates because I have been sick for two weeks. B. I have been on holiday for two weeks and I made a lot of new friends. C. I cant get along well with my classmates because I havent seen t

4、hem for two weeks. D. I have been sick for two weeks, and I missed some lessons.6. A. Ida gave Tom her apple, while Tom give her his cake. B. Tom had a piece of cake of his own and then got an apple from Ida. C. Ida gave Tom an apple instead of a piece of cake. D. Ida liked apples rather than cakes.

5、7. A. He always makes a long speech. B. He seldom makes a speech. C. He always sits down to make a speech. D. He asks others to stand up when he makes a speech.8. A. There are more women than men in our factory. B. About seventy percent of the workers in our factory are men. C. Less than sixty perce

6、nt of workers in our factory are men. D. About thirteen percent of the workers in our factory are women.9. 10. A. Lisa is welcomed by others because shes a fashionable girl. B. People dont like Lisa because she is selfish. C. People like Lisa because of her friendliness and understanding. D. Lisa is

7、 good at painting and dancing. II. 对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分) A) 请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每组对话和问题均读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)11. A. David. B. Jane. C. Alice. D. Mary.12. A. $120. B. $100. C. $90. D. $30.13. A. In the office. B. At home. C. At his friends. D. In class.14. A. He might be

8、a singer. B. He might be a teacher. C. He might be a writer. D. He might be a doctor.15. A. At 7:30. B. At 8:20. C. At 8:30. D. At 7:20. B) 请听下面一段对话,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)16. Why does the woman want to go to Southeast Asia? A. To find a new job there. B. To move her family the

9、re. C. To take some beautiful photos there. D. To spend her vacation there.17. What kind of place interests the woman? A. Somewhere with lots of people around. B. Nowhere but at home. C. Somewhere far from the sea. D. Somewhere quiet and with good weather.18. Where is Phuket? A. Next to Thailand. B.

10、 On an island near Thailand. C. In Thailand. D. Far from Thailand.19. Which one is NOT true according to the conversation? A. The man has been to Phuket before. B. The woman is not interested in the mans suggestion at all. C. Phuket is a place with great weather. D. The woman will go to Phuket for h

11、er holiday.20. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Good friends. B. Doctor and patient. C. Two strangers. D. Father and daughter.III. 短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分) 请听下面两篇短文,然后根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每篇短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)A21. Why did the woman go to the Lake District? A. She wen

12、t there to visit her friends. B. She went there on holiday. C. She went there on business. D. She lived there.22. What happened to her when she visited a church in Kendal? A. She couldnt find her way to the hotel. B. She ran into an old friend in the churchyard. C. A policeman arrested her. D. A man

13、 robbed her.23. How many things in her bag did she lose according to the passage? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.24. When did the police call the woman? A. Four days later. B. When she was at the railway station to leave. C. They didnt call the woman at all. D. After she angrily called the polic

14、e station.25. Which of the following is probably true according to the passage? A. The police there were so lazy that they didnt want to help the woman. B. The man always robbed people on the street. C. The woman thought the man who robbed her was miserable. D. The police found the man for the woman, but all her things were missi



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