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1、Unit 1 综合技能训练时间:90分钟,满分:100分.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(2014泰安高一检测)It is obvious _ she is very clever.AasBwhichCwhetherDthat答案:D句意:很明显,她挺聪明。it是形式主语,_ she is very clever是真正的主语,引导词在此只起连接作用,不作任何成分,故用that。2(2014太原高一检测)When are you planning to _ tomorrow?At six oclock.Aset offBp

2、ut offCturn offDtake off答案:A考查动词短语意义。句意:你打算明天几点启程?六点。set off“出发,动身”,符合题意。put off“推迟,拖延”;turn off“关掉,避开”;take off“拿掉,起飞,脱衣”。3(2014浙江效实中学下学期期末)Though a new analysis suggests lightning and volcanoes helped make life possible, the _ of life remains a mystery.AoriginBintelligenceCpowerDmovement答案:A句意:尽管一

3、种新的分析表明闪电和火山都有助于使生命变成可能,但生命的起源仍然是个迷。A起源;B智力;C电力,动力,权力;D运动。根据题意选A。4(2014宁波市高一期末)He is said to have written and sung the song _ his wife who died from skin cancer 2 years ago.Ain memory ofBin need ofCin honour ofDin support of答案:A句意:据说他已经为了纪念两年前列于皮肤癌的妻子写了一首歌并且唱了这首歌。本题介词短语的用法。四个选项的含义分别是:A. in memory of

4、为了纪念,B. in need of需要, C. in honour of为了对表达敬意,D. in support of支持,所以答案是A。5(2014沈阳高一检测)Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.You _ have my computer if you dont take care of it.Ashall notBmight notCneedntDshouldnt答案:A考查情态动词。句意:打扰一下,我想用你的电脑打一篇报告。如果你不好好爱护它,你就不能用。在表达许诺、警告、意图、命令、决心等,且主

5、语为第二人称时,需用情态动词shall。6He received honour and _ from the government for his contribution to agricultural production.AawardBrewardCfavourDquality答案:A考查词义辨析。句意:他因为在农业生产上作出贡献而获得政府给予的荣誉和奖励。award意为“奖,奖品”,较正式,符合题意。reward“回报,酬金”;favour“恩惠,好感”;quality“质量,品质”。7(2014宁波市高一期末)Mr Johnson _ knows the street like th

6、e palm(手掌) of his hand.AfinallyBobviouslyCapproximatelyDsimply答案:B句意:很显然,Johnson先生了解这条街就像他的掌纹一样。这里需要副词: A. finally最终地,B. obviously显然地, C. approximately 大约, D. simply简单地,所以选B。8(2014淄博市高一下学期期末)Though _ of the danger of hiking in such weather, the young men still wouldnt give up their plan. AremindingB

7、remindedCbeing remindedDhaving reminded 答案:B句意:虽然被警告在这样的天气远足是危险的,但是年轻人还是不愿意放弃他们的计划。由于remind与其逻辑主语the young men之间是被动关系,故用其过去分词形式。though reminded of .相当于状语从句though they were reminded of .。选B。9(2014宁波市高一期末) What did you say to your sister? I saw her crying in the room. It _ my fault. I just said hello

8、to her when I met her, nothing else.Amust have beenBcant have beenCoughtnt to beDshould have been答案:B句意:你对你姐姐说什么了,我看见她在房间里面哭。肯定不是我的过错,我见到她的时候只是和她打招呼,没有别的。因为是对过去事情的推测,所以用情态动词的完成式,而且这里用cant have done表示对过去的事情的否定推测,must have been 过去一定做了,should have been过去本应该做却没有做,所以选B。10The audience _ as the acrobat (杂技

9、演员) walked along the tightrope.Aheld their handsBheld their breathCheld their nosesDheld their tongues答案:B考查短语。句意:杂技演员在钢丝绳上表演时,观众们屏息观看。hold ones breath“屏息,屏气”,固定词组,符合题意。hold ones hands抓住某人的手;hold ones nose捂住鼻子;hold ones tongue保持沉默。11Weve enjoyed having you on board and look forward _ you again in th

10、e near future.Ato seeBto seeingCat seeingDon seeing答案:B考查固定结构。句意:我们很高兴能与您共度这段时光,欢迎再次乘坐我们的班机。look forward to“期望,期待,盼望”,是固定短语,to为介词,后接动词时用动名词形式。12Do you know that every man here _ you your freedom to do or say what you want?AenviesBadmiresCappreciatesDenjoys答案:AB、C、D三项均不可接双宾语,故A项正确。句意:你知道这儿的人都羡慕你想做什么就

11、做什么,想说什么就说什么的自由吗?envy意为“嫉妒,羡慕”。13She felt so lonely and unhappy. She was ready to _ and forget everything, if they could only be together again.AfrightenBfightCfailDforgive答案:D考查动词词义辨析。句意:她感到孤独、难过。只要他们能再在一起,她就原谅并忘记一切。forgive“原谅,饶恕”,符合题意。frighten“使惊吓,惊恐”;fight“打仗,对抗”;fail“失败,不及格”。14He speaks Chinese

12、fluently as if he _ a Chinese.AwereBhad beenCisDhas been答案:A考查as if中的虚拟语气。主句中的谓语动词动作和从句中的谓语动词动作同时发生,无明显的先后关系,故选A。15_ I come to London alone?Dont worry, I _ be meeting you at the airport.AMust; shallBMay; mightCShouldnt; have toDCant; can答案:A考查情态动词的用法。句意:我非得自己单独来伦敦吗?别担心,我将去机场接你的。must必须,非要;shall与第一人称连

13、用表示将来。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(2014陕西)It was Mothers Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my fiveyearold son, Tenyson. As we were _16_, we realized that only minutes earlier an _17_ woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground._18_ was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. _19_, a lot of people stopped to help out._20_ we were walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very _21_about what had happened to the elderly couple. He_


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