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1、剑桥少儿英语预备级上册知识点汇总Unit 1 Greetings!重点词汇:【认读】你好Hello! Hi! 早上好 Morning! Good morning! 猴子monkey,小狗dog,小猫cat,熊猫panda,熊bear重点句型:你好,小猴! Hello,Monkey Munchy! 你好,小狗! Hello, Dog Doffy!你好,熊猫! Hi, Panda Pandy!你好,泰迪熊! Hi, Teddy Bear!早上好,熊猫! Good morning, Panda Pandy! 早上好,小猫! Good morning, Cat Catty!早,小猴! Morning,

2、 Monkey Munchy! 早,小狗! Morning, Dog Doffy!和泰迪熊说你好! Say hello to Teddy Bear!见到你很高兴! Nice to meet you !见到你我也很高兴! Nice to meet you,too!下午好! Good afternoon!晚上好! Good evening!晚安! Good night!Unit 2 Beginning sounds重点词汇:【认读】艾米Amy, 苹果 apple, 蚂蚁ant, 胳膊arm, 香蕉banana,竹子bamboo, 熊bear, 鸟bird, 蜜蜂bee, 蛋糕cake, 猫cat,

3、 糖果candy, 小汽车 car, 凯茜Cathy重点句型:请拿一个苹果。 An apple, please.吃些蛋糕吗? Some cake?不!不! No! No!Unit 3 Dog, elephant, fish and giraffe重点词汇:【认读】鸭子duck, 狗dog, 鳗鱼eel, 门door, 大象elephant, 鸡蛋egg, 鱼fish, 青蛙frog, 爸爸father, 女孩girl, 长颈鹿giraffe, 男孩 boy重点句型:看,它是一个青蛙! Look! Its a frog! 是的,它是。 Yes, it is.欢迎! Welcome! 玩得开心!

4、Have fun!我会的。 I will.Unit 4 Find the hidden letters重点词汇:【认读】房子house, 冰淇淋ice cream, 冰 ice, 夹克衫jacket, 风筝kite, 母鸡hen, 马horse 重点句型:这是字母K。 This is the letter K.看我的风筝。 Look at my kite.Unit 5 The falling letters重点词汇:【认读】柠檬lemon, 台灯lamp, 芒果mango, 鼻子nose重点句型:这是字母L。 This is the letter L. 看!字母L。 Look! The let

5、ter L.Unit 6 Fun with letters重点词汇:【认读】桔子orange, 菠萝pineapple, 皇后queen重点句型:这是什么?What is it? 这是字母O。Its the letter Oo.Unit 7 Animal fun重点词汇:【认读】兔子rabbit, 蛇snake, 乌龟turtle重点句型:看,它们是什么? Look! What are they? 它们是兔子。 Theyre rabbits.它们正在干什么? What are they doing?它们正在做字母Rr. They are making the letter Rr.Unit 8

6、Play and score重点词汇:【认读】雨伞umbrella, 背心vest, 窗户window, 西瓜watermelon重点句型:A is for apple.B is for banana. C is for cat. D is for dog.E is for elephant. G is for giraffe. H is for horse. I is for ice cream.J is for jacket. K is for kite. L is for lemon.M is for mango.N is for nose. O is for orange.P is f

7、or pineapple. R is for rabbit.S is for snake. T is for turtle. U is for umbrella. V is for vest.W is for window.Unit 9 Write and colour the letters重点词汇:【认读】fox狐狸, yo-yo 悠悠球, zebra 斑马, brush刷子, pencil铅笔, pen钢笔, paint涂色, eraser橡皮, ruler尺子, blue蓝色, green 绿色, yellow 黄色, pink 粉色, black黑色, red 红色, white白色

8、, purple紫色, brown棕色重点句型:把它涂成蓝色的。 Colour it blue.把它涂成绿色的。 Colour it green.当然。 Of course.太棒了。 Thats great!Unit 10 Lets learn the alphabet.重点词汇: 【认读】 arm 胳膊, animal 动物, bike 自行车, book书, bus公共汽车, bird 小鸟, car小汽车, cap 帽子, cow 奶牛, duck鸭子, desk 课桌, game 游戏, find找, please请, quickly 快的,small小的,letter字母, alph

9、abet字母表,bee蜜蜂 重点句型:让我们一起来玩一个游戏吧! Lets play a game.请找到Aa. Please find Aa.这是Aa. This is Aa.这是小写字目f. This is the small letter f.赶快过来。 Come here quickly.Unit 11 Meeting new friends.重点词汇:【认读】人名:Kim Tom Nick Sam Pat Sue Bill May 其它:meet遇见,会见, friend朋友, new 新的, she她, he 他 who谁 重点句型:你好,这是李平。 Hello,this is L

10、i Ping.见到你很高兴! Glad to meet you!我叫李强! Im Li Qiang!Unit 12 What is red and what is black?重点词汇:【认读】sheep绵羊, juice 果汁, flower花, show 展示, jeep 吉普车,circle 圈, tree 树, pear 梨, hat 帽子, flag红旗, box 盒子, moon 月亮, balloon 气球, chair 椅子, pig猪, shoe 鞋, ball球, sofa 沙发, plane 飞机,mouse老鼠重点句型:什么是红色的? What is red?小汽车是红

11、色的。 The car is red.什么是黑色的? What is biack? 小猫是黑色的。 The cat is black.请给我展示一些红色的东西。 Please show me something red.这是红色的。 This is red.小鸟是红色的。鱼是红色的。 The bird is red. The fish is red.马和小汽车是红色的。 The horse and the car are red.树是绿色的。吉普车是绿色的。The tree is green. The jeep is green.青蛙和蛇是绿色的。 The frogs and the snak

12、es are green.小猫是黑色的。小狗是黑色的。The cat is black. The dog is black.房子和绵羊是黑色的。 The house and the sheep are black.Unit 13 Which and where重点词汇:【认读】playground操场, classroom 教室, kindergarten 幼儿园, zoo动物园, swimming pool 游泳池, beach沙滩, street街道, farm农场, shop商店, park公园, garden花园, bookshop书店,like喜欢,bus stop公共汽车站, bus station公共汽车站,favourite 最喜欢的, next to 紧挨着,附近, place地方, draw 画, often经常, live 居住, together 一起 重点句型:书店在哪里? Wheres the bookshop?在这里。 Its here.哪一个是学校? Which is a school?这是一所学校。 This is a school.这些事我经常去的地方。 These are the places I often go to .你要去哪里? Where are you going?我要去公园。 Im going to the park.



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