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1、1 Unit 6 Outdoor fun 默写归纳 一 单词 1 户外的 outdoo r 2 急忙 hurry 3 快点 赶快 hurry up 4 抱怨 complain 5 那样 that 6 野营 camping 7 骑自行车运动cycling 8 骑马 2 riding horse riding 9 溜冰 skating 10 骑 马 自行车等 ride 过去式 rode 11 在外面 outside 二 不规则动词的过去式 1 1 be is am was 2 be are were 3 bear 忍受 生 小孩 bore 4 beat 打 beat 5 become became

2、 6 begin began 7 blow 吹 blew 8 break broke 9 bring brought 10 build built 11 burn 燃烧 2 burnt burned 12 buy bought 13 catch caught 14 choose chose 三 词组和句子 1 户外乐趣 outdoor fun 2 一些户外活动的图片 some pictures of outdoor activities 3 赶快 否则你要迟到了 Hurry up or you ll be late 4 匆匆忙忙去某地 2 go to sp in a hurry hurry t

3、o sp 5 匆忙地做某事 2 be in a hurry to do sth do sth in a hurry 6 太重 too heaby 7 为我背 提 扛 挑 着它carry it for me 8 抱怨太多 真会抱怨 complain too much 9 向某人抱怨complain to sb 10 抱怨某事 某人 complain about of sth sb 11 包没那么重 The bag isn t that heavy 12 去野营 骑自行车 慢跑 骑马 溜冰 游泳go camping cycling jogging riding skating swimming 1

4、3 谈论你想要尝试的活动talk about the activities you would like to try 14 你想要尝试什么户外活动 What outdoor activities would you like to try 15 关于野营你喜欢什么 我喜欢在户外 在美丽的湖边和小山旁 What do you like about camping I like being outdoor near beautiful lakes and hills 7BUnit6 作业 1 翻译句子 1 他经常向我抱怨他的父母亲 2 我表姐有时帮她的一个邻居挑水 3 我认为有些户外活动很危险

5、4 上周末初一 1 班的学生去野营了 2 5 昨天早晨她没吃早饭就匆匆忙忙地去上学了 7BUnit6 默写归纳 含答案 P70 一 单词 1 兔 家兔 rabbit 2 洞 hole 3 在 旁边 靠近 by 4 经过 通过 pass 5 经过 by 6 哎呀 天哪 啊 dear 7 手表 watch 8 站起身 起立 sta nd up 9 逃脱 离开 get away 10 落下 掉落 倒 fall 过 fell 11 达到 击中 撞 hit 过 hit 12 她自己 herself 13 独自 单独 alone 14 低的 矮的 low 15 锁上的 locked 16 注意 觉察 no

6、tice 17 到 里面into 18 侧 边 side 19 穿过 通过 through 20 通过 go through 二 不规则动词过去式 2 e came 2 cost cost 3 cut cut 4 dig 挖 dug 5 do did 6 draw drew 7 dream dreamt dreame d 8 drink drank 9 drive drove 10 eat ate 11 fall fell 12 feed fed 三 词组和句子 1 兔子洞 the rabbit hole 2 阳光明媚的一天 one sunny day 3 和她姐姐坐在河边sit by a r

7、iver with her sister 4 抬头看 向上看 look up 5 她看到一只穿着外套白兔子经过She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by 6 看见 听见某人做了某事hear see sb do sth 7 上学 上班 上课迟到 be late for school work class 8 从它的口袋里取出一块手表take a watch out of its pocket 9 跟着兔子跑过田野 run across the field after the rabbit 10 跳进了一个大大的洞里 jump down into a b

8、ig hole 11 让兔子逃脱 let the rabbit get away 12 掉落很长时间fall for a long time 13 撞到地上 hit the ground 14 她发现独自一人在又长又低矮的大厅里 She found herself alone in a long low hall 15 他们都是锁着的 They were all locked 16 它不适合任何一扇门 It did not fit any of the doors 17 注意某人正在做某事notice sb doing sth 18 注意某人做了某事 notice sb do sth 19 在

9、另一边on the other side 20 尽力穿过门try to go through the door 3 7BUnit6 作业 2 翻译句子 1 你刚才有没有看见一个穿连衣裙的女孩经过 2 没有人想让那个贼逃脱 贼 thief 3 她醒来的时候发现自己一个人在家里 4 妈妈经常叫我不要跑步过马路 5 那个老人看起来很担心因为他的女儿掉进了河里 7BUnit6 默写归纳 含答案 P70 72 一 单词 使惊奇 使措手不及 surprise 二 不规则动词过去式 3 1 feel felt 2 fight 打架 fought 3 find found 4 fly flew 5 forge

10、t forgot 6 get got 7 give gave 8 go went 9 grow grew 10 hang 悬挂 hung 11 have had 12 hear heard 13 hide 藏 躲 hid 三 词组和句子 1 花了她很长时间才撞到洞的地面上 It took her a long time to hit the ground in the hole 2 在洞里和兔子谈话talk to with the rabbit in the hole 3 这只奇怪的兔子使Alice很吃惊 The strange rabbit surprised Alice 4 吃惊地做某事

11、be surprised to do sth 5 Alice看见那只奇怪的兔子很奇怪 Alice was surprised to see the strange rabbit 6 令某人吃惊的是 to one s surprise 7 Alice用钥匙打开了一扇门 2 Alice opened a small door with the key Alice used the key to open a small door 8 这个故事是关于什么的 What s the story about 9 接下来发生了什么 What happened next 10 某人发生某事happen to

12、sb 11 兔子和 Alice都跳进了一个洞 The rabbit and Alice both jumped into a hole 12 在那过后 after that 13 这个老人一个人住 但是他从不感到孤单 14 The old man lives alone but he never feels lonely 15 多么令人惊奇呀 How amazing 16 把 从 拿出来 took out of 17 看见 听见某人正在做某事hear see sb doing sth 18 追赶 run after 19 昨天天气如何 多云的 What was the weather like

13、 yesterday It was cloudy 20 从自行车上摔下来 2 fall off the bike fall down from the bike 21 两者都 both and 22 兔子看了什么事 What did the rabbit do 7BUnit6 作业 3 翻译句子 1 他用他的零花钱买了十几本书 2 4 2 穿过那扇门花了她半个小时 3 看见那只兔子从口袋里拿出一块手表她很惊讶 4 前天你叔叔发生了什么事 一辆小汽车撞了他 5 你昨天晚上注意到他在大厅里哭吗 7BUnit6 默写归纳 含答案 P73 74 一 单词 搭 竖立 put up 帐篷 tent 二 不

14、规则动词过去式 4 1 hold held 2 hurt 使 头 痛 受 伤 hurt 3 keep kept 4 know knew 5 lay 产卵 下蛋 laid 6 lead 引领 通往 led 7 learn 2 learnt lea rned 8 leave left 9 lend lent 10 lie 躺 lay 11 light 点 火 2 lit lighted 12 lose 失去 lost 13 make made 14 mean meant 15 meet met 三 词组和句子 1 昨天他在家 He was at home yesterday 一般疑问句 Was h

15、e at home yesterday 两种回答 Yes he was No he wasn t 否定句 He wasn t at home yesterday 提问 Where was he yesterday 2 他们刚才很开心 They were very happy just now 一般疑问句 Were they very happy just now 两种回答 Yes they were No they weren t 否定句 They weren t very happy just now 提问 When were they very happy 3 昨天晚上 她听到了一声奇怪的

16、声音 She heard a strange sound last night 一般疑问句 Did she hear a strange sound last night 两种回答 Yes she did No she didn t 否定句 She didn t hear a strange sound last night 提问 What did she hear last night 4 常用的一般过去时的时间状语 1 三天 两年前three days two years ago 2 刚才 just now 3 昨天 yesterday 4 前天 the day before yesterday 5 昨天上午 下午yesterday morning afternoon 6 昨天晚上 2 yesterday evening last night 7 上 星 期 周 末 月 去 年last week weekend m onth year 8 在过去 in the past 5 练习做某事practise doing sth 6 练习打排球practise playing volley


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