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1、双语散文:新年该做的几件事December 31 by Lana Winter-Hbert in Productivity from Lifehack原文链接:http:/www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/a-few-things-to-do-for-new-year.htmlCleaning out your closet. Defragging your hard drive. Updating your resume.整理橱柜;清理硬盘碎片;更新个人简历。What do all of these have in common? Theyre n

2、agging little jobs on most of our “to-do” lists that we keep putting off because theyre tedious and boring. They keep getting pushed to the back of the queue, gathering dust and being neglected until were forced to take care of them for one reason or another, at which point we end up stressed, panic

3、ky, and resentful.这些事情的共同点是什么?这些都是我们待办事项清单上,被我们我一再拖延的恼人小事,只是因为它们既单调又无聊。它们总是不断的被排到清单末尾。我们忽视它们的存在,从不把它们放在心上。直到有一天,我们因为这样或那样的原因不得不处理它们的时候,我们已经是处于充满压力、惶恐不安、烦躁易怒的状态了。Fortunately, theres no time like the present to finally get around to doing these tasks, and having them all over and done with for the New

4、 Year and allow yourself to start the next year with a clean slate, with no daunting obligations left to hang over your head. Below are a few suggestions about some of the tasks you might like to tackle, if you have time to do so:幸运的是,没有比现在这个时间更适合最终处理这些任务了。在新年期间把它们全部清理解决,使得你在新的一年里处于一个崭新的状态,远离那些令人气馁的

5、拖延债务。以下就是一些关于如何处理新年任务的建议。如果你有时间,就请这样做吧。1. Clean out your email1.清理邮件Most of us have a plethora of unread emails lounging around in our in-boxes, as well as old drafts, spam, and various other sundries tucked into different folders. Instead of just vegging out in front of the TV after supper, conside

6、r putting on some music and sifting through your folders to clear them out. Doing this for 20 minutes/night for just a few evenings will tidy things up nicely. You may need to know how to use Gmail search to clean up your Email archive. Oh, and while youre at it大多数的人都有太多的未读邮件散落在收件箱、草稿箱、垃圾邮件里,或者是藏在其它

7、不同的文件夹中。与其在晚饭后看电视打发时间,不如考虑下放点音乐,筛选下你的文件夹,将它们清理干净。只需要有那么几个晚上花上 20分钟的时间就可以将它们整理有序。2. Review and update your address book2.回顾并更新你的通信录Do you really need to hold onto the email addresses belonging to people you worked with in 2003? Take a few minutes to sort through your address book and cull those that

8、you havent communicated with, along with old addresses that your friends/family dont use anymore. (See how to use Google Contacts as a Unified Address Book)你真的还有必要保留那些在 2003年一起工作的人的邮箱地址吗?花几分钟时间给你的通讯录进行分类排序,挑出那些你已经不再联系或者是你的亲戚朋友不再使用的的地址。3. Clean your computer (inside and out) and tidy up your workstat

9、ion3.彻底的清理你的电脑,并且整理你的工作站While youre tidying up all those files, consider using this opportunity as a chance to clean up your desk (and your computer itself). If you have a CPU tower, take it apart so you can vacuum out all the dust and pet hair that might have accumulated in there. Toss away any tak

10、e-out containers or empty energy drink cans around your desk, give everything a solid once-over with some spray cleaner (just not your monitor: clean that thing properly), and be sure to clean your keyboard toothose things get nasty.在你整理所有文件的同时,也应该把它当做是一个清理你桌面的机会。如果你有塔式的中央处理器,那么最好把它拆开,用吸尘器吸净里面沉积的灰尘和

11、动物毛发。把你办公桌上那些空盒子和饮料罐通通扔掉。给所用东西都喷上一次性的清洁喷雾(除了你的显示器,用适当的方法清洁它)。别忘了清理你的键盘。通常情况下键盘都是最脏的。4. File and organize papers, bills, statements, and receipts4.分类整理文件、账单、结算单和收据Keeping these in order can come in handy, especially since tax season is just around the corner. Try to organize them so your receipts and

12、 statements are together, with outstanding bills and invoices in another section.应该把这些迟早都用得到的东西整理地井然有序,尤其是马上有要到交税的时候了。试着把你的结算单和收据放在一起,把尚未支付的账单和发票单独放置。While youre at it, consider making a couple of last-minute charitable donations to adjust your tax deductions, if youre into that sort of thing.在你整理的时

13、候,不妨考虑下在慈善捐款截止前捐出部分善款,从而可以减少你的部分税款,何乐而不为呢?5. Update your personal budget, resume and bio5.更新你的收支预算和个人简历As you go through your papers, take note of your spending habits over the last year. Have you gone overboard with spending? Been too frugal? Compare your habits to your bank account, and then consi

14、der re-adjusting your personal budget to even things out a bit.在你检查文件的时候,请记录下你去年的花销习惯。你有没有挥金如土?是否过于节减?把你的消费习惯和银行往来账进行比对,然后重新考虑调整一下个人的支出预算,使得收支更加均衡。On that same note, if you find that youve struggled to make ends meet or that youre not being paid what youre worth, it might be time to update your resu

15、me and look for a new job. If instead youre perfectly happy with where you are, but youve had some major life changes (moved to a new city/country, earned a degree, got married, etc.) then you might want to update your bio on various networking sites.基于同一个记录的考量,如果你发现自己很难使得收支相抵或者你觉得 自己没有得到应有的酬劳,那么到了更

16、新自己履历,重新找份新工作的时候了。如果与此相反地你对自己的职位感到十分满意,但是在过去的一年中你的生活发生了许多重大改变(例如搬家到新的城市/国家,获得了学位,结婚了,等等),那么你应该更新各种社交网站上的个人简历。6. Reduce clutter, and give things away6.减少杂物,赠与他人You would not believe how much stuff can accumulate in cupboards and closets, particularly in the bathroom. Set aside an hour or so to sort through everything under the sink to see just how many unused soaps, creams, razors, and other sundries youve collected, and then decide whether youre actually going


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