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1、4 6 2020 Lesson111Themostexpensivemodel Keywords expressions modeln 型号 式样affordv 付得起 钱 depositn 预付定金instalmentn 分期付款pricen 价格millionairen 百万富翁 4 6 2020 model m d l n 1 型号 样式 Thisphonemachineisthelatestmodel 这部手机是最新型的2 模型modelplane飞机模型注意 把model放在名词前面3 模特儿afashionmodel时装模特 4 6 2020 afford f d v 1 付不起

2、钱 买不起can taffordsth todosth 通常用于否定句 Wecan tafford tobuy anewcar 我们买不起一辆新车有足够的 金钱 时间 做 Ican taffordthetime 我抽不出时间 4 6 2020 deposit di p zit n 1 预付定金 押金 保证金 通常以单数的形式表示 Makeadepositof500yuanonanewcamera 为买新的照相机付500块的定金 2 存款定期存款afixeddeposit活期存款acurrentdeposit提取存款drawoutone sdepositv 3 把 钱 存起来depositmon

3、eyinabank把钱存入银行 4 6 2020 instalment in st lm nt n 1 分期付款 分期摊付的钱以分期付款的方式in by oninstalmentHepaidforthecaroninstalment 他以分期付款的方式买那辆车 4 6 2020 price prais n 1 价格 prices表示物价的意思Thepricesofvegetablesaregoingup 蔬菜的价格正在上涨 themarketprice市价 市场价格表示price价格的高 低时 用形容词high low Thepricesofwatchesareverylowatthatsto

4、re 那家店的手表很便宜 询问价钱时 price与what连用 Whatisthepriceofthiswatch 这手表多少钱 Howmuchisthewatch 4 6 2020 millionaire milj n n 百万富翁millionairess女百万富翁亿万富翁billionair 贫民窟的百万富翁 SlumdogMillionaire 4 6 2020 Listentothetape andthenanswerethequestions 1 CanMr Frithbuythetelevisiononinstalments 2Howdoesitwork 4 6 2020 MR

5、FRITH Ilikethistelevisionverymuch Howmuchdoesitcost ASSISTANT It sthemostexpensivemodelintheshop Itcostsfivehundredpounds MRS FRITH That stooexpensiveforus Wecan taffordallthatmoney ASSISTANT Thismodel slessexpensivethanthatone It sonlythreehundredpounds But ofcourse it snotasgoodastheexpensiveone M

6、R FRITH Idon tlikethismodel Theothermodel smoreexpensive butit sworththemoney MR FRITH Canwebuyitoninstalments 4 6 2020 Languagepoints 1 Howmuchdoesitcost Cost表示花费时间 金钱 主语一般是物Thisbookcostme10yuan 这本书我花了10美元 Spend花时间 金钱 主语一般是人Spend money onsth 在 方面花钱Shespentmuchmoneyontheclothes 她花很多钱在衣服上 Spend time

7、indoingsth花时间做某事Ispentalotoftimeinreading 我花很多时间读书 Howmuch可以用来询问不可数名词的数量 也可以用来询问价格 Howmuchmilkisinthecup 杯子里还有多少牛奶 4 6 2020 2 It sthemostexpensivemodelintheshop Itcostsfivehundredpounds expensive形容词 昂贵的 多音节词 比较级和最高级要用more和mostfivehundredpoundshundred有具体数字在前面 不用复数pounds复数形式 more lessexpensivethemost

8、leastexpensive twohundredstudentshundredsofstudents 4 6 2020 4 That stooexpensiveforus Wecan taffordallthatmoney afford 动词 付得起 一般用于否定句和疑问句中 can tafford负担不起Hecan taffordsomuchmoneyforahouse 他负担不起买这座房子的这么多钱 Canyouaffordacar 你买得起一辆轿车吗 tobuy 4 6 2020 5 But ofcourse it snotasgoodastheexpensiveone asgooda

9、s和 一样好as as 和 一样YourbrotherisastallasIam 你的哥哥和我一样高 Notas as不如 怎么样这辆车没有那辆车新 Thiscarisnotasnewasthatone 4 6 2020 Languagepoints 6 Theothermodel smoreexpensive butit sworththemoney theother是指两者中的另外一个Ihavetwosisters oneistall theotherisshort 我有两个姐姐 一个高 一个矮 beworth值 钱Thisbookisworth50yuan 这本书值50元 It swor

10、ththemoney 它值这么多钱 4 6 2020 Languagepoints 7 Canwebuyitoninstalments buy oninstalments以分期付款的方式购买你为什么不以分期付款的方式购买这座房子呢 Whydon tyoubuythishouseoninstalments 4 6 2020 ASSISTANT Ofcourse Youcanpayadepositofthirtypounds andthenfourteenpoundsamonthforthreeyears MR FRITH Doyoulikeit dear MRS FRITH Icertainly

11、do butIdon tliketheprice Youalwayswantthebest butwecan taffordit Sometimesyouthinkyou reamillionaire MR FRITH Millionlairesdon tbuythingsoninstalments 4 6 2020 8 Youcanpayadepositofthirtypounds andthenfourteenpoundsamonthforthreeyears payadepositof付 的定金Youneedtopayadepositofthreepoundsforthiscar 你要先

12、付300英镑的定金来买这辆车 钱数前面用of 买什么东西用forfourteenpounds前面省略了一个动词payforthreeyears分期付款 3年付清 4 6 2020 Grammar 形容词与副词都有三个等级 原级 比较级 最高级 原级比较 as asBillisasfatasTom Bill和Tom一样胖 Herunsasfastasyou 他和你跑得一样快 在as as中间使用的形容词和副词一定要用原级 否定用notas as 4 6 2020 ZhouJielunisastallasLinZhilin 4 6 2020 IsShenChunyangastallasXiaoSh

13、enyang No sheisn t ShenChunyangisnotastallasXiaoShenyang 4 6 2020 Thisgreenappleisassweetastheredone 4 6 2020 Isthefruitcakelessdeliciousthanthechocolateone No itisn t It smoredelicious It sthemostdeliciouscakeIhaveevereaten 4 6 2020 IsLiMeiqimorebeautifulthanZhaoYazhi No sheisn t ZhaoYazhiisthemost

14、beautifulactessthatI veeverseen 4 6 2020 Arethesesweetsassweetasthoseones No theyaren t Thesesweetsarenotassweetasthoseones 4 6 2020 MR FRITH Ilikethistelevisionverymuch Howmuchdoesitcost ASSISTANT It sthemostexpensivemodelintheshop Itcostsfivehundredpounds MRS FRITH That stooexpensiveforus Wecan ta

15、ffordallthatmoney ASSISTANT Thismodel slessexpensivethanthatone It sonlythreehundredpounds But ofcourse it snotasgoodastheexpensiveone MR FRITH Idon tlikethismodel Theothermodel smoreexpensive butit sworththemoney MR FRITH Canwebuyitoninstalments 4 6 2020 ASSISTANT Ofcourse Youcanpayadepositofthirty

16、pounds andthenfourteenpoundsamonthforthreeyears MR FRITH Doyoulikeit dear MRS FRITH Icertainlydo butIdon tliketheprice Youalwayswantthebest butwecan taffordit Sometimesyouthinkyou reamillionaire MR FRITH Millionlairesdon tbuythingsoninstalments Exercises 1 Ofallthestudentsinourclass sheis A mostcarefulB carefulC morecarefulD themostcareful2 Thesnowstormwhichhitthisarealastnightwas inrecentyears A heavyB heavierC heaviestD theheaviest3 Someofthedoctorsarepaidalmosttwiceas asthenurses A muchB many



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