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1、完形填空基础题(四)及答案第一篇Kunming is the capital of Yunnan. Its a city with a long history. Though the weather in Yunnan changes from place to place, Kunming _1_ her beautiful weather. Its neither too hot in summer not too cold in winter. Thats why _2_ people like to travel and even to live there. You can see

2、 that great _3_ have taken place there. A lot of tall buildings, cinemas and hospital _4_. You can cross the streets _5_ footbridges(人行桥) in the city. You can buy whatever you want in shops and supermarkets in or around the city. Peoples lives are becoming _6_.At weekends or on holidays, people like

3、 to relax themselves in different places and in different ways. In winter, people, especially old people, would like _7_ the Western Hill. From the top of the hill, you can have a good _8_ the beautiful scenery of Kunming. Far away from the hill, you can enjoy the Sleeping Beauty(睡美人) among the hill

4、s. After supper, families take a walk along the bank of Dianchi Lake. The Golden Temple and EXPO Garden are two famous places of interest in the north of the city. You can spend a whole day _9_ the world-famous garden. A little further away from the southeast of the city, a special forest welcomes y

5、ou. It is not a tree forest, but a stone forest. So it is called Stone Forest.People in Kunming are really _10_ . They often invite their friends home to try delicious food, like rice noodles. If you want to know more about Kunming and taste the food there, please pay a visit to Kunming!( )1. A. is

6、famous at B. is famous for C. is famous ofD. is famous to( )2. A. so many B. so much C. a few D. a little ( )3. A. chances B. changes C. chance D. change ( )4. A. has put up B. have put up C. has been put up D. have been put up ( )5. A. on B. over C. aboveD. in ( )6. A. good and good B. better and b

7、etter C. bad and badD. worse and worse ( )7. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed( )8. A. look B. look at C. see D. watch ( )9. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. to visit ( )10. A. friend B. friendshipC. friendly D. friendless参考答案15 BABDB(crossover穿过) 610 BBBCC 第二篇2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案记叙文Dear s

8、tudents,My name is Mary. I am _ African (非洲的) girl. I live in a small village (村庄) in Kenya. It is _ Africa. The weather here is very _ and dry. There are many trees, flowers and animals here. I have a dog and a cat. I like toys, _ I dont have one. We dont have a classroom in my school. We have our

9、_ under a big tree. Sometimes we do sports. Many boys like _ or playing soccer. Whats your favorite _? We dont have computers. Do you have computers? After school I _ my mother look after(照顾) my sisters and brothers. What do you usually do after school? Do you want to _ my pen pal? Can you write to

10、_ soon?Love,Mary【小题1】AaBanCtheD/【小题2】AonBnextCinDacross【小题3】AcoldBsnowingCrainingDhot【小题4】AbutBandCifDthen【小题5】AlettersBjobsCvacationsDclasses【小题6】AswimBswimsCswimmingDis swimming【小题7】AsubjectBsportCmovieDweather【小题8】AhelpBloveCtalkDplay【小题9】AamBisCareDbe【小题10】AIBmeCmyDus第三篇【2012黔西南】完形填空。从A,B,C,D中选出

11、一个最佳答案,使短文的意思完整(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Man has invented four kinds of satellites (卫星). The first kind of satellite studies the 31 of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they may 32 oil or gold. The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship o

12、r a plane can 33 a message to the satellite, and the satellite can find out 34 the ship or the plane is.The third kind studies the weather. These satellites 35 clouds and strong winds moving across the earth. They warn countries to make preparations (准备) when very 36 weather is coming. 37 kind is us

13、ed for communication. Telephone calls 38 countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time. The call is sent to the satellite, then the 39 sends it to a station in the country and this country is being phoned. These satellites also carry pictures; they can

14、receive and send about eight 40 at a time. ()31. A. biologyB. history C. physicsD. geography()32. A. study B. findC. carryD. choose()33. A. writeB. sendC. take D. bring()34. A. whereB. which C. whatD. that()35. A. searchB. watchC. noticeD. see()36. A. sunnyB. coolC. fine D. bad()37. A. The lastB. An

15、otherC. One D. Any other()38. A. duringB. alongC. betweenD. of()39. A. TVB. telegraphC. telephoneD. satellite()40. A. playsB. programs C. filmsD. object【答案】31. D. 从绘制地图“to make maps”可知,第一种卫星是用来研究地理的。32. B. 卫星帮助“找”油或金子。33. B. 轮船或飞机将信息“发送”到卫星上。34. A. 卫星能找出轮船或飞机在什位置(宾语从句)。35. B. 第三种卫星是用来“监视”地球的天气状况。36. D. 表示“不好的天气”。37. A. 从上文可知是“最后一种卫星”。38. C. “国家之间”的通话信息通过卫星。39. D


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