人教(PEP)五年级下册英语Unit6 Work quietly PartA (共14张PPT)

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《人教(PEP)五年级下册英语Unit6 Work quietly PartA (共14张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教(PEP)五年级下册英语Unit6 Work quietly PartA (共14张PPT)(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、pep五年级下册unit6Workquietly partA 回顾练习 吃早饭做运动做早操吃晚饭打扫我的房间散步购物上舞蹈课 eatbreakfast playsports domorningexercises eatdinner cleanmyroom goforawalk goshopping takeadancingclass It s6 00a m doingmorningexercises Sheis WhereisChenJie Sheisdoingmorningexercisesin on at intheplaygroundintheparkinthelivingroomath

2、ome It s9 00a m havingEnglishclass Theyare Theyarehaving mathsChinesescienceP E musicart class It s11 30a m eatinglunch Sheis It s4 00p m readingabook Sheis It s7 30p m listeningtomusic Sheis It s7 30p m What sChenJiedoing She slisteningtomusic It s9o clock whatarethestudentsdoing 我会写 1 上英语课2 做早操3 吃

3、午饭4 读书5 听音乐6 陈洁正在干什么 她正在读书 随堂练习 选择合适的单词完成句子1 What Whose sportcanRobindo swimmingorrunning 2 Istheboy crying cries 3 Thatlittleboyis reads reading intheroom 4 CanJohn play plays ping pong 5 My Mine dictionaryisnewand her his isold 连词成句 1 What s doing your mother now 2 Is the playing his monkey with friend 3 They a having science are class 4 We are in the listening to music music room 学如逆水行舟不进则退 共勉之


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